It's really hard when you have no support on losing weight. Just had my third kid and never really anytime to seriously work out.. I can work out like 5-10mins and thats all so I been watching my calories but that isnt helping.. I NEED FRIENDS WHO ARE TRYIN TO LOSE WEIGHT AS WELL..


  • ocrere
    ocrere Posts: 62 Member
    Lets do it girlie.....
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hey sweetie my family and friends don't really give me much support saying I am being selfish because I'm looking after myself?

    But I will add you if you like (: xo
  • TLyons0502
    TLyons0502 Posts: 1 Member
    edit, wrong account.
  • johnderrilll
    I am new here. I could use some new friends. Feel free to add me.
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    No support?! BS. I'm here for you, kid. We'll be pals.
  • kellyhass
    kellyhass Posts: 19 Member
    You have support with me....I got your back......let me know how I can help:)
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    ^~~~~ edit wrong account:

    I am sorry you have no support!! You can add me and I will help motivate as much as I can. ALso there are a lot of people on here they are very motivating to add!!! Teamflatbelly is one!
  • Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel
    Way_2_a_Healthy_Mel Posts: 175 Member
    MFP has a search feature, and you can find people close to you by zip code. Maybe you can meet some people in your area that can work out with you...maybe go walking or to the park with you and your children. It would be worth a shot.
  • Rynoman2k3
    Rynoman2k3 Posts: 152 Member
    Do it for you and no one else. Tell the nay sayers to kiss your *kitten*!
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    Let's tear it up girly!
    Add me if youd like! :bigsmile:
  • alortega730
    alortega730 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey i'm on the same page. Maybe we can help each other.
  • mjvasko
    mjvasko Posts: 37
    Let's do it.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    You can add me! :)
    My husband is one of those that can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain... It's so frustrating when I'm trying so hard, I know exactly how you feel!
  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    I've been here less than a wk & am finding some great support. It's never easy going it alone w/o people who understand & can be supportive. I'm here for u if you'd like :)