exercising difficulty

I have IT band syndrome, and severe knee problems. the last time my knee popped out it fractured my femur. I also have an intestinal/ inner disease that wears me out very quickly and makes it hard to breath. My problem is, i need to do cardio to get fit but I'm having a trouble finding a whole lot that i can do without further injuring myself. the only thing I've found is swimming. Doctor recommends not bending knee much at all until healed. Anybody have any cardio ideas?


  • rookmb
    rookmb Posts: 84
    I have a lot of limitations and swimming has been fantastic. There are so many exercises that you can in the pool - even arobics. I've been doing it 6 days a week and the physical changes are amazing. Good luck!!
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    It sounds like you've already found a good one. Anything else where you might push yourself would be higher impact or require bending your knee (i.e. elliptical or cycling).
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I also have joint problems, have for my entire life. One thing orthopedic surgeons always suggested was swimming and water aerobics. Swimming actually burns calories like no other. Give it a try.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Swimming is great or any other workouts that can be performed while in water. Some pilates and yoga moves would give you a great burn as well and some gyms have ergometers which are like hand pedals.
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I teach water aerobics and I highly recommend it (swimming too, actually). I know that Water Aerobics has a reputation that isn't all that cool (tends to be older people so it must not be challenging etc.). I can assure you however that you get out of an aqua class what you put into it. A younger lady that takes my class because of knee and ankle problems wore her HRM in my class a few days ago and told me that she burned 475 calories. Most Aqua classes cover a lot of stuff - cardio, strength and core. If you find a facility with an active aqua program you can end up with a lot of choices - Aqua Flex, Deep Water, Aqualates, Hydro training etc.

    Good luck!