anyone else have low blood pressure?



  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    My normal BP is around 90-95 over 60. Along with that my heart rate is very low, sometimes dipping down into the mid 40 BPM range. I've been told a lot of this is typical of a runner (of which I am) though the low HR could possibly mean a pacemaker in my future.
    At any rate, none of these symptoms have caused me any problems and I get an excellent bill of health at my yearly check-ups.

  • I run low also (last time 88/51) and my doc said that as long as I'm not passing out, he won't treat it and just to keep my sodium levels up. I love salt and add it to everything so it never made sense to me. My cholesterol is also too low and was given a bad "score" on a physical because of it. I didn't even know it was possible for it to be too low!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Yeah, I have low BP. I haven't measured it in a while, so not sure exactly what it is at the moment. When I have a bit of a dizzy spell, I take heart in what a cardiologist said to my sister: "Well, your blood pressure is low. You'll get dizzy now and again, but on the plus side you'll likely live to be more than a hundred.... " :-)

    (This was more than 20 years ago, so may not be current state of the art cardio advice... But it amuses me!)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I also have low blood pressure though they have nver said it was unhealthy. I am also iron poor to the point that I can't donate blood. Ask your doctor about your iron intake. That can definitely cause diziness and headaches.

    i also have low iron

    I've never had low iron, but as a vegetarian, it is something I watch in my diet. The best thing I've found for getting iron in my body is drinking an occasional soy based protein shake. It's got an amazing iron kick. I doubt it tastes as nice as the whey version (it's frankly a bit nasty, unless you find the right juice to mix it with - for me, that's pineapple, mango and passion fruit). But it's lower cal, higher calcium, higher protein and delivers a real punch of iron.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I do, around 92/65