FRUSTRATED... need some guidance

I am super frustrated! One entire month of eating less than 1600 calories per day, working out six days a week and I have lost ONE pound! I am about to eat an entire pizza and drink a six pack, I am so depressed.

It is not muscle gain either, my pants that I was able to wear six months ago, still do not fit me. This all started six months ago; I went from being able to eat whatever I wanted and having my weight fluctuate between 110 to 115, which was fine by me, to gaining ten pounds! Six months ago, I started gaining weight. I am the heaviest I have ever been. Sitting on 121 pounds right now. I feel "big", my clothes do not fit and I have muffin top and saddle bags. What in the world is going on?????


  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Have you been logging your food? It would help to see what your eating..What kind of workouts are you doing?
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Do you eat back your exercise calories? If not your weightloss can indeed stall.
  • Miss_Stefanie
    Yes, I log my food. I log everything, from Whey sweetener I put in my tea, to the handful of almonds that I eat between meals. I was a vegetarian for years, so eating protein is hard for me, I am still a bit weird about eating meat... I am eating more carbs, about 50% of my diet is carbs, but I am not carb counting, I decided for long term success, it seems that calorie counting is better... I just don't get why the change? I am 38 years old, work three jobs and go to grad school. I am active in my jobs (RN in a busy trauma center/ER). I suppose I am a pouting a bit, I was so happy with my body and weight six months ago, and now everything has changed.
  • Miss_Stefanie
    I don't understand the concept of "eating back my exercise calories"? I thought the point of exercising is to increase the deficit? I try to stay below 1600 every day. When I exercise I usually, not always, have a larger deficit; my daily exercise is around 350-400 calories.
  • Miss_Stefanie
    The work outs I am doing are: running/walking at 12 m/m (I know, slow, I am working on that) three days a week. I do squats/lunges/deadlifts twice a week; ab ribber by P90X three days a week; upper body weights twice a week.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    That happened to me & yes it is awfully frustrating...I think what may be going on is that you ARE building muscle, but the fat hasn't quite left yet, so it seems like you are BIGGER....UGGGHHHH!!! That is the time, each time it has happened to me, that I quit & give up...PLEASE DON"T GIVE UP! Give it just a little more time...I think you will see results, probably more in your clothes than on the scale at first, but IT WILL HAPPEN! Most people don't really see results until 6 give it a couple more weeks & see what happens....I did this time & it paid off!!! Good luck!
  • taryn_09
    taryn_09 Posts: 196 Member
    ideally you want to burn more to lose weight yes. however if the deficit is to big & your not fueling your body with enough calories to even maintain its everyday functions your body will store what fuel it does have as fat. how many calories do you actually net per day after exercise? the goal that the mfp gives you is directed towards your workout. id find out what your bodys tdee is then go from there. also try switching up the workouts your body needs to be shocked constantly to see results itll get use to the same workouts therefore causing your progress to take longer.

    if your net is too low you might actually need to eat more.
  • weaverfit
    weaverfit Posts: 124
    Are you tracking Sodium? Have you changed supplement lately? It could be stress - you seem to have a lot on your plate (no pun intended) with work/school. You could try changing what you do for exercise and maybe even what time of day you do it, if you can fit that into your schedule
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Rapid weight gain is a cause for concern, especially if you are running a calorie deficit. Have you been to a doctor?
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    see your doctor
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    protein, protein & more protein and add some fat!

    Eat your exercise cals.

    Protein builds muscle, muscle burns more fat.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm no expert but if you're not getting enough protein, can't that cause your muscles to waste? You need your muscles to get at least 46g of protein in a day to help them stay strong so they can be burning calories for you between workouts.

    Nuts, seeds, and beans are all good for protein, but make sure to go for the unsalted or low sodium versions. Lowfat dairy is also good, and even some vegetables like broccoli.

    Also, what type of carbs are you eating? If you're eating a lot of white breads and pastas, switch to whole grain versions. Not only do they have protein but they have lots of fiber.

    Stress will also cause you to retain weight, maybe try some yoga or meditation for a few minutes every day to clear your mind and let your body relax.

    And be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day!
  • m0nster2
    m0nster2 Posts: 23 Member
    Right there with you! I'm also not "heavy" - I'm in the middle of BMI and I just want to lose @5-7 pounds to get back to where I was about 1 1/2 year ago. My clothes don't fit right and I'm short enough (5'3") that a few pounds makes a big difference. I run 4 days a week, run/walk 1 day a week, and walk with a high incline 1 day a week (one day a week I take off). I rarely eat more than 1300 calories a day. I drink lots of water. I think my protein intake might be a little low - I strive for 25% but most days it's between 15-20%. I'm losing about 1 pound a month. So, given the fact that I'm mid 40s and am losing, I'm not giving up but it's sure frustrating. If I was this active in my early 20s I would have been so thin you could read through me...
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Rapid weight gain is a cause for concern, especially if you are running a calorie deficit. Have you been to a doctor?

    ^^Good advice. I was walking around with undiagnosed hypothyroidism for 10 years. You can adapt and not feel so bad, but the creeping weight on the scale can be very discouraging.

    I would go get a good physical and blood work to tease this all out.
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    I thought the point of exercising is to increase the deficit? I try to stay below 1600 every day. When I exercise I usually, not always, have a larger deficit; my daily exercise is around 350-400 calories.
    Nope - exercise is to help burn fat, keep in shape, improve mood, etc., etc., etc. MFP already has the deficit figured in to your daily calorie total - and if you're trying to lose 8 pounds, they would recommend only .5 pound a week weight loss. If they suggested you eat 1600 calories, and you're consistently staying below that (as your profile suggests) and not eating your exercise calories back, it sounds like you're only netting around 1000-1200 calories a day, which is probably way to low for someone as active as you are.
  • Miss_Stefanie
    Thank you all for your advice; I will take it all in consideration and go see a doctor.