Dumb Vitamin Question!

j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
Okay to take all at once or should I stagger? All at once would be easier to maintain. Thoughts!?


  • meaganh13
    meaganh13 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been taking a multivitamin, B12, Vitamin D, Omega 3-6-9 and Biotin all at once for over 6 months and have never had a problem. Of course, I need a hearty breakfast BEFORE I take them, otherwise I feel nauseous.

    I take Acidophilus before I go to bed as I don't want the other vitamins to interfere with them.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    I take 'em all at once. consider the fact that all those vitamin drinks have them all in the same swallow... :) just don't over dose on the fat soluble ones... they need fat to move and they stay in the fat cells mostly till they get used...
  • Dnsnyder
    Dnsnyder Posts: 263 Member
    I don't know what combination of vitamins/supplements you're taking, but when I was taking a vitamin packet I would take them all at once with a meal. Now, however, I just take a single multivitamin (still with a meal though). You should be aware that some vitamins/minerals can prevent absorption of pharmaceuticals/medications, deeming them less effective or ineffective. If you have any medications for which this applies, you should usually allow around an hour at least between taking your medication and taking your vitamins. =)
  • Mist1981
    Mist1981 Posts: 145
    I usually stagger mine. Always my calcium! I fill my containers on Sunday so they are ready for the week. I have an AM, Mid-Day, and PM container.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I've been taking a multivitamin, B12, Vitamin D, Omega 3-6-9 and Biotin all at once for over 6 months and have never had a problem. Of course, I need a hearty breakfast BEFORE I take them, otherwise I feel nauseous.

    I take Acidophilus before I go to bed as I don't want the other vitamins to interfere with them.

    side note. did you go to rome?
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    Sometimes I take half in the morning and half at night, sometimes I take them all together. You just have to remember certain ones can't be absorbed with certain things... Like you need vitamin d to absorb calcium.. stuff like that. Whatever floats your boat!
  • ThatCindyGirl
    Its not going to hurt you by any means to take them all together but the concept of staggering is to maintain a consistent amount in your system at all times (kind of like homeopathic meds if you are familiar with that). Harder to do depending on your schedule. I often times revert back to all at once but I think its best if you can stagger. :)

    Side note: Congrats on all your successes so far! That's awesome!!
  • Heidbummer
    Heidbummer Posts: 19 Member

    You look a bit young (and pre menopausal and not female) to be taking calcium, but if you were, you would be advised to to avoid taking any other supplement (except vitamin D, which helps you to absorb calcium) within a couple of hours

    Other than that, it depends on the doses you are taking. In general if you are taking them at a level well over that you would be unlikely to ever find naturally, your body (and its usually the liver) can't take the hit all at once and you are likely, as Dr Sheldon Cooper once warned, to merely end up with expensive urine. (Penny: " Well, maybe I want expensive urine." Sheldon: "Well in that case, you'd better get some magnesium")

    So it may be better to spread them out over the day and always try to take them with food.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I second the statement about medications being limited by this. Especially psychiatric meds, if you take any of those. That and thyroid medications. Many pharma Rx's are impacted by metals, like calcium, iron, etc. Personally, I think if you are taking a multi-vitamin and then say a C booster, you're better off taking them at different times so you don't overload and lose out on the benefits. However, if you mean like, a multi plus a fiber supplement plus fish oil, things that don't overlap, you're fine.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    my multi is three pills. some others are twice a day. but i'm not consistent, usually in the evenings. it would just be easier to get it all done at once. i'm not on any medications so no issue there.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    I was taking my multivitamin and calcium/vitamin d together, but then I added iron into the mix and researched it a little. Calcium needs to be taken with a meal not consisting of dairy because the body can only absorb so much calcium at one time, but you need the meal to help absorb the calcium better and I know that calcium interferes with iron uptake, so I take that by itself. I think it really depends on what vitamins you're taking - in the past, I took all my vitamins together but I never knew what was absorbed or not... may have been really expensive urine (I love Big Bang Theory!!!) ;)
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I used to take before go to sleep since I don't like to take pills in general.
    But I read some vitamins digest better with meal so
    now I take them all after the 1st meal.
  • MystiqueASAP
    It depends on if the vitamins are water or fat soluble. I would take all of the water soluble vitamins at once in the morning and the fat soluble vitamins in the afternoon or evening in the middle of a meal.