I need someone to pester me please

I once was a person who worked two jobs, went to the gym and ran several miles along with taking a college course. After face planting off of my wagon I am in need of some help. I have seem to come up with every excuse possible when it comes to going to gym before or after work. I am looking for the umph I used to have. My typical day is I am at work from 7am-7pm. On my two days off I am running around catching up on house duties and errands. My gym opens at 5 and closes at 11. How do I get into the habit of getting up early enough to go to the gym before work so I can begin again? Any inspiration on how to set time aside for me but also to enjoy it again?



  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    This is tough and I struggled with it for years, until recently. I went from loving my hour+ treadmill/eliptical time to avoiding it like the plague. For me, a few things work. 1) having someone who is counting on me to be there, 2) trying something new (maybe a class, if you like them), 3) Thinking of the time spent working out as "me time".

    Not too original, but that's what finally worked for me.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Would it be an easier transition back to the gym if you start by working out at home in the mornings? You could grab a workout DVD and start with that (decreasing the time commitment in the morning because you just roll out of bed and get to it). Then you'll start to regain the "high" that comes with regular exercise and that may motivate you to get out the door to the gym for even more intensive morning workouts. Good luck!
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    You have such a busy schedule, I know how tough it is. For me, I couldn't get off the couch and moaned about it for a couple of years. It took joining a gym close to my office and hiring a trainer to get me out of my constant funk. That way I don't go home, I go straight to the gym, or else I'd never leave the house again. Now I'm totally into it and go nearly every day, but I still like having my trainer to report to twice a week. This site is a huge motivator too. Eventually I'm gonna quit using the trainer but for now it's what works for me.

    You can do it. :)
  • peacebee
    peacebee Posts: 1
    If it helps, I'm in the exact same boat, (lazily) rowing along with you. I had lost a LOT of weight (60 lbs total) over a couple of years. Then, about a year ago, I went to my family's house for a week and ruined all of my good eating and exercise habits. I am now back up 20 lbs and trying to get myself to climb back up on that wagon and get myself back into my "skinny" jeans. As it is, I try to find motivators for myself: Pictures around my room of things I want or women who's shapes I admire, I try to only buy foods that are healthy and I'm working on not eating out, and when I do wake up on time (however rare) I go right away, instead of putzing around and procrastinating until I don't have time before my classes start. I also like to keep a picture of the "Strong is the new Skinny" logo on the background of my phone for a constant reminder to be strong and just do it (yay nike!)

    I dunno, so far it's been working (the whole 2 weeks I've been trying it all out). You got it girl!!