Been on MFP 5 days... would like more friends/support.

witts157 Posts: 37 Member
I have a few new friends on MFP but would love more.

My weight these last few years has been a total struggle. I've had ups and downs. I'm motivated to change more now than ever. 60 pounds is a lot to me seeing as I am at my heaviest. Used to play sports in high school.... but not so much anymore. Hence the reason why I want to change. I want to be at a healthy weight when I get married some time in the near future to my wonderful boyfriend... soon to be fiance when he asks.

Some days I would like a friend to just listen and give advice when needed on something if needed. Or tell me I'm doing a good job.

Some times it's the little things that make the biggest impact!

I'll do my best to check in on my MFP friends daily. I hope you do the same.


  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    I'm on here every day, even if I don't always complete my food log I'm always reading posts and giving support where I can. I'll add ya!
  • me too. I don't always log and i'll admit that I am terrible at loosing weight, but we can help each other along
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    I've been here only a month now, but I love it! Feel free to add me!
  • ncringle
    ncringle Posts: 3
    i am in a similar position to you i will add you
  • this is my first ever pst on here :) would love for you all to add me too :)
  • You can add me :) I'm trying to lose 40 lbs, most of it from having my baby 15 months ago. I've lost 2.5 lbs in 10 days so far! Nothing crazy, just limiting calories and walking and going to the gym twice a week :) you can do it! Love the feeling of seeing that little weight ticker get lower and lower during a weighing! Even a pound less is very exciting!
  • witts157
    witts157 Posts: 37 Member
    All have been added so far!

    Thank you to all. Each of you are an inspiration and motivation for me to keep on this journey.

    It will be a daily struggle but the little feats and bumps all make the journey worthwhile in the end... just think we're now all on the journey together.
  • Hi, please add me too :smile:
  • Feel free to add me but be warned I eat loads! :-))
  • fenorie
    fenorie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been here awhile but I keep falling off the wagon so to speak, so I'm back, and hopefully motivated to this properly this time! Would love to meet/friend new people :D
  • cazza666
    cazza666 Posts: 1
    Hello Everybody

    please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.

    hope you all have a great day
  • Marlz87
    Marlz87 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me as well.... Together we can achieve more! :smile:
  • jacklynb46
    jacklynb46 Posts: 39 Member
    looking for more friends also,all feel free too add me.been on mfp for over a year but now finaly getting serious about my weightloss and trying to get some type of excersize in every day.
  • hello im new here been on this site for 3 days now and loving it, anyone is welcome to add me
  • ssweet1020
    ssweet1020 Posts: 39 Member
    You guys are more than welcome to add me!!! I think we could all use the support!
  • akmett
    akmett Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I could use some fresh support and I do my best to encourage others.
  • lou1618
    lou1618 Posts: 96 Member
    feel free to add me.
  • divamimi09
    divamimi09 Posts: 38 Member
    feel free to add me to your friends list....
  • i am new to mfp also..this is my first post. i want to lose 50 pounds. feel free to add me also..
  • feel free to add me too! I could also use all the support I can get!