Partner up!

Get a pal or two to keep the challenge alive. After a pretty tough first workout yesterday, I had lost all desire to continue to the second, but my workout partner was ready. So I did it. I had more energy than expected and pushed through a tough arms/shoulders workout with much vigor. If not for the challenge of my workout buddy, I could have made excuses to be lazy. It works with food too. Keep each other aware of calorie intake/allowance and encourage each other. This doesn't mean that any of our mutual support is soothing or gentle--lots of guy talk and making fun of the others laziness or fat guts. It works for us and we laugh in good humor. If it's a pat on the back that keeps you going, make sure you give one too. Find your niche that keeps you and your pals challenged.
Thanks Sakesan, and stop running so slow!


  • tt2873
    tt2873 Posts: 3
    Here, Here...I like it!
  • sakesan
    sakesan Posts: 8
    I could run faster if I didn't have to carry you!:bigsmile: