6lbs into 100 pound goal... looking for "friends"

Hey all! I have been on MFP for about a year and have done WW before. I'm staying active running (well jogging let's be honest) and have just started the New Rules of Lifting for Women.

I am fully commited to my goal and looking for some friends, supporters, cohorts... etc on here. What are your goals on the scale and off?

Feel free to send a friend request!


  • Good luck hun feel free to add:-)
  • I am on the same journey. Feel free to add me.
  • ilvmykidz
    ilvmykidz Posts: 66
    Good luck! I am looking for some weight loss buddies/supporters too!
  • Hi! I'm brand-new to MFP. I have a 40 pound weight loss goal. I've just started that, too.

    Had a second baby 3 months ago. It's really hard to get the weight off this time around! Did Nutri System last time with lots of success. Lost 20 pounds on 2 months, just doing the plan. But having a very hard time sticking to anything this time. Lost 15 pounds before my wedding 5 yrs ago on WW.

    What's your story? :smile:
  • Stac2004
    Stac2004 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! I just joined today too, brand new to MFP. I have a goal of 60 lbs to lose. I did WW too with success in the past, but like you said I am having a hard time sticking to anything. I am looking for friends as well to keep me motivated and accountable. I'll send a friend request. Good luck all!
  • Hello,

    I have a 100lb goal as well. I am a former college athlete that has really struggled with adjusting to the "real-world", where my workouts aren't scheduled for me and I am not working out as much to keep eating the way I used too. Its been really difficult and I would love to have some MFP friends to help keep me motivated. Thanks
  • L_amore
    L_amore Posts: 52 Member
    Weight loss is a good thing to have in common... And I think its always good to have support and be supported in our weight loss journey... so feel free to add me and we can support one another, I'm 8lbs into my goal. :)
  • therfc
    therfc Posts: 11
    I just started MFP on the advice a friend while commiseration on back sliding and gaining hard lost weight from the previous year. A couple of years ago I started The New Rules of Lifting for Women, but have fallen off the wagon due to moving and the limitation of my new (lower cost) gym. I can say when I was really following the workouts in the book, within a month I really saw a difference in myself. There is a facebook group for the book that also has some helpful documents. Hopefully once I get my eating habits back on track, then I will find a way to restart the program.

    Stay strong and good luck on becoming a goddess with the different stages. I would be happy to add you (or anyone else on this topic thread) as a friend on this site.
    Rebecca :happy:
  • eville23
    eville23 Posts: 8

    I've been onMFP for a couple of weeks now, feeling good but motivation is hard. I find having community really helps.

    I live in England. Trying to lose 22 lbs to feel good about myself.

    It's a tough journey, but I find it helps to motivate each other through the forums.


    Good luck on your journey x
  • debbond58
    debbond58 Posts: 41 Member
    I came and looked at this site almost a year ago and didn't start. I wasn't in the right place at the time.Now almost a year later,I have begun my journey.I don't know how many times in my life I have tried to lose weight.I have 100 pounds to lose.I would love to be on this journey with you.I just started a month ago today.Let's do it!!!
  • prose58
    prose58 Posts: 52
    Feel free to add me. Always looking for others to help me and I them.
    I have plenty to lose.
  • Feel free to add me!

    I am almost 30 pounds into my 100 pound loss journey.... My goal is to become a stronger runner! :-)

    Best of luck!
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    sent a request. Anyone feel free to add me as well.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    Anyone is more than welcome to add me. Good luck!