Share Your Journey Starting 7/30/09

MRSWESSON Posts: 107
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
Ups, Downs, Ins, Outs

A place to keep each other updated on our progress, slip ups and challenges to help remain motivated!

Starting 7-30-09 just do your best and loose as much as possible by 08-30-09 no limits no minimums all success is success!

Hope you join me :flowerforyou:

To Start Please Answer the following:

:heart: When did you start your most recent Journey?
:heart: How much have you lost so far?
:heart: What is your overall goal?
:heart: What is your biggest Motivation?
:heart: What are your weak points?
:heart: Do you exercise and have a nutritional plan?
:heart: Where do you need the most motivation and support?

Enjoy all!!!


    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    My Answers:

    :heart: When did you start your most recent Journey?
    03-27-2009 is when I started following a nutrition plan and exercising

    :heart: How much have you lost so far?
    46 Pounds

    :heart: What is your overall goal?
    A size 5/7

    :heart: What is your biggest Motivation?
    Wanting to feel like myself again, I've beat Cancer, and am currently Managing Fibromyalgia and Chronic Migrains...I want to do all I can to keep these issues at bay.

    :heart: What are your weak points?
    Oreo Cookies with Milk :blushing: , Pizza and Pasta (Anything with Marinara Sauce and Cheese basically:grumble: )

    :heart: Do you exercise and have a nutritional plan?
    Yes I work out Nightly and try to follow my Nutritional plan as closely as possible, I have slip ups but they have not jeopardized my overall success :happy:

    :heart: Where do you need the most motivation and support?
    Staying away from the "bad" foods and resisting temptation from those around me who are eating all that good stuff I should not have:frown:
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    I need this kind of motivation! Thanks for starting this thread!

    When did you start your most recent Journey?
    I joined here on July 1. A friend recommended the site and I checked it out. But I have been actively trying to lose my baby weight since mid-January.

    How much have you lost so far?
    Since mid-January, I am down 40 pounds. Since joining MFP, I have lost 3

    What is your overall goal?
    My goal is to get healthier for my 2 boys. I want to be active and not tire out when playing with them.
    I also want to fit into cuter clothes. The clothes in 16's and up are just not cute.

    What is your biggest Motivation?
    My biggest motivation is my boys. A few other motivations are my husband (of course), and I set a goal of 100 or more miles per month and there is a calendar infront of my treadmill to keep me going toward that goal.
    One more goal is a 'Biggest Loser' competition that I am in with a bunch of mommy friends. I know that we need to rely on each other to lose the weight and reach our goals.

    What are your weak points?
    I have a weakness for desserts, especially ice cream. I know that I can not have a container of ice cream in the freezer without me thinking I need to eat it every time I turn around.

    Do you exercise and have a nutritional plan?
    Yes, I exercise 6 days a week on my stationary bike and treadmill (mostly) During the school year, I speed walk the mall with a friend but we discovered that the mall does not air condition the main part of the mall but instead just the individual open stores (the mall has lost a lot of stores) and she walked the mall at the beginning of the summer once without me and said it was MISERABLE. I am ready for school to start again/temperatures to drop again but as much as I complained :laugh: I really enjoyed those walks with her.
    I am doing a BootCamp 2 evenings a week for the month of August, too. So I am hoping that will jump start my motivation!
    As far as nutritional plan, I am logging all of my foods here on MFP. I am trying to get in more fruits and veggies and looking at labels. I also try to judge if a big calorie item is worth it (and possibly worth the exercise that I am going to have to do to burn off the treat.)

    Where do you need the most motivation and support?
    I need encouragement from others to push through my laziness and hit the treadmill. I also do well with compliments and knowing others are relying on me to motivate them. My FaceBook says when I am going to exercise and I have a few friends who say they have started exercising because of my status messages.
  • I'd love to join! I think this will help keep me motivated and stay on track!!

    Here are my answers:

    When did you start your most recent Journey?
    Last Thursday, July 23 2009

    How much have you lost so far?
    Just weighed in today--2 pounds!

    What is your overall goal?
    To weigh 130 (38 pounds to go)

    What is your biggest Motivation?
    To not be obese when I turn 25

    What are your weak points?
    Dove brownie ice cream and pizza

    Do you exercise and have a nutritional plan?
    Yes, working out 3 times a week and tracking my calories on MFP

    Where do you need the most motivation and support?
    Working out! I'm really bad at getting motivation to actually do it
  • fishtetris
    fishtetris Posts: 39
    :heart: when started 3-21-09
    :heart: weight lost 61lbs
    :heart: overall goal size 32 pant and six pack abs
    :heart: biggest motivation The ladies :bigsmile:
    :heart: weak point i over work myself sometimes and don't have enough fun
    :heart: exercise and nutrition plan started with grapefruit diet for large weight cut(high protein diet) and now am 30 days into p90x system and follow the nutrition plan for that
    :heart: staying away from excess booze on the weekends :sick:
    started 5'9" 235 lbs waist size 40-42
    now 174 lbs waist size 33-34 (about a week or 2 from 4 pack :blushing: )
    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    WOW you are all doing awesome...even for starting a week ago already loosing 2 pounds that ROX! Keep up the good work!:flowerforyou:
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    I would love to join too!

    When did you start your most recent Journey?
    :flowerforyou: July 2009
    How much have you lost so far?
    :flowerforyou: 8 lbs
    What is your overall goal?
    :flowerforyou: I would LOVE to be back at 150 lbs.
    What is your biggest Motivation?
    :flowerforyou: My daughter, Callie
    What are your weak points?
    :flowerforyou: fitting in exercise into my day and sweets
    Do you exercise and have a nutritional plan?
    :flowerforyou: yes, I am running on an eliptical and doing Turbo Jam and some yoga.
    My calorie intake is 1200 calories a day - no cokes, no fast food. Lots of water.
    Where do you need the most motivation and support?
    :heart: my exercise... I have just recently started actually exercising, so I am open for new ideas.

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I think I'll join!

    :heart: My most recent weight loss journey started about five weeks ago.
    :heart: I've lost about 1 pounds of fat.
    :heart: My goal right now is 135, but I may re-evaluate, or just stop when I feel good about myself again.
    :heart: My motivation is for... guys. :blushing:
    :heart: My weakness is finding time to exercise, and not going nuts and eating all the junk food in the house in one sitting.
    :heart: I try to get in exercise, but it's hard with school and my four extra-currics. As for food, I'm just trying to stay within the range MFP has set for me, and to drink all my water.
    :heart: I need motivation and support just about everywhere. My parents go back and forth about supporting me- they tell me I'm fat, then they tell me I'm too young to worry about it.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    HI EVERYONE! My name is Andrea and here are my answers.

    When did you start your most recent Journey?
    I started early June, exercising and counting calories.

    How much have you lost so far?
    15 lbs

    What is your overall goal?
    my first goal is to get to 200 lbs
    my second goal is then to get to 160

    What is your biggest Motivation?
    Being able to clothes swap with my sisters again....we all have style..but since I have gotten bigger I can't wear their cute clothes...and mine are like blankets around them.

    What are your weak points?
    Eating...i can exercise easy..but need to work on my eating habits. Also, I tend to STOP hitting the gym when I get mother natures MONTHLY's a bad habit.

    Do you exercise and have a nutritional plan?
    I have been counting calories and watching my portion sizes..I grew up with really bad eating habits being raized by a man. I also stick to working out 3 days a week right now.

    Where do you need the most motivation and support?
    I am 23, so my friends want to meet up a lot for drinks and what not at local bars, clubs and is hard to stick to low cal drinks and food in pubs.
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