Work "different" hours

Hello my Fitness Friends. I know this topic has been on here before but I am really struggling and need some success stories. I work 5am - 2pm. M - F. I wake up at 3:30 am and go to bed at 9. Which means I am ready for Dinner by 4pm. I have a hard time before I go to bed. I try to drink a lot of water and a glass of milk before bed. But I get so exhausted that I end up binging. I tend to over snack even on just veggies so I try to stick to my 3 meals a day and a lot of water. I work out 3 days week on the days when I am not driving the kids to all of their sports functions. What are some good suggestions to stop eating between 5pm - 9pm? I need a good kick in the butt right now. Please share your success stories. Thank You!


  • nicolasara
    Hi, I work some strange hours too. Sometimes I start as early as 3am so i am up at 1.15am!! No matter what time I get up I eat my 3 meals. So for example if I worked your hours I would have breakfast (usually cereal or toast) before I went to work. Mid way through shift I would have a healthy snack (fruit, cereal bar, yogurt something like that). I would have my lunch when I got home and then my dinner around 7pm. Having a later lunch and dinner would maybe help stop you snacking on unhealthy food later in the evening. Don't know if this helps :)
  • ayamagali
    ayamagali Posts: 167 Member
    I work 6-2, and usually have a snack or small meal when I get home to tide me over until dinner which I eat around 6. I try to have my meals planned out out and prepared the day before, so when I get home I don't have to think or try to portion it out, it's already done. These last couple days I've been having a protein-fiber drink to stay full until dinner and it's working well!
  • xxslvrxwngsxx
    xxslvrxwngsxx Posts: 195 Member
    I also work 5-2 monday through Friday. I eat 5 meals a day and a snack. Mini breakfast (like a banana) on the way to work, Breakfast at 8 (usually oatmeal), lunch 1 at 10 (soup and fruit) , lunch 2 at 2 (couscous, salad, small sandwich, etc), dinner at 6 and a snack around 8 right before bed (popcorn). Seems to work for me. I am never starving (except sometimes at 2, but thats time for lunch 2 :happy: ) I try to drink as much water as possible also.
  • ashley67203
    Fasting from 5pm to 3:30am is a long time -- add that to not getting enough sleep and you're bound to be starving all the time.

    I work the opposite shift, 2-11pm, so my eating schedule is also weird. I used to try to eat meals at normal times but I got so hungry that I'd always blow it after work and binge. I finally stopped doing regular meal times and started eating small "snacks" every 2-3 hours, eating them whether I want to or not. That way I don't give myself a chance to get really hungry. My coworkers give me a hard time, especially when I microwave bowls of frozen vegetables in the middle of the afternoon, but I don't care because I began losing weight as soon as I started this routine and so far I've lost 30 pounds.

    What I do is portion everything out in the morning so when I'm out of food, I'm out. I tend to get weird cravings if I don't eat a balanced diet so I keep a close eye on macros and make sure to get in plenty of fruits and vegetables. I eat up until about an hour before I go to bed and make sure to eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. I end up eating fewer calories if I eat low carb/high protein for breakfast.

    Could you go to bed a little earlier? For me, the difference between six and eight hours of sleep makes a huge difference in how I feel and what I eat. I tend to stop giving a crap at six hours of sleep and end up hitting the drive through on the way to work.
  • redsoxy
    redsoxy Posts: 73 Member
    I work really strange hours too. 4pm to 2am and sometimes until 6am. I have found the key is to get in a really strict routine of when you eat your meals and your snacks. Rule of thumb is that I try not to eat after 11pm (which is almost 4hs before my bedtime) and I try to eat my "big" meal of the day in the middle of my "awake" time.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I also wonder if you can go to bed earlier. I noticed you have kids so maybe not. :( But your body will kick out hormones to make you hungry and store fat if you don't get enough sleep. I work odd hours too. Almonds (but I can only bring one serving with me) help a lot.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    One other thought though--the old wisdom said not to nap during the day, but new thinking is that it is ok to nap in the day, especially if you can't get your full sleep in at night.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I don't work odd hours but I have the world's worst insomnia so I never know my schedule! I graze and eat 5-6 small meals per day especially since I don't know when I will be sleeping. This helps keep cravings at bay especially when I'm sleep deprived. Does it always work? No but it certainly helps. There's no hard and fast rule that says you "can't" eat after 5p! If that works with your schedule, fine, but it doesn't sound like your schedule really allows that. I will eat right up until the time I go to bed (whatever time that may be!) if I'm hungry. You have to do what works for YOU not what "rules" people say you must follow in order to lose weight. Good luck!
  • kdpamd
    kdpamd Posts: 38
    Thanks for all of the tips. I think the small meals every three hours is a great idea and definately do able. I know if a I plan ahead and have snacks on hand I should be able to succeed. I always was told not to eat after 6pm or go to sleep right after eating. I have to get that out of my head. It is OK to eat as long as I am still within my calorie count.