Question for those who have used MFP during pregnancy

Hello *waves*
I am not pregnant - I'll start with that because my Mum is also a member of MFP lol - don't worry Mum, I'm not pregnant again haha!
But I've seen that some of you ladies are using MFP while pregnant and I think thats such a great idea. My son is 7 months old. I ate whatever I wanted when I was pregnant and gained a lot of weight. I was lucky and lost most of it fairly quickly and without trying, probably due to breastfeeding, and am now trying to get to a healthy weight before I get pregnant again.
My question is - how did you set up your calorie intake/allowance? Did a doctor/midwife/nutritionist advise you? Did you just use MFP's maintenance calories for your height and weight? And how is it working for you?
I'd love to hear about your experiences : )


  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    im on maitainance and eating back all my exercises calories when i workout, so average btw 1700-2200 per day. Im currently 8 weeks, in about 4 weeks im going to increase my intake to gain 0.5lbs a week. Its best to speak to your dr. but its recommened that you gain about 25-30lbs during your pregnanacy. however, everyone is different and depending on your bmi your dr may want you to either maintain or gain weight.

    good luck, i lost all my baby weight and now am starting all over again! lol
  • CherryPie606
    CherryPie606 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you Maria : )
    I just don't want to lose and get to a healthy weight just to pile it all on again next time! In my first trimester last time all I wanted was biscuits and ready salted crisps lol. Its something I'm going to have to control next time.
    Good luck with your pregnancy! Have a happy and healthy 9 months : )
  • Glendamarsh
    Ah Cherrypie, I will be watching closely, lol. The only hassle with controling what you eat in the first trimester is that when you feel queasy eating often stops the feeling, so its harder to control yourself. I ate loads of cream crackers WITH, shock horror, BUTTER.
    You'll need to use something low cal and fat to replace the crisps.
  • CherryPie606
    CherryPie606 Posts: 44 Member
    True. I'll have to experiment and find something that does the job without having so much fat and salt and bad things
  • sandy729
    sandy729 Posts: 232 Member
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I was allowed to lose weight through my pregnancies, but that's because I'm morbidly obese. However, with that said, I was closely monitored by the dr, and was told to add about 200 cals (daily) to my diet - and they had my previous calorie count- however, my diet was modified, because I had to add extra protein and calcium to it, and there wasn't enough in the 200 cals to accomplish that - so had to give up some of my "snacks" that I had - you know the 100 cal packs of snacks that really don't offer a lot of nutritional value, but just for the sake of having a snack that's yummy - so it was def a modification to my diet plan. same thing after my sons were born, while I was nursing them, I could have the extra 200 cals added in.
    also, some of the things that help with morning sickness- the B-natal lozenges/pops - I would order them at Walgreen's and they helped, and also ginger helps with it, so sometimes a ginger snap could help, but my go to was smoothies- and not early in the morning, just about 2 hrs in, and I could have one.. hope this helps! my boys are now 3 and 1 - so ask away! ;)
  • _Johanna_
    _Johanna_ Posts: 125 Member
    I spoke with my doctor and he said it was okay to eat about 1800 (maintenance for me) until I get about halfway through my second trimester and then add a couple hundred calories. I've really only been eating maintenance calories and I've still gained 6 pounds so far, all of which I've gained in the past 4 weeks (I'm 18 weeks now)! So far, I feel pretty good about how I am doing, weight wise.

    I gained 45 pounds with my first and was up to 220 when she was born! I'd have to put on another 55 pounds to hit that weight now, so I'm happy to say there's little to no chance of me gaining that much weight!

    I do eat back my exercise calories too.

    Oh - and I will still eat some extra calories for breastfeeding once the baby comes - I'm told MFP has a way of logging that too!
  • MamaEdmund
    MamaEdmund Posts: 70 Member
    I didn't use MFP during my last pregnancy, but I acknowledged after my miserable second pregnancy with 55 pounds gained that I could not go through that again. I didn't count calories, just ensured that I ate lots of fruits and veggies, made sure I brought lunch to work so I wouldn't succomb to eating chocolate bars and cookies and cake as a meal, and only had ONE serving of dessert. I gained 30 pounds with my third baby and felt 10000000% better! I also went to the gym 2-3 times per week to do some low-impact cardio, usually for 20-30 minutes. And when that started to feel like too much (about 8 months along), I cut out the gym all together.

    I now weigh less than I did after my second child was born (baby is now nine months old), and I don't think I've been this small for about three years. Still about 20 pounds to go to get to my pre-firstborn weight, but only about two pants sizes. Holla! LOL

    For me, too, I had no idea how many calories were in things, never had a problem with weight until I got pregnant and just packed in on like there was a famine coming. And I think breastfeeding helps a lot, too. Not only does it burn off a lot of calories, but I'm still period-free (if that's TMI, sorry) so I don't get all the crazy hormonal eating binges. I think that's been a huge help to me.

    Anyway, bless you in your journey, and probably just being aware of the impact your food choices have on your weight makes the biggest difference in a moderate weight-gain pregnancy and a grossly-out-of-whack weight-gain pregnancy. :) IMHO

    Edit: I do use MFP to track my 500 calories for breastfeeding, too, since I'm not about to starve my little one trying to get the last pounds off. (She's a beautiful butterball, though! The thighs on that one--amazing!)
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I am glad that people are using MFP during pregnancy because my youngest will be 1 in May and my husband and I are probably going to be trying for #4 shortly after that. I gained almost 50 lbs with all three boys and I don't want to do that again. The weight has stayed on for the most part, so if I am doing all I can now to lose it, I don't want to gain it all back plus a whole lot more. I am more aware of what is in food and what foods are good for me and those that are bad and just empty calories and fat. Thanks ladies for posting this!!
  • CherryPie606
    CherryPie606 Posts: 44 Member
    Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences : ) It is much appreciated.
    And yes, agreed, breastfeeding has helped me lose weight, I'm sure of that
  • insatiable_need
    insatiable_need Posts: 127 Member
    I was wondering the same thing about using MFP while pregnant. This is really helpful!