What have been your best Android Application that helped you

Have any of you used any android application that you really benefited from in your fitness journey? I really like A HIIT Interval Timer. It really helps me to log different interval routines with a timer that warns you that time is ending and get ready for the next interval. I also love Calorie Counter.


  • tiffintn
    tiffintn Posts: 8
    Hey I use this app called Jet fit, it its user friendly, has a computer log in, helps you keep track of RM, Reps, sets and body parts... LOVE IT
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    MyTracks. Android - I love this app and it is free. YOu tell it to start recording your track. go walking, running, hiking - whatever movement you are going to do.. When done - tell it to stop recording and viola - you have a map of where you were, you have statistics - how fast, how far, elevevation changes, any non moving time. You can upload to your google account along with the maps. Keeps in your gmail Documents. I love love love this app. I can just start out on a walk and record it and then I can tell where I have been and how far it is. I have been using this since I joined MFP in January.

    It even tracked my walk thru WalMart one day - that was one crazy looking map. Wasn't sure it would do it - but it must have found enough signal to track! I really recommend it...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Bump! I was just going to post a topic just like this to get ideas.