Military Minded

Let me be straight to the point. I don't ask people for help. I like to do things on my own never saw a need for group support. However I think I need to change my ways but don't know where to start or how to ask for help. Any advice on workout routines that are low to no impact would be appreciated or even a "Moto" chat to keep me going. Thank you all


  • b_h_bloomer
    b_h_bloomer Posts: 10 Member
    What are your goals? Are you wanting to lose weight? Build bigger muscle mass? Increase endurance?

    Your workouts will differ depending on your goals, but as a basic catch-all workout, I would start with using the eliptical for cardio, and mat/floor exercises for muscle building and conditioning. There are several high-intensity yet low-impact workouts you can do on the floor of your own living room; things like mountain climbers, crawl-outs, burpies etc. are very good about incorporating a lot of muscle groups and really requiring you to exert some effort, yet they won't take a toll on your joints like sprints will. I'd suggest you hit up youtube and check out some 20-30 minute floor exercise routines.
  • PhatShinobi
    PhatShinobi Posts: 7 Member
    I want to do the eliptical but can't afford the gym or one of my own. I am waiting for the VA to help me with a physical therapist to help over an injury. I want to do cardio most of all to reduce my weight and build endurance. I also want to tone the muscle not accumulate to much mass. My goal is to get back into shape, get help with this issue and re-enlist.(If Possible) However, I started walking again through the pain and now that the pool is open I swim. Started all this within this week. I am starting my squats and lunges next week along with situps and pushups. Trying to stay away from high impact as much as possible right now and build up to it.
  • PhatShinobi
    PhatShinobi Posts: 7 Member
    By the way, thank you for your help! This website is better than I thought it would be, alot of people helping to keep me motivated. Semper Fi
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    What about a rowing machine? They come a little cheaper than elliptical trainers and work almost as many muscle groups as running (or so I've heard)
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    You can't go wrong working on your core. Leg lifts, scissor kicks, crunches, sit ups, push ups, planks, etc.

    You can accomplish everything you want, just put in the work. :)