I was SHOCKED at yesterday night's show.. but it was so exciting!!! i love that women are DEFINITELY going to be in the finals!!! anyway my question is.. i understand that the smaller you get the harder it is to put up the numbers every week BUT Ali weighed 146 and lost 11 POUNDS!!!!! how is that possible in 1 WEEK!!!!!
it takes me like 2 months to lose that much at best!!!:grumble:
i know they exercise all day long but OMIGOD!!! how is it possible!???


    FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
    I was SHOCKED at yesterday night's show.. but it was so exciting!!! i love that women are DEFINITELY going to be in the finals!!! anyway my question is.. i understand that the smaller you get the harder it is to put up the numbers every week BUT Ali weighed 146 and lost 11 POUNDS!!!!! how is that possible in 1 WEEK!!!!!
    it takes me like 2 months to lose that much at best!!!:grumble:
    i know they exercise all day long but OMIGOD!!! how is it possible!???
  • pbkfit70
    pbkfit70 Posts: 38
    What are you talking about?

    Is it a USA TV programme? I live in Sussex, UK.

    Thing is... I like walking and doing bits of exercise, but all day, everyday? Do they not have to work, look after family, kids, etc?
  • jcummings69
    jcummings69 Posts: 183
    I was wondering the same thing! I was shocked last night! Ali looks AMAZING!
  • wooch44085
    wooch44085 Posts: 115 Member
    It is a US weight loss show - I am soooooo addicted.

    Ali looks absolutely wonderful. She has lost 99 lbs in 5 months!!!

    The people are picked to go live on a weight loss compound with nutritionists and personal trainers. So yes, they work out ferociously all day long and then they have great foods that are made for them, although they are taught how to shop in our everyday world and to cook great foods. They get to see their families periodically by winning challenges. I have been addicted since season one!! I think you can look it up online at and look up Biggest Loser. It is amazing to see how these people have transformed their bodies.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    My husband's comment was that they must have really cut down on the carbs this week (and maybe even water to dehydrate for a day?). I never expected them to put up numbers like that. I'm glad it's the boys that are up for the vote.

    Does anyone know where they are at % wise? I would think Mark would be the best choice to keep if we want a woman to win. How much more can he lose and look anorexic? Did you see Ali's shoulder's???? I like to see collar bone on myself, but not the whole bone out to the shoulder!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Ali's numbers have been blowing me away. I don't see how it is even possible for her to have dropped so much weight in a week without resorting to dehydration/colon cleanse/etc! But as far as I can tell, she's done! She looks great - and tiny. I can't imagine her losing much more than 5 pounds at this point. Mark has maybe a tiny amount left to lose, but no more than 10 pounds.

    Kelly still has a little more weight to lose, so she might end up being the surprise at the finale. And I had just assumed from the beginning that Roger would win, because he was such a big guy to start with.

    Basically, everybody blew me away last night. It's hard not to think that they were doing something a little 'tricky' to get those sorts of numbers at this stage of the game. But I am very pleased to see 2 women guarantee themselves a place in the finale - that is awesome.
  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Although I would like to see a woman win, I REALLY think ROger deserves it. He has been consistent and he was never originally kicked off, like Ali and Mark.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    for this particular show, everyone had tremendous weight loss. Personally, I feel that you have to take in all the factors that lead up to it, specifically the fact that they went on a trip, which undoubtedly played havoc with their body chemistry (if you noticed, the week before were universally bad numbers), and the fact that they were out of their routine when there, you'll see that their body returned to it's routine this week, and was happy to do it, and responded in kind. It's a testiment to the idea of a "shock meal" or a cheat meal as it were (bob recommended this in a previous show during one of those "Trainer tips" segments). Because they are doing everything on a much grander scale (I.E. working out 6 hours a day, focusing on health and doing basically nothing else) the loss they see is an oversized model of what normal people can expect under similar conditions (where they see 10 to 15 lb losses, you or I might see 2 to 3).

    It was nice to see the girls win it last night. I was happy for them (I believe the guys have been a little too cocky this year). Over the last few weeks, I think I've finally seen Kelly "buy into" the whole plan. I didn't think her heart was in it for a long time, but now I think she is really working towards it and I'm happy to see that.
  • jcummings69
    jcummings69 Posts: 183
    Yea I am definitely surprised Kelly is still on the show. To me it seemed like she had such a bad/give up attitude.
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    I was thinking the same thing, about Kelly being the surprise winner! She does have more to lose than the others. That show is so motivating. When it began a few years ago, I didn't watch it because I thought the name of it was demeaning, I love it. I tape it and watch it twice for motivation :) (parts of it at least)
    Having them run with their old weight and then shed that weight and run again was incredible.
  • kaiyacali
    kaiyacali Posts: 175
    The Chicas rocked the house! I can't wait to see them kick butt at the finale!
  • strongmom
    strongmom Posts: 72
    As for Kelly's attitude, my take on that was low self esteem....she looks so much like my sister I think I favor her more because of it!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Yea I am definitely surprised Kelly is still on the show. To me it seemed like she had such a bad/give up attitude.

    Kelli bugged me in the beginning with her whining/crying .(now Mark has that honor):huh: I would like to see either Kelli or Roger win it. :drinker:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    All I could think was how in the hell is it possible for them to drop double digits, especially when Mark and Ali certainly qualify now as healthy weights? 15 pounds is 52,500 calories!

    I bet there was some pretty serious semi-shady dieting going on behind the scenes. I know that if 250,000 dollars was at stake for my weight loss, I would probably do. . .well, pretty much anything. I bet if you just worked out for four hours and didn't rehydrate that's a lot of weight.

    I'm rooting for Ali all the way. Especially really getting to see how she connected her size to her emotional issues, I think she's been the biggest transformation. (also, I want her arms. .. jeesh)
    Although, I admit. . .Roger is still pretty like-able to me. And Kelli has really impressed me with her under-the-radar-ness. (I agree that the defeatism was just from low self-esteem). Mark is on my last nerve. He's certainly a competitor, and I think it's OK to cry, but the producers have really made him un-llikeable.

    Oh, man. . .I'm such a nerd. I've never been addicted to a reality show (OK. . .project runway, too) in my life.
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    My husband can't stand Kelli and he has been out on the road so wait till I tell him she is in the finals. I kinda want her to win because I see a change in her entire attitude. I think she looks so pretty now because she actually smiles and feels good about herself. Roger has been too cocky for me and the other one cries too much!!! He even said that is why he gained weight was because he never let his emotions show, well he has more than made up for that!! I like Ali but to me she is getting toooo skinny. I think she looks unhealthy. My original vote was for Brittany but now, my vote, and I never thought I would say this, is for Kelly. I would like to see what Paul (kelly's ex) looks like now. I wonder if he kept up with his weight loss efforts because every food challenge was hard for him. I'm sure they'll bring all the others back for the finale. My husband will be in town that day so we will watch together.

  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    Last night show was a big shock. I'm so happy for the Ladies. I'm very surprise that Kelli made it I just knew that she would have been one of the first to go. I think Ali will be the first women Biggest Loser. I like that she stayed true to her Pink team. OMG !!!!!! Mark stop with the water works, get a grip Man.:drinker: :drinker: :smile:
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Can someone please tell Mark to stop crying every 2 seconds? Geez.

    Yay for the girls. I can't wait to see the finale next week!
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Here's the recipe thread for the meals that Rocco made last night. :happy:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I too was shocked with the results!! But I don't think there was any shady dieting etc going on behind the scenes. I agree that the trip to Austrailia may have played a big part in it. I noticed that for their level of activity there, they did not post very good numbers at the weigh in. I think that with the stress of the flights, different culture, jet lag, etc., that their bodies had a rapid adjustment once they got back to the ranch and a lot of water weight was lost and their bodies let go of the weight they burned up on that tri-athlon they did over there. JMO!! But Ali can't really lose too much more and maintain it - but for the sake of the competition I'm sure she will. It will be interesting to see where she settles out after it is all said and done - probably around the 140 - 145 mark would look best on her - I think anyway! :smile:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    No doubt. :laugh:

    He must have used food as his emotional coping mechanism before and now just has to blubber like a baby. :noway:

    I voted for Roger last night.