Ready to quit, mingled with irrational fears



  • kiawya
    kiawya Posts: 73
    You have made a lifetime change. working out is part of your life now. You lost this weight so you could enjoy life, and part of that is splurging once in a while. I know your fears. I've lost/gained 3 times, been overweight my whole life. I know this time is different because exercise is part of my life now. It really is the end all of weight loss. You really didnt gain weight back, you were just bloated. Remember, during maintenance you will be able to consume way more calories, just to maintain, as as long as your working out, and dont splurge EVERY night, you will not gain it back. I know your fears, I share them with you. I still have 50 left to go, and I'm not killing myself about it. I splurge about once a month, maybe more. But in the scheme of a week, I still burn more calories than I take in, thats all that matters. DONT WORRY AND BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. Follow the MFP maintenance for a year, and you will be fine!
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,039 Member
    Have you ever skipped brushing your teeth? Did that make you decide to stop brushing your teeth altogether? Hardly! This is not a diet, it is a life-style change. You HAVE changed your life, and one day cannot undo that change.

    Tomorrow is another day. And 500 calories off target isn't even that bad.
  • hpj17
    hpj17 Posts: 9
    Thank you, everyone. It means a lot to me, having all of this "stranger support". Good to all of you with everything you're trying to accomplish, and congratulations on what you've already accomplished.
    These fears are completely new to me, and I have had absolutely no one to advise me through my entire journey. Thanks for helping me begin to ease my mind!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    If you gained 1.6 lbs, then good for you! I usually gain about 3 or 4 over the weekend. If you gained 1.6 lbs(as if any scale is really that accurate, digital or otherwise) then you gained about 1.5lbs of water retention and intramuscular storage if you were running low carbs before hand.

    So yea...screw it. Go to my site and read my last article about the law of opposites:
  • flopsy1973
    You're doing so well. The odd day shouldn't do you any harm. I'm sure everybody does it. Try not to turn it into a habit. There are plenty of people here for you if you need them :smile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Have you ever skipped brushing your teeth? Did that make you decide to stop brushing your teeth altogether? Hardly! This is not a diet, it is a life-style change. You HAVE changed your life, and one day cannot undo that change.

    Tomorrow is another day. And 500 calories off target isn't even that bad.

    This is very good advice. You are probably still at a calorie deficit for the day (if you calorie deficit is 500 or more) so you will still be well in deficit for the week. I think it really helps to look at the week as a whole (easy to do if you have the iPhone or iPad app), then it makes one day over seem a bit less significant.

    I do understand that sense of slipping back to old habits - I've been pretty "off" for the last month or so and hopped on the scales this morning to find them 2kg higher than they should be. That was a good reminder that I can't get back into bad snacking habits - I need to plan and eat good meals and good snacks, with a few indulgences here and there... just not all the time!

    Hang in there, you've done an amazing job so far, and learning to cope with one bad day without giving up is the most important skill right now.