alternative to 30 day shred?

I was thinking about buying the 30 day shred, but I've read a few reports about it and it seems to be really tough on the knees, My knees are not in the best shape :( .... I can run walk and jog fine but while walking upstairs they make a terrible crunching noise, so I'm guessing it would be a bad thing for me to do the 30 day shred?

Can anyone suggest an alternative DVD that's not so tough on knees, or is there an option in the 30DS to go "lighter" on the knees?

thanks :)


  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    anyone :(
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I don't have an alternative for you as i've only been doing various Jillian DVD's, maybe swimming would be good for your knees???
    I can say that I have bad knees (I can walk, but running is nearly impossible for me without serious pain...and I have proper shoes and orthotics) and i've been able to do 30ds, my knees were sore for the first few days from the squats etc but then they were fine.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    It killed my knees, and it is the ONLY thing that has ever made my knees hurt....after 5 days of being d one with the dvd they still hurt. She does a lot of jumping jacks and stuff like that. Swimming is supposed to be good, not sure about a dvd yet tho
  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
    im on 12th day of 30day knees still hurt....ive been limping since i started...but today felt a little i think we just need to hang in there ....i think its a good dvd for beginners...bec i think that you are going to be sore no matter what dvd you use...i am a beginner on exercising and im going to stick with jillian michaels 30day shred..then im going to get rip in 30 and 6wk 6ab and cry all the way thru......:smile:
  • Ady0092
    Ady0092 Posts: 86
    10 minute solution carbs and calories Netflix
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    Hello!!! I have done the entire 30 day shred in the past, and am actually going to start it today again, if only I could get my booty in gear!! it's 10 here in CA, and I just don't have much energy (perhaps it's because this is my first day off in a long time!!!)

    I don't really have knee problems...I have in the past. I will say that when I was staying in a hotel a week or two ago, I tried the elliptical machine, and couldn't do it for more than 5 minutes without my knees screaming for mercy (the insides of my knees...anyone have that problem??)

    With all that being said, I never really had a problem with the 30DS and my knees. There is a girl you can follow in the video who does a lower impact workout, so you could always try it and follow her!!! It is a GREAT workout if you only have 20 minutes - and Jillian REALLY kicks your booty!!!

    There are a lot of squats, jumping jacks, some mountain climbers, and lunges in the workout...maybe try doing those things, and see if it is a problem before you buy it!

    I hope that helps!
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    I have knee problems... I just skip the parts that make them hurt, or do it modified a little, i watched the whole program one night and tweaked it :)
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    Make sure when you are doing the squats and jumping jacks that you are putting your weight in the correct spot. When doing a squat make sure you are putting all your weight on your heels and that will keep it from hurting your knees. Same as when walking up the stairs. Make sure you put your weight on your whole foot and not just on your toes. My knees hurt going up and down stairs as well, but this was a tip from an instructor and it totally works! Helps the knees out tons!
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member
    THere was another thread today where a lady said she bought a knee stabilizer from walmart with criss-cross straps for like $14 and it helped a lot. I have knee problems too and they hurt when I jog. I would try the shred and modify any moves that hurt your knees. If you can jog you might be able to do some of the moves. I can't do jumping jacks so do jogging in place instead. and do squats instead of lunges cuz they hurt too. I know they aren't working all the same muscles but it's better than nothing and I would hate not to be able to do shred and ripped in 30!
  • momof3crazies
    momof3crazies Posts: 1 Member
    I have knee pain in the past, especially with jogging. I have been doing 30 DS and have not experienced ANY knee pain. The girl to the right side of the screen doing modifications is helpful for some exercises, but you still have to do the jumping jacks etc. Jillian is awesome in the DVD.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    Pilates are really low-impact. Unfortunately, it's not a huge calorie burner but it does help make you look leaner. I'm on 30DS Day 22 and I've had to take a lot of rest days because of my knees.
  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
    man....all this time i thought it was just my knees....the inside of my knees was hurting soooo bad...i wanted to knock on the neighbors door downstair and asked can i stay with them for a month...ha ha
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Do you actually have knee problems? Or did you self-diagnose? :-) I don't mean that snarkily - but if you don't have actual pain, your knees are probly just weak. I'm no doctor, nor do I play one on the internet, but from personal experience - my knees also make crunchy noises/feelings while walking up stairs, but all of that improved once I started doing really basic strength training - like the 30DS.
    Try the video out and see what you think. There are times when my knees will hurt, so I back off the intensity, maybe not go so deep into the lunge or something. If not the 30DS, I'd definitely recommend strengthening your legs (will also make you a more efficient runner)
  • alix1105
    alix1105 Posts: 80
    I have tendinitis in both my knees.. i'm doing Julian Micheals Ripped in 30 right now which consists of 2 min. of weights, followed by 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. It's hard because the squats and lunges literally kill my knees and I can feel it pop from my knee all the way to my thigh. But honestly, just push yourself a little each day.

    I try not to push myself too hard on my knee because if I do, I'll be out for the week. So if the squats and lunges are really bothering me, I either take a break and skip that exercise, or I do a different routine from the video such as abs or cardio, or I'll even just do the weights and not the lunges and just let the video run during the exercise. Feel free to add me. But I think you'll be ok. It just depends on how hard you want to push yourself. I tried the 30DS and I felt it was two easy for me so I tried the ripped in 30 and am loving it :)
  • mmarie111
    I love the 10 minute carb solution, think someone else said that too. There are 5 10 minute workouts and none are too hard (on the joints) after you get used to them, and they are easily modified for knee issues. I have hip and knee issues so can not do full lunges or full jumping jacks so I always modify. At first I could only make it through 1 workout, now I can do 4 in a row. I also love to follow it up with a beginner pilates dvd.
  • aliciamille
    Spinning ::happy:
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    I'm in the same boat... my knees aren't particularly bad with impact exercises (I do Zumba no problem) but they are not great when it comes to squats, lunges, girlie press ups etc. Like you, they make a horrific crunching sound... worse if I get up from sitting on the floor.

    I've found that I can do 30 Day Shred providing I modify some of the moves.
    I never drop my squats as low as they do on the DVD... and sometimes I find it hurts me a lot less to go into a squat and then pulse it while staying low. I still get the burn, (granted, probably not quite as much) but without the horrible crunching and popping.

    Jumping jacks were hurting me a bit, so I ended up jumping straight up and down rather than pushing my legs out to the side. It was making my knees twist otherwise as they are too weak.

    With the lunges, I again either pulse them down low or do the arms without the legs (I have weights, so this is still effective in some way). The side lunges I can just about do, but I don't drop as low as they do.

    Give it a go and see what you can manage. Watch it through once without attempting it, and see what you think will give you trouble... then you can figure out things to do instead that won't hurt your knees. As long as you are doing exercises that are working the same areas, you don't have to do exactly what she says. Pick and choose stuff from all of the levels if you find some easier than others. As long as you're following the strength/cardio/abs formula she is doing, I'm sure you can still get great results.
    Don't force it though... if you feel it's too much, try something else! There are plenty of workout DVDs that aren't so harsh on the knees... I know what it's like though, I was always so jealous of everyones results here that I got stubborn and had to find a way I could join in!
  • JMarigold
    JMarigold Posts: 232 Member
    I think the real question is what did we do before the 30DS . . . .

    No DVD will be perfect. But I hate doing my workouts from a DVD so i guess I'm not the one to ask. It does make it nice and compact time-wise, but if you have the time you could plan out a simple strength training routine to do with 10-15 minutes of cardio as warm up. That way you can make sure that the exercises aren't too hard on your knees.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    My alternative is Turbo Jam by Chalene (BeachBody) workout. When I began it - I was at my heaviest weight of 275. I lost my first 30 pounds on this workout. Different work outs every day, some short, some longer. It has good cardio, and good strength training, without too much jumping around. I highly recommend it!!!!
  • Amberbaby101
    Heyyyy, i have issues with my ankles so thats why I choose not to do the thirty day shred however I have found that 40-60 minutes of swimming is really effective twice a week but also I tend to use now thats what i call fitness, which is a dancing dvd IF you like dancing? but is based on all the latest songs and talks through it with you and the people on it seem to be encouraging hope that helps?
