Weight lifting question (and minor NSV)

I went into the free weight section all by my self.

I was hoping my hubby would come join me at the gym and we would lift weights together.. but it hasn't come to that, him being too tired after work. I'm worried about my form, since I have no idea what to do.. well aside from moves that I've done through Jillian's 30 days shred. Today though I decided I should at least start with *something* and did some lunges with bicept curls and erm.. something with pushing up in the air.. whatsitcalled... :blushing: got some "what are you doing here" glances.. or maybe just "huh someone new" glances.. dunno.. anyway, listened to Dresden and did my thing. Not too bad. I shall have to make this a habit.

sooooo... any good youtube channel I should look at for what to do there?


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I do bench press, squats, deadlifts. Go to the bodybuilding group and they have a bunch of links and form checks. I grab a trainer when I start a new exercise and just say "I'm working on benchpress. WOuld you do a quick form check for me please?" This way I don't have to pay for their services, but I make sure I'm not making some glaring mistake.
    If you see someone doing the exercise, then ask them for help. Most people are more than willing and friendly and will help you out.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    I do bench press, squats, deadlifts. Go to the bodybuilding group and they have a bunch of links and form checks. I grab a trainer when I start a new exercise and just say "I'm working on benchpress. WOuld you do a quick form check for me please?" This way I don't have to pay for their services, but I make sure I'm not making some glaring mistake.
    If you see someone doing the exercise, then ask them for help. Most people are more than willing and friendly and will help you out.

    Thank you. Took your advice and looked at the groups, and will try stronglift 5x5 (seems simple enough :) )
  • nanochic
    nanochic Posts: 8 Member
    I would highly recommend Strong Lifts 5x5 or Starting Strength. Both are basically the same program (SL came from SS, in a way) and will get you an amazing, all-body workout in a very short period of time. Don't be afraid to do some research on proper form and technique - it's not fun being injured.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Starting Strength is good, if you search youtube for Mark Rippetoe there is stuff to show you
    the basic squat, bench, deadlift, etc.

    Either grab one of the trainers wandering around, or pay for a session or two to get form down. Bad form on some of these exercises can lead to some bad juju (not to scare you off)
  • BigL0s
    BigL0s Posts: 133
    Ditto to starting strength. Start light on the weight till you get proper form down and increase gradually. Ask someone who may be around and looks like they're willing to help, normally most people I've seen at the gym are pretty willing to help show you a thing or two. Or a personal trainer would be a good option. Good luck!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Thanks for the replies, are allot of help. will be sure to search youtube for Rippetoe :)

    I am sure people are generally nice.. but I am also generally shy. I¨ll try to work up the courage to ask for help in person :blushing: