5 foods you should never eat?

I keep seeing the ad. but I don't want to get sucked into some video ad that after watching you still have to buy a book or something to find out. I'm sure it's probably bunk- but, can anyone tell me what these five foods supposedly are? Also, how does everyone feel about splenda? I only use 2-3 packets a day in my coffee.


  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    My motto is everything in moderation. I use splenda too but stevia is way better for you so when im done with my current supply I am switching over.
  • Super323
    Super323 Posts: 9
    I stopped using splenda.. Now I use agave syrup..it's much better and healthy cause it's natural and doesn't have calories either. :)
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    those ads are stupid, not reasonable, unreliable, etc... eat healthy, whole foods,with the occasional "bad" food, to keep yoru sanity (if you want).. and you will be fine
    a lot of people on here are fine with splenda.. i personally am not, i use stevia which is all natural and it comes from a plant.. tastes the same to me!
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I've been using a ton of Splenda recently - it's the only sweetener I like the taste of - then a few days ago I switched to stevia. Because it's apparently all natural, and I'm trying to "cleanse" and eat clean and not do anything artificial. And I like it just fine. Got some in my iced tea now, and had some on my grapefruit this morning. I got the "Stevia in the Raw" packets.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    if it's "food" in that it came naturally in the form you're going to be eating it then I eat it... I believe bananas are often mentioned on such lists because of their "higher" sugar compared to other fruits. But if it fits in your macros and it means you eat that rather than a chocolate bar or some other processed food with nutrition in natural form stripped off and then added back (see "enriched white flour") ...
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I stopped using splenda.. Now I use agave syrup..it's much better and healthy cause it's natural and doesn't have calories either. :)

    What brand do you use which does not have any calories?
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    You are correct in your thinking that the video will suck you in to buy a book, video, etc. There is really no food that cannot be eaten, as long as it's all in moderation. These side bars are advertisements, based on your interests tracked on your computer. I use splenda, but not that much of it - maybe a few packs a week. I do agree that the stevia or agave syrup is probably more healthy.
  • RoanneRed
    RoanneRed Posts: 429 Member
    I stopped using splenda.. Now I use agave syrup..it's much better and healthy cause it's natural and doesn't have calories either. :)

    What brand do you use which does not have any calories?
    It's my understanding that Agave Syrup has about 2/3 the calories of sugar and the major benefit is that it has a lower Glycaemic Index rating.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I stopped using splenda.. Now I use agave syrup..it's much better and healthy cause it's natural and doesn't have calories either. :)

    What kind of agave do you use that doesn't have calories? I've never seen anything like this! All the kinds I've seen are pretty comparable to sugar.
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    LOL!! I was just wondering the same thing!!! I put up a similar post, because I DID click on it, and watched a (I will say fairly informative) video, and yes, they want you to buy a membership for $47. It sounds good - but nothing really new at all. The banana on the add has always thrown me, but they don't mention bananas!!! LOL!

    The five "healthy" foods to avoid like the plague are:
    -Orange Juice
    -Artificial Sweeteners
    -Soy Milk
    -Fake butter
    -Whole wheat bread

    Really nothing new. They talk about eating clean - no processed foods. They emphasize the QUALITY of food over the quantity.

    Hope that helps!!!!!!

    Anyone out there who has paid the $ - was it worth it???
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    I stopped using splenda.. Now I use agave syrup..it's much better and healthy cause it's natural and doesn't have calories either. :)

    What brand do you use which does not have any calories?
    It's my understanding that Agave Syrup has about 2/3 the calories of sugar and the major benefit is that it has a lower Glycaemic Index rating.

    ^^ this..at least mine does
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    I think that our progress toward health and fitness must be done incrementally. We're never going to be successful if we wolf down pizza, cookies and candy by the truck-full one day then try and change to carrot-sticks and wheat grass the next. For example, Splenda may not be the healthiest choice but right now, we're focusing on reducing our calories to get thin and fit. Or, as someone mentioned earlier - eating a banana is a FAR better choice than a slice of chocolate cake. It's truly all making increasingly BETTER choices each day.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Google agave syrup fraud. It's not better for you.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    LOL!! I was just wondering the same thing!!! I put up a similar post, because I DID click on it, and watched a (I will say fairly informative) video, and yes, they want you to buy a membership for $47. It sounds good - but nothing really new at all. The banana on the add has always thrown me, but they don't mention bananas!!! LOL!

    The five "healthy" foods to avoid like the plague are:
    -Orange Juice
    -Artificial Sweeteners
    -Soy Milk
    -Fake butter
    -Whole wheat bread

    Really nothing new. They talk about eating clean - no processed foods. They emphasize the QUALITY of food over the quantity.

    Hope that helps!!!!!!

    Anyone out there who has paid the $ - was it worth it???

    Yep, you beat me to it. I get emails about this stuff all the time. High Fructose Corn Syrup is one touted by another list maker out there, just use common sense. There are teasers like You should never eat these healthy breakfast foods, you click on it and it's mainly a hit on all the sugar in so called healthy cereals. Read food labels everyone and save your dollars to buy healthier foods.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    My motto is everything in moderation.

  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I think that our progress toward health and fitness must be done incrementally. We're never going to be successful if we wolf down pizza, cookies and candy by the truck-full one day then try and change to carrot-sticks and wheat grass the next. For example, Splenda may not be the healthiest choice but right now, we're focusing on reducing our calories to get thin and fit. Or, as someone mentioned earlier - eating a banana is a FAR better choice than a slice of chocolate cake. It's all making BETTER choices each day.

    Well said. One little step at a time. No need to try and make it extra hard on ourselves by changing everything at once.
  • jaspernuriah
    never did find that out - bought the on-line book for $37 and it truly was not worth it. advertised as an anorexic diet also - but with eating only healthy foods - organic preferably. oh well - glad i found myfitnesspal!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I stopped using splenda.. Now I use agave syrup..it's much better and healthy cause it's natural and doesn't have calories either. :)

    What brand do you use which does not have any calories?
    It's my understanding that Agave Syrup has about 2/3 the calories of sugar and the major benefit is that it has a lower Glycaemic Index rating.
    Agave and honey and sugar all have the same calories per serving.

    I use honey or real sugar on the rare occassion I need to sweeten something (tea or hot cereal, usually). I use chocolate peanut butter in my fruit smoothies. I can't stand the taste of any of the subs. My opinion is if you're not sweetening a lot of things, the calories are negligible and fit perfectly fine into a day's worth of food. I don't think it's ever been proven that the fake stuff is harmful, but I prefer not to take the chance.
  • katiedidd66
    Oh my gosh, yesterday I sat through this video only to discover at the end that you could order some books for $47, I actually considered it to the point that I had entered in most of my payment information before my common sense kicked in and I declined to purchase it. A few minutes later a totally different add popped up promising results for a flatter tummy, yes I was naive enough to click on it. I couldn't believe it, same voices (different names), same pictures, same charts, same promises, at the end.....same price. In my head I could hear my mother saying "if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is).
  • Taramotto
    Taramotto Posts: 17
    Thank you Openheaven for posting those five. Yes it does seem like a load of crap, but jeeze, what's wrong with whole wheat bread? Honestly, in the 10 days I have been on here I haven't had any bread, but even before I tried this I always tried to eat whole grain bread.