New here

I'm new to this site, clicked a link one of my friends posted and here I am. I've been psyching myself up trying to get motivated to start my weight loss journey again. I've done it before. I can do it again.

I'm a 32 year old mother of 2. I joined Weight Watchers after my second child was born, and reached my goal weight 6 months in. I maintained my goal for 2 years, but then life got in the way, and I started slowly gaining back all that I'd lost. My youngest is now 10 and I am tired. Tired of being overweight, and tired of feeling bad about myself. Right now, I am at the heaviest weight I've ever been, truly, I don't think I was this heavy during my 9th month of pregnancy! Its definitely time for a change. I'd love to have a support network, friends going through the same thing. Motivation is a huge factor in success for me. Accountability, too...



  • janeshopster
    HI! I'm also new here. Hope you can be successful in losing weight. I'm on the other end of the spectrum and wants to gain a little more.
  • JustinaSanchez
    Hi! Losing weight isn’t easy, if it were everyone would be skinny. Track everything you eat. I’m on weight watchers at the moment as well as using my fitness pal and I’ve learned that tracking is key. Make sure to make time for yourself to exercise even if it’s a 30 min walk. Start with what you can do and move up from there. This is a great site and has a lot to offer if you utilize it. My dairy is open and you can add me if you'd like. Good luck on your journey to becoming a healthier you!
  • kezzafitmum73
    hi im new here please add me
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    If you need help you can add me for a friend.
  • joanaHL
    joanaHL Posts: 8
    Looking for a friend? Me too! I started this site today and also need some inspiration and support. Add me if you would like and hopefully we can help each other out :)
  • JeremiahA
    Welcome to MFP :) there are alot of awesome people on here that are always going out of their way to motivate and help anyway they can!! feel free to add me :)