Not meeting calorie goals

I've been trying to eat healthy lately, cut out processed foods and eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. However, I find that even if I am eating 3 filling meals a day, I struggle to meet my 1200 calorie minimum and I don't feel hungry either. Also, I've found that I only loose weight if I stick to around 900 calories. I guess my question is, is a day like this not necessarily bad if I don't feel hungry and I'm getting plenty of fruits and vegies?

For example here was one of my days:
Breakfast (152 calories) : 1 piece of multigrain toast with vegemite toast and instant coffee with skimmed milk
Lunch( 319 calories): Seared tandoori wrap from McDonalds asked for heavy on salad with a bit less sauce.
Dinner (463 calories): 200g steak sandwich on multigrain bread with grilled tomato, grated carrots, lettuce and some cheese.

Totals 979 74 34 78 15 1,160
Your Daily Goal 1,200 165 40 45 14 2,500
Remaining 221 91 6 -33 -1 1,340
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Fiber Sodium


  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    You might not feel the affects at the moment, but eating only 900 calories isn't something you should be doing. They say you shouldn't go lower than 1200 calories or something because your body will hold onto whatever food that's left within your system. This will cause you lose weight a lot slower and maybe none at all. You will probably lose weight for a bit, but after a while your body will hold on to whatever is left to start it from starving itself.

    A lot of people say they feel full, but you need to get past that and it will most likely be difficult. If you watch programs like Supersize & Superskinny, you will see people the skinny people barely eating 500 calories a day and it isn't healthy for them. I know that's a lot more extreme than the amount you are eating at the moment, but they have to try and force themselves to eat the same portion as the supersize person would eat. At first they struggle, because it's really a psychological barrier they have to get past.

    The more you try and eat the hungrier you might feel each day. Just gradually add something to a meal to increase those calories. Even if it's only 50 calories a day added on, it's still 50 calories closer to your goal for that day. Add a piece of fruit to your breakfast. Then the next day if you can manage it, keep the fruit, but add say a bit more meat to your sandwich for dinner, or use more butter or mayo (if you use butter or mayo, or even have sandwiches lol).
  • stevieb3052
    stevieb3052 Posts: 58 Member
    Try adding some nuts as a snack - almonds for example - to increase the amount of calories you consume. I had a similar issue with medication killing my appetite and used this to help.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Have 2 pieces of toast instead of one, eating so little will do you no good x
  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I had that problem for a while too, and still do sometimes on weekends.Try sticking a snack or two in there... I eat 5 meals and an evening snack, but they're not big... between that and exercising I can generally make my 1200... and if I'm still short at night I have some carb-smart ice cream! LOL
  • kittyminxx
    kittyminxx Posts: 14 Member
    I've done a bit of research into this

    Luckily your body take a few weeks to go into starvation mode
    If you have 2 strict days
    3 moderate days
    and the weekend is for decadent days (don't binge - but rest more or eat a treat or something special)

    By doing this you keep your body tricked and not going into starvation mode - if it goes into starvation mode your body will be VERY good at burning very few calories an it will also be burning your muscle and bone as well as your fat which it will clinging onto your fat stores like grim death

    You don't burn carbs then fat... you burn these two fuel sources at the same time. if you run out of carbs (calories) you literally will start to ham your body never mind screw up your diet
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Try driving your car on 1/8th tank of gas and no oil 400 miles.

    Thats what you are doing to your body.

    See my profile for a great link to figure out what calories you SHOULD be eating daily.
    Once you start eating more you will repair leptin and ghrelin levels and feel hungry again.
  • alexis1201
    I have been having the same issues as well. Not sure what to do to eat more because the amount I have been eating seems to be enough to fill me up. I don't want to mindlessly eat to make up for calories.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Check out the link on my profile to see what you SHOULD be eating daily.
    I think all of you will be surprised if you are on a low cal diet.
    My high calorie group has found out that eating more will help you lose more weight and not have any chemical or hormonal issues.
    It's worth reading.
  • Ebilfairylight
    The thing is, that if I eat any more than this I don't loose any weight at all. I actually gain weight if I eat 1200 calories, no matter how long I keep it up for (I've heard the things about needing your metabolism to adjust and tried to give it time).