Anti-NSV :(



  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    Oh I know he loves me. I don't worry about that. It was just the sting of the words. Out of the mouths of babes right?

    And damn it all if my day didn't get worse. I found out I wasn't accepted to the program at school that I'm working toward my degree in. This day needs to go away now! lol
  • Paméla17814052
    ohhh don't worry about that. I weigh 130 pounds and my lil cousins say i'm big ;) kids are kids
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    At Christmas I asked my 14 year old nephew for a diet Pepsi and he told me I needed to start a diet.....ouch!!!! And at that point I has already list 25-30 pounds. I do think of that every once in a while still but now it gives me motivation despite how bad it hurt at the time.

    Keep your chin can do it. Also as others have said...he's a male. They tend to say hurtful things. A few months ago my husband said I looked like a different person and he didn't know how he felt about it. He had gotten used to the way I used to look. ??? How do you take that??
  • runningdiva77
    :( kids say it how it is. but in another year, he will have a skinny mommy, and be proud to show you off!!! :);):)
  • KaydeeMehl
    i know how that feels! my neice (who is 6, but she was 5) and I went into McDonalds one day (Pre MFP) and

    i asked her want she wanted...
    She said "I want a happy meal, what are you going to get?"
    I said "Oh I dont know, maybe a cheesburger and a small fry."
    MY NEICE..."Auntie Kaydee, you shouldnt eat that, you should get a salad and water because your fat."

    wow!!! total bruise to my ego :(, I almost cryed right there :(
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    Ooo, that would have been a good learning time. I know kids say what they think, but they should also know some things hurt others feelings.

    AGREE! Sorry, been there! My 6 yr. old still grabs my fat roll...
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Every one of my kids have called me fat in some form or fashion at one time. I know it stings. But they also have always said I am the most beautiful mommy in the world, even when I was "fat". Maybe they just don't see being "fat" in the same negative light as we see it.

    My son also told me his Aunt Catie looked prettier with a baby in her belly, because she is too skinny now. :wink:
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    I thank you all again for being there for me. It's nice to have people who have been there who can really understand. Today is a new day and I'm going to keep plugging away at this and hopefully it will stick. It's my couch 2 5k day so I'll be at the gym at school on the elliptical.