Seeking, Humans, Non Humans, Sub Humans Calorie Free Icing a

Helllllllloooooo! So I've been on here for about week or so and It'd be nice if I could rally a good circle of friends.

I'm A 5 foot nothing , 30 Y/o single mom and Nursing student.

I like shiny objects, men in kilts and anything steampunk.

I'm a little goth and a little country...

and I like it that way. :)

I have a big personality and I'm gonna package it in a tiny frame.

(It's a work in progress. )

Any Torchwood fans out there? Just asking.

So come on and add me. If anything it will be entertaining.


  • Mia2891
    Mia2891 Posts: 54 Member
    friend request sent!
  • Judanjos
    Judanjos Posts: 87
    and accepted thanks...:)

    I just noticed the forum cut my title...

    it was

    "Seeking, Humans, Non Humans, Sub Humans Calorie Free Icing and Jack Harkness" :)
  • Jaqfrog
    Jaqfrog Posts: 11 Member
    I'm feeling sub-human today, but that's a sore throat for ya!
    Will send friend-request - good to see some alt-type people on here, I just don't relate to the soccer-moms and 25k runners.
    I'm a goth/rock/steampunk/grunge fan, been reading scifi, fantasy & crime for ever, and 'my job is very boring, I'm an office clerk' (to quote Martha & the Muffins).
    I'll be working at the Asylum steampunk event again in September, which will be fun - tiring, but fun!
    Cheerio for now,
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    Hey! I just joined today... You can have Capt Jack once I set him free... Love sci if,fantasy, a movie addict, and I live on a realm removed from most others lol.

    Here's hoping MFP can help where others have failed....

  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    mmmmm sub humans and calorie free icing? count me in! You can keep Jack. all I want is the Doctor.
    any and all of you may send me adds :) make sure you send a message though too.