things 'friends' say

me and my friend were having a confo about exersize yestarday and she said to me
"havnt you got anything better to do than run for 5-6 hours a week."
i said "like what sit on my *kitten* and watch tv like you????? "
i love running and finds it helps me loose the weight and have 'me' time.
the god dam cheek on some people!!!!!! its making me fit and look good whats wrong with that?

has your friends ever said anything stupid like that to u?


  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I don't exactly have that experience. What my friends usually do is say how they wish they had the strength to do a diet yadda, yadda yadda.... then tell me I look hungry and try to shove food down my face.

    Or, they order something insanely delicious then eat it in front of me. That doesn't really bother me until they start moaning and groaning and saying how wonderful it is and how sorry they are that they can't offer me any.

    Kinda makes you wanna snap them in half a little bit....
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Maybe find friends you don't feel the need to put quote marks around? Just a thought. :ohwell:
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Maybe find friends you don't feel the need to put quote marks around? Just a thought. :ohwell:

    that was my thought too.
    I dont have any problems with my real friends. Its the damn acquaintances that are usually a pain in the *kitten*.
  • kaiser90
    kaiser90 Posts: 29
    friends will usually say that when they are jealous of something, in your case, your body or whatever
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    I have friends that poke each other (and mine) belly and call each other fat :P but then again we mock each other allot over almost anything. somehow hearing it from friends makes it ok, while a stranger would get punched or growled at hehe.

    it also means that when they congratulate or give a compliment it means more.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    My friends are great... it's my mom who says stupid stuff to me...

    I had never ran in my life and at 39 decided to give it a try. After a couple of months of training (went from walking to running), I was finally able to run a full mile. I was so happy and pleased with myself, that I shared this exciting news with my mom.

    Her reaction?

    She eyed me up and down (I was wearing shorts at the time) and said, "that's great, but why are your legs still so heavy?" (heavy, meaning fat)

    I was so shocked by the question, because at this point I had already lost 80 of the 115 pounds I would lose, that I just stared at her a moment and then replied, "because I'm still fat!"

    Yep... just one of the wonderful things my mother has said to me during my weight loss...
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I have friends that poke each other (and mine) belly and call each other fat :P but then again we mock each other allot over almost anything. somehow hearing it from friends makes it ok, while a stranger would get punched or growled at hehe.

    it also means that when they congratulate or give a compliment it means more.

  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Options friends are great. My mother-in-law on the other hand...

    My latest favorite from her was when we took her out for dinner for her birthday. I was drinking water like a fish, like I tend to do these, over the course of the couple of hours we were there, of course I had to use the restroom a couple of times. Evidently, while I was in the restroom, she told my husband "She HAS to be bulimic. There is no way she lost that weight without puking things up...she looks sick. Disgusting". Um...thanks, MIL...this would be why we only have dinner with you on your birthday and not on a regular basis....

    If your friends are bugging you, just tell them to back off.
  • nickinewing
    nickinewing Posts: 13 Member
    My mum has the same power to make me feel useless in the face of me trying to do something..
    I totally understand what thats like.
    Good for you doing all that effort - its for you anyway, you didnt do it for her and you didint do it for her approval either xx:bigsmile:
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    I have friends that poke each other (and mine) belly and call each other fat :P but then again we mock each other allot over almost anything. somehow hearing it from friends makes it ok, while a stranger would get punched or growled at hehe.

    it also means that when they congratulate or give a compliment it means more.


    hehe yes, you got me. Most of my friends are guys :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    Yes I have had people who are "friends" say "well I am busy and have too much to do to work out" as if my time is not valuable either. I hate it!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I have a friend that asked about losing weight (I had said something about watching what I eat).

    So after showing her this site, and giving her a few pointers, she yelled "you're freaking OBSESSED! sheesh! I would never be that anal about food!" :noway:

    Whatever, I'll just keep doing what I'm I saw her on Saturday, and she asked me "how much weight have you lost?" I told her, and she said 'no way!' I said, "it's all muscle, I'm building muscle to burn off fat, and I just bought these pants and they're already too big!" Then a random guy (we were at the bar) goes "You look fantastic!"

    Then she suddenly wanted to know what program I was doing, how much it cost, how long it was etc...

    (inside I am doing a happy dance)