hello everyone!

hi. i'm Tiffany and i'm new around here. just wanted to stop by and say hello. i'm a new mom to a very lovely and happy baby boy. he is the light of my life. i didn't gain but just 25 lbs with him and i was like ok i can take this off after he is born, but then after a really bad post pregnancy (2 post partum hemorrhages) i have finally been cleared to start exercising again. the meds they had me on made me gain a lot of weight to help build up my blood so i have gained a total of 25 more lbs AFTER having him 6 months ago! so my self esteem is not very positive about the way i look and my family is no help in the motivation department so i've come here to see if making some new friends and actually getting off my butt again will help. hope to meet you all and good luck to everyone here!


  • Ciers
    Ciers Posts: 5
    Children are a blessing from God. It's the work after trying to get the baby fat off is the hard work. I have four boys back to back and i have put on 30lbs. That im working on to take off.
  • Sassywolf
    Sassywolf Posts: 12
    I will be here to support you and cheer you on. I know you can do it!
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    Welcome, A lot of great support here. Feel free to add me if you like. Any support I can give I am here.
  • shannonperry13
    i just had my 4th child (all girls!) in november. i gained about 50 pounds, and was already over weight to begin with. i have been using MFP for a little over a month and have be doing so well. i have only 3 friends, and for some reason it says 2 of them deactivated their accounts over the weekend. and the other hasn't been on for 3 days. so if anyone would like to friend me please do :) and good luck tiffany! i find the longer i go on with my exercise and eating healthy, the easier it seems to get. :) hardly have a craving for sweets anymore, and when i do, i am able to allow myself to have just 1 and that be enough :)
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Hi! Welkcome to MFP. This is such a great place. You will find support, motivation and people who are all working to achieve the same things. Feel free to add me and Good Luck on your journey!