No alcohol for 30 days..

Decided to give up alcohol for an entire month starting today. Has anybody cut it out and noticed a difference? I am a huge binge drinker so I'm hoping to see awesome benefits. Does anybody want to join me!? :D My only concern is that I honestly don't know what else to do on the weekends now- it''s all my friends do


  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but even if you do keep it up for 30 days, what do you think will happen when you start it up again after that month is up?
  • bryan02
    bryan02 Posts: 29
    Im with you
  • My husband and I both enjoy a drink on the weekends, but have really started to question whether it is worth the calories. When I think of the exercise it takes to make up for a glass of wine... sometimes it is just not worth the trade off. Try to fill you weekend with activities that get you moving, hiking, swimming - even walking around the mall. There are so many other things to do - decide what you enjoy and pursue it. (Good luck!)
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    I drink like once a week...I was trying to look for a good alcohol that I could mix with spring water and I found Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka, I mix it with water and a little bit of fresh lemon and IT IS SOOOOO GOOD and it does the trick alcohol is supposed to do! lol

    I am 24 it is not realistic for me to completely cut alcohol out just like I wont cut out pizza or any of that because then once you start drinking or eating that stuff again the weight is going to come right back on.
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    You can still go out! Just drink water with a slice of Lemon! Nobody will know the difference. I go out all of the time with my friends and I dont' drink.
  • freeasharold
    freeasharold Posts: 133 Member
    I lost weight in the past by giving up alcohol and living on 1200 calories. Let me tell you when I brought craft beer back into my life, those pounds packed back on like fire in just 6-7 months. This time I am including alcohol in moderation among other deliciousness and keeping calories between 1400-1800. I am losing weight slower, but I think in the long run it is much more sustainable.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I've cut out all alcohol. It really helps! Being allergic to yeast, and I think I'm hypersensitive to it right now, I can't have alcohol. I've gotten rid of a lot of bloating I used to get when I drank wine or beer. And fewer calories I have to watch, that I can eat instead of drink! Yeah, really helped getting rid of the alcohol.
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    I don't like going out sober- I'm just not into the whole bar scene anymore. So I'd rather not even go out at all :/ I just really don't want to piss of my friends. My boyfriend recently stopped drinking (he used to be a huge partier) and he tells me how happy he's been since he's quit.

    ALSO- I'm on a medication that I'm not supposed to even drink with- but I don't really want to tell that whole story to my friends
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    I'm with you no alcohol for 30.... :)
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    I don't like going out sober- I'm just not into the whole bar scene anymore. So I'd rather not even go out at all :/ I just really don't want to piss of my friends. My boyfriend recently stopped drinking (he used to be a huge partier) and he tells me how happy he's been since he's quit.

    ALSO- I'm on a medication that I'm not supposed to even drink with- but I don't really want to tell that whole story to my friends

    If pissing off ur friends is your worry- then that is silly. If your friends are really your friends then they will not get pissed and realize your priorities are in a different place
  • merakesh
    merakesh Posts: 1
    Wine in moderation (100 calories per serving) has many additional benefits not to be discounted. It is heart healthy for one. There are also many options for liquor that are not heavy on the calories, again in moderation. Beer is a no no unless you are drinking the light stuff, and at that point, why bother.

    The trouble starts with mixers, which are typically sugar laden. Or things like Sweet Tea Vodka mentioned earlier - the sugary calories are rather heavy in those types of flavored liquors.

    I gave up alcohol and beer for Lent and this time around I have not noticed much difference in weight loss - it gets more difficult the older you get. Substituting cookies hasn't helped either! :)
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Well if you aren't meant to be drinking while on medication, I would suggest not drinking lol. You can still go out with your friends and not drink.

    If they pressure you into drinking, just say you can't drink because you are on medication. You don't need to explain to them or to anyone what the medication is for because it's up to you who you tell and who you don't tell. I'm pretty sure they will understand if they are good friends.
  • I was a social drinker. But because I love sweet white wine and light beer, my nutritionist recommended that I give up alcohol completely due to the amount of liquid calories. My start date was 2/8/12. I notice a difference in my calorie intake and my waistline! I love to hang out with friends and still find myself at happy hour and the bar with water in hand. You can still hang out and socialize minus the alcohol....
  • bbrown426
    bbrown426 Posts: 12 Member
    I gave up alcohol between the time I was diagnosed with gall bladder issues and about three months after. I didn't notice a difference since I was still tracking my calories.

    Occasional drink should be fine, just record it. Try lighter versions of your favorite drinks if you can.

    Just my 2 cents :)
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i'll do it with you! i def could use 30 days without alcohol. i don't drink more than once a week usually, but when i do it's at least 3-4 drinks.
  • I've cut it out almost completely. Though I'll drink every now and then for special occasions, and yes it does make a difference.

    Much easier on the bank accounts, too.
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    I don't like going out sober- I'm just not into the whole bar scene anymore. So I'd rather not even go out at all :/ I just really don't want to piss of my friends. My boyfriend recently stopped drinking (he used to be a huge partier) and he tells me how happy he's been since he's quit.

    ALSO- I'm on a medication that I'm not supposed to even drink with- but I don't really want to tell that whole story to my friends

    If you're "friends" really get pissed off about you not wanting to go out drinking, maybe you should start looking into getting together with other people who share similar interests with you. Maybe get together with friends for dinner before hand. The you can choose a healthy option for yourself, hang out and after, they can go to the bar if they would like and you can head home.

    I haven't been a big drinker for a few years now and then just quit it all together and no one has ever given me a hard time for it. If we have a bbq at the house, we still provide for everyone else and I walk around with a bottle of water. I honestly don't even miss drinking anymore. To me, it's just not worth the money or calories.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
  • I noticed when I gave up drinking that my face was less bloated and my belly trimmed down. It also improved my vision. When I went out to a bar after not drinking for a while, I could finally see clearly how obnoxious drunk people were! Have a club soda with lime. People will assume it's vodka and soda. And then sit back and watch the show.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I don't like going out sober- I'm just not into the whole bar scene anymore. So I'd rather not even go out at all :/ I just really don't want to piss of my friends. My boyfriend recently stopped drinking (he used to be a huge partier) and he tells me how happy he's been since he's quit.

    ALSO- I'm on a medication that I'm not supposed to even drink with- but I don't really want to tell that whole story to my friends

    Honest question - if you don't like going out sober, why go? Especially if your boyfriend is of a similar mindset. Add that to the fact that your medication is counter-indicated with alcohol (I am on one that is as well, and don't drink) it seems like a no-brainer to me. Maybe you and your friends are just in a different place now and it's time to expand your social circle.