No alcohol for 30 days..



  • eshamy29
    eshamy29 Posts: 6
    @ Nicole 325 AMEN!! IF they are your friends they will want you to be doing better and not worse, they should motivate you and not pick on the fact that you have stop drinking.
  • photogmama
    photogmama Posts: 32 Member
    I am in with you! Great job! Anyone want to start a group so we can support each other?
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    I have so been there! The good news is as you get older binge drinking really loses it's appeal, your friends will come around too (for the most part, there's always an exception). Any way just get a diet soda, or water in a bar glass. They'll never know, and you'll be surprised to discover how much you didn't miss out. Not to mention how nice it is to wake up without a hangover.
    good luck -you got this
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm in. Aside from one day where it is my bf's birthday. Should we start a group?
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    I don't think you are doing this for your friends anyway so if they can't be supportive then how good of friends were they? You have listed a few reasons already why it sounds like a good thing that you aren't drinking. You have a boyfreind that isn't... all the more reason to be supportive to him. Give it a try...
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    I stoped for a month at the begining of the year and I lost 5 pounds and had more energy with no other changes in my diet. I did let me my best friend pull the "if you were my friend you would come to the bar with me" and I was right back to drinking. Also my boyfriend always has my favorite beers in the house so it does make it hard. I do have plans to stop again and just drink on special occasions. I wish you the best of luck.
  • Trigrl83
    Trigrl83 Posts: 11 Member
    No alcohol for 3 days is a great idea. I think that you will get used to not having alcohol in your life and you might possibly stop binge drinking on the weekend. No good can come out of drinking too much. Replace the time drinking by doing things for you! Save the money spent on alcohol to get a massage, buy new skinny clothes, enjoy a fro yo. I find there are better places for my money to go than booze. Good Luck!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I'm in. Aside from one day where it is my bf's birthday. Should we start a group?
    I think the group is called AA.

    In all seriousness, I think taking 30 days off is a good idea. That way when you come back to drinking it will, hopefully, be easier to limit yourself. I'm still working on that; I didn't drink for a week and then St. Patrick's Day hit ... and I maybe over did it a little bit.

    I still have half a bottle of whiskey, but, eh, after that I could probably see fit to drop it for 30 days ;) ... I'll just be a week behind y'all :D
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I enjoy drinking but I only drink once a week. I count it as a cheat and work hard the rest of the week. I also work out during the day if I know I'm going to be drinking later on that night and eat very clean. It works for me so finding your balance is important to adapting habits for a lifetime.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm in. Aside from one day where it is my bf's birthday. Should we start a group?
    I think the group is called AA.

    Been there, done that, not an alcoholic. I just like booze. :-)

    Seriously, group anyone? I need 3 people if we are going to do it.
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    i stopped drinking alcohol completely,.. i feel great.. last week i had two glasses of wine at an event and i was really bloated after
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    I don't like going out sober- I'm just not into the whole bar scene anymore. So I'd rather not even go out at all :/ I just really don't want to piss of my friends. My boyfriend recently stopped drinking (he used to be a huge partier) and he tells me how happy he's been since he's quit.

    ALSO- I'm on a medication that I'm not supposed to even drink with- but I don't really want to tell that whole story to my friends

    If pissing off ur friends is your worry- then that is silly. If your friends are really your friends then they will not get pissed and realize your priorities are in a different place

    True that! PLUS think of how much money you will save! :)
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    Awesome responses, thank you everyone!
    I honestly think a huge part of it is growing up.. and starting to understand my priorities.. my friends are out of control and some of the things they do absolutely disgusts me.
    They drink Thurs, Fri, Sat night probably from 8pm-2:30 am. (this is a NORMAL weekend.)
    Every other week they decide it's a great idea to start drinking at 1:00 in the afternoon.. come on... really? And it's not like a couple drinks throughout the day- it's power hours and case races.

    I want to expand my friend group- but it's hard when I'm so used to be being around people like this- I'm graduating college in a year and I want to start making better choices before I'm thrown out into the real world.
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111

    yes yes yes, I'm in (if you find more people please message me, dear! )
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I'll try. Although, I like my alcohol. I'll try hard. Only exception is my birthday is in April. But, the rest of the month is great.
  • Llorraine11
    Llorraine11 Posts: 350 Member
    girl i been doing it for weeks this my 5 th week .. its so hard .. i have 1 more week to go .,, and i go out every weekend and i am dying honestly.. its been so hard:( but i swear everyone tells me u lost so much weight u look great and that keeps going
  • lsteen
    lsteen Posts: 1
    I've given up alcohol and have noticed a huge difference. Not just to my health and body, but to my attitude as well. It's not just the calories you drink at the weekend, its the chips and cheese or kebab you eat when youre drunk, and then the crap you eat the next day to make yourself feel human again. I still go out but I stay sober, and I have a much better night. I dont spend a fortune, I dont make a fool of myself and I dont spend my Sundays wanting to die!
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    I drink like once a week...I was trying to look for a good alcohol that I could mix with spring water and I found Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka, I mix it with water and a little bit of fresh lemon and IT IS SOOOOO GOOD and it does the trick alcohol is supposed to do! lol

    I am 24 it is not realistic for me to completely cut alcohol out just like I wont cut out pizza or any of that because then once you start drinking or eating that stuff again the weight is going to come right back on.

    This is good!! Lifestyle change, and substitutions.

    I am not a drinker. I have two little boys, and I am married. My family has alcoholism so I stayed away from it anyway.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not trying to be harsh or anything, but even if you do keep it up for 30 days, what do you think will happen when you start it up again after that month is up?

    This is my thought too, and why I never gave up alcohol during my weight loss. But, if you are prone to binge drinking giving it up temporarily as a means to drinking more responsibly could be a very wise decision.

    As far as diet is concerned, if you don't replace the alcohol calories with anything else then you will probably lose faster because you'll have a bigger deficit. If you do replace them, then you probably won't lose any faster.
  • Llorraine11
    Llorraine11 Posts: 350 Member
    so true