anyone else have low blood pressure?

i have been told i have really low blood pressure and having further tests to find out why but my question is after exercise i really get dizzy and headaches that last the rest of day.
anyone else have this?
how did u over come it?
i eat alot and drink plenty of water but the headaches and dizzyness is daily and doesnt go away


  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I find caffeine really helps up the ol' blood pressure quite nicely! :laugh:

    I get random BP drops sometimes if I don't drink enough water. A headache is usually a clue to that.
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I am very low blood pressure, and the way I deal with it is by increasing the frequency of my meals and eating a lot of snacks. It works for me, although I doubt that its medically verifiable that meal frequency helps those with blood pressure...I just *feel* like it works so I do it.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    make sure you aren't lacking salt. Too much is bad, but too little is bad also. I have a lot of dizzy spells from my BP too. Most often it's upon standing from a seated position or when I bend down to pick something up and then stand back up quickly. Perhaps drink Propel or Gatorade during exercise to get enough salt in your system while you're losing salt.

    (I've been deferred from giving blood before because my BP was too low. And their standard is 90/50 to 180/100. The only time mine is normal is when I'm pregnant.)
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I definitely do! Usually around 95/65. Water helps but I black out a lot and get lightheaded when I sit up quickly or exercise.
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    My BP drops when I'm too hot. So, exercise, warm temps outside, too warm showers: all of them result in a BP drop on my end.
    It's terrible because it keeps me from being outside during the Summer. I really love the sun. *weeps*
    Also, it gives me terrible headaches and bodyaches. It also makes me feel nauseous, weak and dizzy. Not much I can do apart from staying in an air conditioned environment.
    And at the moment, our AC is MIA so I'm inside, where it may be cooler than the outdoors, but it's still too warm for my body. I've been feeling like a trainwreck for two days now. :/ Today, I've got a wicked headache and just doing normal things ( like climbing the stairs, making breakfast, checking the mail) have me feeling like I could lie down at any minute and pass out. (figuratively speaking, of course)
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I have Low Blood pressure and get Dizzy often, But my Doctor said it would go back to normal when I have a stable weight for a couple Months
  • Feathil
    Feathil Posts: 163 Member
    Yeah I was told by my GP to eat enough salt, and it had been when I tried to be 'healthy' and cut it out altogether, and passed out. So.... there we go..
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm not sure exactly how low you are talking about, but mine tends to run 90/60, but I'm well adjusted to it. The scary thing that used to happen to me when I was younger, and eating too few calories on stupid diets, was orthostatic hypotension--meaning blood pressure would plummet when I stood up, particularly in the heat. Good hydration and adequate calories helps with that.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    make sure you aren't lacking salt. Too much is bad, but too little is bad also. I have a lot of dizzy spells from my BP too. Most often it's upon standing from a seated position or when I bend down to pick something up and then stand back up quickly. Perhaps drink Propel or Gatorade during exercise to get enough salt in your system while you're losing salt.
    ^^ Definitely!!! This is the main reason for my low blood pressure. My cardiologist told me to eat more salt as apparently I have low sodium levels due to my underactive thyroid. It may be worth getting your electrolytes tested next time you see the doctor to see if this is indeed the cause of your low blood pressure.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    dizzy spells can also come from low blood sugar levels on top of low blood pressure I'm sure that's not helping matters. So watch your sugar levels also :) Cinnamon is a good one for that I believe.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    My doctor told me to eat more salt. I don't think it's physically possible for me to consume more than I already do, sadly.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    if you are a extreme athlete, it goes very low,,,,it depends what you do to extreme, be careful and monitor,,, mine is almost in the too low category.
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    make sure you aren't lacking salt. Too much is bad, but too little is bad also. I have a lot of dizzy spells from my BP too. Most often it's upon standing from a seated position or when I bend down to pick something up and then stand back up quickly. Perhaps drink Propel or Gatorade during exercise to get enough salt in your system while you're losing salt.
    ^^ Definitely!!! This is the main reason for my low blood pressure. My cardiologist told me to eat more salt as apparently I have low sodium levels due to my underactive thyroid. It may be worth getting your electrolytes tested next time you see the doctor to see if this is indeed the cause of your low blood pressure.

    i am having tests for everything lol. i thought it was salts so i have upped that but still feel rubbish everyday and its just getting worse. my tests are in 2 weeks so hoping i get some answers then :happy:
  • Moonblood
    Moonblood Posts: 199 Member
    I have low blood pressure. I get dizzy spells/black out when I get up, move too fast, etc. My doctor has said just make sure I get enough salt and water. I drink plenty and my salt is OK, but the symptoms are still there. It sucks!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I eat a decent amount of salt each day, and try not to drink more than 150oz of water.

    Too much water + too little salt = passed out Sarah
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    I also have low blood pressure though they have nver said it was unhealthy. I am also iron poor to the point that I can't donate blood. Ask your doctor about your iron intake. That can definitely cause diziness and headaches.
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    I also have low blood pressure though they have nver said it was unhealthy. I am also iron poor to the point that I can't donate blood. Ask your doctor about your iron intake. That can definitely cause diziness and headaches.

    i also have low iron
  • katema62
    katema62 Posts: 15
    I have had it most of my life...since is much more normal due to weight gain.
    I used to get dizzy when I would exercise. I did find out that low blood pressure is also a symptom
    of thyroid issues usually hypo/adrenal fatigue. I try to balance sodium with potassium and magnesium.
    Low blood pressure can also be why I could never lose weight when I dieted. My metabolism was always
    stalled due to it. Blood circulation could also be the culprit...I have cold hands and cold feet...temp
    that stays below 98 upon waking.
    This has been my personal opinion.
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    My doctor constantly tells me i have low blood pressure 'Incredibly Low, Dangerously Low' but there is no treatment for low blood pressure so there is nothing they will do about it! I also get headaces after exercising i just drink lots of water and that tends to help.
  • NurseCarolyn2014
    Generally the first symptoms of low blood pressure appear in the brain with headaches and dizziness. This is due to lack of oxygen delivery. The next organ to be affected is the heart with symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath.
    It's good that you are going for extra could be something as simple as dehydration so make sure you are drinking enough water, especially with exercise.
    Hope all is well :flowerforyou: