If you had to choose ONE excercize machine to buy- which wo

I may be in the market of an exercize machine ( elliptical, treadmill etc). Which machine do you think would provide the most fitness benefits?


  • DamnImCute
    It depends. I have a bike and a treadmill. The treadmill was really hard on my knees but burned more cals. The bike is fantastic!! (But burns fewer cals). So it's really dependent on you :smile:
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    It really comes down to which one are you more likley to use. We have a treadmill and an elliptical. I use the treadmill often. But when my knees are bothering me I use the elliptical.
  • soagirl777
    soagirl777 Posts: 52 Member
    For cardio, I prefer my elliptical trainer over the treadmill. I think maybe because it's lower impact on ankles and knees. For strength training, I love my Total Gym! I got my Total Gym from QVC about 4 yrs ago. They do still carry it and its only $258.00 and on 4 easy payments of $64/month! So worth the money. I also love my Pilates machine (also purchased from QVC). I think with shipping and handling, I paid about $420.00.
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    Personally i would buy a treadmill just because i know i would use the treadmill more often then say a bike. But it is a personal thing i guess.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I:heart: my elliptical.
  • cptechwork
    I had a treadmill for years and I used it a lot and it's a good machine to have. But treadmills are noisy both from the motor and the constant footfalls. If you get the pace up it can shake the house if it's not in the basement.

    When I moved I needed a quieter option since the machine would be under my kids rooms, so I got a schwinn recumbent bike. It works great, was pretty cheap, and very quiet. I can exercise before the kids get up or after they go to bed with it.

    Something to keep in mind if you live in an apartment or noise/thumping is a factor.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Treadmill if I could afford a gym-quality one.
    Stationary bike if I were going cheaper.
    Jillian Michaels DVDs and a set of hand weights if I'm super broke.
  • chubbytiff
    chubbytiff Posts: 61 Member
    I chose a treadmill. Both are good. I just knew that the treadmill would be one that I would not mind using several days a week. It has different levels to choose from. Plus i got one that can fold away. So i dont have to have a huge eliptical sitting out in the floor all the time. I can listen to the ipod or watch tv. I love it! Had it since January and i am using it at least 5 days a week.
  • LJC44
    LJC44 Posts: 221
    I would choose a treadmill and also buy some free weights. Cardio after weight lifting = GOOD! ;)
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    I have neither, but i go to the gym 4 to 5 days a week. If I use a machine, it's the elliptical because I feel I get more bang for the output. More calorie burn. We had a recumbant bike, we never used it. If I were to buy another machine, I'd say it'd be an elliptical.
  • cerixon
    cerixon Posts: 17 Member
    I love my C2 rowing machine. Great cardio workout for the days I don't feel like running.
  • mtretter
    mtretter Posts: 12 Member
    I went through this same thing awhile back, my wife and I are both in our 50's, she has had back surgery, I've had knee surgery. We both wanted something that was low impact, so we wound up with a seated elliptical from Octane Fitness. We've had it for a month now and a day doesn't go by that it doesn't get used. I use it 3-4 times daily and she uses it once a day, 30-60 minutes at a stretch. Gives us a great cardio work out as well as toning up the legs, butt, arms and shoulders according to how hard you push yourself.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    a squat rack with lots o' plates of all sizes.
  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    Elliptical, but a rower would also add strength training.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    I absolutely love me elliptical!
  • tgiftom
    tgiftom Posts: 3
    Elliptical..better on joints. I would also get some dumbbells to do some strength training. Alternate days between cardio and strength.
  • Wendyma1
    Wendyma1 Posts: 289 Member
    I absolutely love me elliptical!

    love "my" elliptical, sorry!
  • Soniatantu
    Soniatantu Posts: 78 Member
    Although I do not own one but the one that I would suggest is the elliptical....I did that when I lost weight three-four years ago....Its a great machine...I have bad knees so a treadmill or a bike was out of the question ...this machine was not as hard on my knees.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Instead of an actual exercise machine, I got an Xbox 360 with Kinect. I can play all kinds of different games, do workout routines, Zumba classes, etc. I would get way too bored doing the same thing all the time.

    Bottom line, get what you think you will enjoy using, and what will motivate you to get up off the sofa and move!
  • katglaze
    katglaze Posts: 45 Member
    I would buy an elipitical, it is shear fat burning, cardio for me.