130 pounds lost, struggling and here to keep it off!

Hey all! I'm here because 2.5 years ago, I made the amazing, life-changing decision to have weight loss surgery (vertical sleeve gastrectomy). Losing the weight was effortless, but keeping it off is proving to be a little more difficult. I'll admit, I didn't have to work hard during loss, it really just melted away. I'm now paying for it by continuing to eat what I want, but unfortunately, more of it as my stomach has streched back out a bit. This resulted in gaining back about 20 pounds that I've lost. I'm ready to lose it again and keep it off, all while being conscious of what I consume and treating my body well. I'm hoping the sopport of this site and it's community with be my guiding light!

First question, MFP has me eating 1400 calories a day to lose a pound a week. I also work out about 5 days a week, burning abour 400 calories each session. My BMR is almost 1600... I feel like netting 1000 daily is a bit on the "starvation" side, isn't it? Is that enough for my body to keep my metabolism going?

SW - 278 lbs - July 2009

<a href="http://s1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj613/emileechapman/?action=view&current=09-0711cooper-253.jpg&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj613/emileechapman/09-0711cooper-253.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

CW - 165 lbs - March 2013

<a href="http://s1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj613/emileechapman/?action=view&current=image002.jpg&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj613/emileechapman/image002.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="http://s1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj613/emileechapman/?action=view&current=321527_297798826897427_100000019370842_1301904_1769790971_n.jpg&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj613/emileechapman/321527_297798826897427_100000019370842_1301904_1769790971_n.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    helped you fix your images....
    Hey all! I'm here because 2.5 years ago, I made the amazing, life-changing decision to have weight loss surgery (vertical sleeve gastrectomy). Losing the weight was effortless, but keeping it off is proving to be a little more difficult. I'll admit, I didn't have to work hard during loss, it really just melted away. I'm now paying for it by continuing to eat what I want, but unfortunately, more of it as my stomach has streched back out a bit. This resulted in gaining back about 20 pounds that I've lost. I'm ready to lose it again and keep it off, all while being conscious of what I consume and treating my body well. I'm hoping the sopport of this site and it's community with be my guiding light!

    First question, MFP has me eating 1400 calories a day to lose a pound a week. I also work out about 5 days a week, burning about 400 calories each session. My BMR is almost 1600... I feel like netting 1000 daily is a bit on the "starvation" side, isn't it? Is that enough for my body to keep my metabolism going?

    SW - 278 lbs - July 2009

    CW - 165 lbs - March 2012

  • mmm_e
    mmm_e Posts: 10
    :flowerforyou: If your NET goal is 1400, and you burn an extra 400, then you should eat 1800. Basically eat back what you burn. Good luck to you!
  • WOAH! My photos are huge, oops! How do I fix that??
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    MFP is designed for you to eat back your exercize calories. You're right, 1000 a day is not enough, but if you eat back what you worked off, it comes out right, and losing a pound a week is very do-able and safe. Good luck, and welcome!
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    Well you should be eating back your exercise calories :)
  • lyddsmom
    lyddsmom Posts: 96
    You should eat back your exercise calories. In that case, you should be eating 1800 calories/day if mfp gives you 1400 and you burn 400 in exercise.
  • mSquared77
    mSquared77 Posts: 47 Member
    Similar story here. I trust you'll find MFP to be great motivation.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    First off, you look GORGEOUS in that picture - what a transformation.

    Second, MFP figures weight loss into the daily calories they give you. So you could stick to those calories and still lose without working out. If you work out, you should eat back you exercise calories. (Honestly, I'm usually unable to eat back ALL of mine, but I still shoot for eating at least 1/2 to 2/3 of them back.) Hope that helps and good luck!!!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I agree with everyone on here and by the way you look AMAZING!!!! Great job and good luck on this journey!
  • pdxjenn
    pdxjenn Posts: 6
    I definitely agree with those that have mentioned eating back you calories. Of course you could always try both and see which works for you. Starvation won't work long term though. I would say go with 1800 a day. Keep it up!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    First of all, you look amazing! Congrats!

    Second, I agree you need to eat more. Especially if you're working out consistently like that. Eat more of your exercise calories.

    The other thing you could consider is aiming to lose only 1/2 a pound per week. It looks like you must be getting close to your goal by now. (Am I right?) In which case you would probably be finding it difficult to sustain weight loss at the rate of 1 lb per week.

    Good luck to you and good for you!
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    ok, I'm coming down on the other side of this issue - at least slightly...

    But first, and echo of the same sentiment as the rest of us: YOU LOOK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAZING!!!! WOW!

    now, most of the advice here says eat all your exercise cals back. I'm with that, but with a bit of caution...

    What I'd do if I were you is eat about half of my exercise cals back - this allows your burn numbers and your intake numbers to not be exactly right, and you still stay under your goals...

    For instance, if you are on the treadmill for 30 minutes and it says you burned 342 calories - chances are thats not exactly what happened. So if you allow for some error by not eating all your calories back, you stay under...

    Same token, different slot - calorie counts and portion sizes are not always entirely accurate either. If you say you ate 1 4oz chicken breast @ 180 cals, chances may be thats not exact either...

    So yes, eat your exercise cals back, but you can't go wrong if you underestimate your burn (I usually cut 15 - 20% of MFP's burn numbers) and overestimate your intake (try using quick add: calories in your diary). Couple that with eating 1/2 to 2/3 of your exercise calories, and you should be able to lose weight without starving (or confusing) yourself....

    err on the side of caution - there's a reason people have been saying that for a bijillion years!!

    Good Luck!!! and again...WOW - you look fantastic!! great stuff!!
  • Thanks, guys! I thought that was the case, but 1800 consumed calories seems like a lot to me. Now it makes sense :)

    And thank you all for the wonderful and encouraging compliments! I was, at one point, 145 pounds (my goal). I was happy there and that's where I hope to be ultimately. My fiance owns a wine bar... liquid calories are really hard to avoid! That's my biggest downfall, so I've been sticking to water and the occasional glass of red wine (many of my gained back pounds started happening when I started drinking more, go figure).
  • craignev
    craignev Posts: 1,247 Member
  • darylinny
    darylinny Posts: 146
    Surgery is not an easy option and it's not a solution as you can attest to now, it's a tool. You're not alone in losing it relatively smoothly then gaining some of it back. You didn't get a chance to change your "mind" and habits with the rapid weight loss, but now that you've noticed it, you'll be prepared to address it. Keeping it off or maintenance mode could be just as challenging as if you worked it off the old fashion way but it's entirely doable.

    In addition to using MFP I suggest you consult with a nutritionist or a dietition who has a specialty with working with people who've had weight loss surgery so you can get the best personalized nutrition advice for your specific goals and needs.
  • jswrn03
    jswrn03 Posts: 1
    The first topic I searched for was VSG. I was very happy to find your post. I had surgery 4-8-2008. I started at 236 and lost down to 133 at my lowest. I stablized at 137-142. I was very comfortable there. In the last two years I have went back to eating the things I used to eat * my comfort foods * . Mostly all carbs. I now weigh 168. I am so discouraged. I am just looking for someone with a similar situation. Motivation has been a big problem lately. As summer comes around I am feeling a little more motivated. Ready to get started. Thanks for your post, jac
  • 2NewBeginnings
    2NewBeginnings Posts: 7 Member
    I have to say, you looked amazing in both pictures. I am happy to hear from someone who did the surgery as I have contemplated doing it at one point but always believed I could do it without........ Your comments actually encouraged me not to think about the surgery as the magical solution.... Thank you and Good Luck!