Does the time it takes to loose weight frustrate you?



  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    The only time I really get frustrated is if there is no movement, or other kind of indication that I'm on the right track. If I lose even half a pound in a week, or notice that my clothes are a bit looser or something, that works for me. If I start to get frustrated with just 1/2 pound down or something, I remind myself that if I'd started taking it seriously years ago, I'd be done, it's my own fault that I didn't, and keep at it so that in a few years time I'm not still griping about how slow things are going. :)
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    Ugh, it is SO FRUSTRATING! Just remember you are changing your lifestyle and that is not easy for anyone. I have been seriously at it for a few months but have lost nothing, but I do feel stronger so I focus on that. GOOD LUCK!
  • Guitarjon
    Guitarjon Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words guys. The weired thing is that I AM seeing improvements and so is everyone else. I quickly saw improvements in 2 months. but looking at my ticket and thinking I still have a long way to go is the off putting things. I am fitter, feel better, look younger cloths are now too big for me. One thing for me is that I just cant imagine what I will look like/feel like at 88KG (my goal) and I'd just like to know a certain time when I will be at that weight, almost like a calendar where I know I will be at a certain way at a certain point but I know our strange bodies don't work like that and I am scared of reaching a plataux. Its happened before and I got un motivated.

    I guess I am just worried about things before they happen and just need to man up lol.
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Think of what you have done. don't think of what you haven't done.

    Remember slow and steady wins the race and helps you develp better eating
  • slimjelly
    slimjelly Posts: 14 Member
    Yeah its annoying all right, so long as I have a small loss every week I'm fine, We'll get there at that rate!
  • I am very frustrated! I, too know that it's not going to come off over night, but I WANT IT TO!! I changed my eating habits about a month ago and have lost 17 lbs. total and just feel stuck! I eat way under my available caloric intake, and even exercise. I just need the motivation to keep going, cause it's so easy to give up!
  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    I stay motivated by thinking of what my dad's friend said to me- he thought that in my heart I was a quitter. I also stay motivated now whenever I see how far I've come; my clothes are too big, my body is slowly tightening up, and I'm capable of exercising longer and am now more flexible. I know that slow is the healthy way (though not always the most desirable) but I think of how my body would react if I lost it all quickly.

    Try to stay motivated. You can do it!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I suck at waiting. I'm a do-it-now kind of girl and it really bugs me that my body is taking so long to completely adjust to my lifestyle change. I'm seeing results, but they are slow and I'm a long way from the place I want to be. The good news is that time will pass no matter what you do. You can choose to live it healthy and eventually get the results you DO want, or choose to lapse back into the unhealthy habits and get results you DON'T want. Change is hard, but once the change has taken place, it's just life and isn't such a fight. I'm not there yet. But I'm sure a lot closer to getting it figured out and making it habit than I was 3 months ago. Keep at it. The change is Sooooo worth the effort. :)
  • I have been working out strength training and cardio at least 3 days a week. I finally lost one pound after 6 weeks of working out. What keeps me motivated is the differences I see in my body. I haven't been brave enough yet to try on old clothes that I have that are a size smaller, but the muscle I have build takes less space than the fat did. So the tummy is getting a bit smaller.
  • SweetJoanne
    SweetJoanne Posts: 106 Member
    it is better to be slow and steady I know how frustrating it is though I feel that way too, but if you loose slowly it won't come back, I tell myself little goals I want to be down 20 lbs by April for my birthday and 50 llbs for xmas it is easy to put weight on but so hard to loose, you can do it
  • lizarene3
    lizarene3 Posts: 46 Member
    It is super frustrating to me too!!! But everyone here is so great to encourage and give advice freely. I just come online and read the sucess stories again and hope that one day I can post my success story. It helps motivate me! Good luck! WE can all do this!!