Exercising in the morning....

I am a busy mother of two who holds down a full time job, takes care of her home and her hubby.....so time is something I don`t have much of. I was thinking of starting to exercise in the morning before the kids wake up and I have to get them ready and off to school and my butt off to work... But my issue is....How do people who exercise in the morning do it??? I wake up and it takes me awhile to shake off the sleepy feeling I have....let only do the Shred.

Right now I am jogging on my lunch.... but I really want to do the 30 Day Shred to tone up before I head off for vacation with my hubby in April and get in shape for summer. I have done the Shred before but usually in the evenings. But with the weather improving I want to spend quality time with my kids outside.

My question is....How do you do your exercise in the morning? How do you get your body to perk and and be exercise ready? Any advice?

I was thinking perhaps waking up at 6am (I usually wake up at 7) take 10-15mins....drink 16 oz of water and stretch? Maybe that will get my body going?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    It's tough, I don't want to do it. But I just know I'm getting results and I know I won't have time or feel like it after working 10 hrs. After about the first week it got easier and now I actually look forward to it when I go to bed the night before. I also try to get 8 hrs sleep every night but that doesn't always happen. I don't have any secrets....I guess I just do it! Good luck!

    ps- hydration and stretching do help get you going!
  • privatetime
    privatetime Posts: 118
    I'm not a morning person, either. But I can't imagine working up a sweat any time OTHER THAN before my morning shower.

    I also do a second workout in the afternoon, but it is much less intense because I don't want to have to shower again.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    The few times I get up w/ the roosters to do a morning workout, I prep everything the night before. I layout my workout clothes and my work clothes. My lunch is prepacked as well and my protein shake for afterwards is already made.

    How do I shake off the sleep? I DON'T! LOL I just do the workout, trip a couple of times and I am quite off rhythm as well, then I wake up LOL
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    I got up at 6am to run this morning. It was still dark out and I really just wanted to stay in bed. I was still sleepy as I started my walk and warmup. However, within the first 5-10mins I was well awake and by the time I was done and the sun was up I was fully awake and ready to go. My point is that you may still be sleepy when you start your workout but you'll quickly wake up once you get the blood flowing.

    Having everything set up the night before means I don't have to think about anything in my sleepy state, just have to put on my clothes/HRM and head out the door.
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    My situation is similar to yours - hubby, kid, work, etc. I exercise monday-friday from 6-6:30am. I get up about 40 minutes early and drink a glass of water to re-hydrate myself. This seems to do the trick for me. I'd say the more you do it, the more accustom your body will be. I've even slept in my workout clothes before :) one less thing to do when I wake up! Another important thing is to get enought sleep - for me its 8 hours. I just feel better in the morning if I've had enough sleep.

    If you need energy you can have some coffee (only if you like it of course). You wil feel so much better once you get the exercising out of the way for your day that you wil gradually grow used to it.

    good luck!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I do it sometimes. I'm a single father with a full time job, so some days my only option is before the kids wake up or after they go to bed. I prefer mornings because, once I drag myself out of bed, my workout is ALWAYS better than at night.

    It's just a mindset thing... if I let myself be lazy then I inevitably don't get out of bed early enough. If I force myself to get up, then no problem. The fog clears a whole lot faster once the heart gets going.
  • jbarletta316
    My situation is pretty much exactly yours...kids, full time job, hubby etc. I get up between 5 and 5:15 every morning. I have been doing about 45-65 minutes of Zumba and just started the 30 day shred today.

    I just get up and make myself do it. If I take time to shake off the sleepy I probably wouldn't get up. I start by drinking some water while getting dressed and most mornings try to make some scrambled egg whites to get my metabolism kicking. If you're going to get up in the morning and work out you need to get up and leave yourself Plenty of time, not just enough time. To me an hour just isn't enough. Good Luck!
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    1) I get up at 4:53 AM (BIG SUCK).
    2) I let the dog out.
    3) I get changed into workout clothes.
    4) I do 30 Day Shred.
    5) I eat breakfast (usually a protein shake).
    6) I log my activity & breakfast (sometimes pre-log lunch) on MFP.
    7) I shower & get ready for work (hair, make up, etc.).
    8) I get my things together (lunch, work bags, etc.).
    9) I leave between 6:45 and 7:00 AM.
  • Eleisabelle
    Eleisabelle Posts: 365
    I love exercising in the morning--and I'm not at all a morning person.

    When I can exercise in the morning (I can't in winter, because I have to be at work too early) I generally get up, eat a banana and drink some water, write for about 30 minutes (I'm a writer, and morning is a good time to kick your inner editor in the pants), and then get ready for the run. That 30 minutes of mental activity is usually enough to get my body going, too, along with the carbs from the banana that get my metabolism going.

    Otherwise, it's hard for me too, because, well, like I said, I'm not a morning person. But that's one reason I like trying to be one...
  • trinawynne75052
    OMG, I am having the exact same issues.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    I do a spinning class at 5:30am. I like that class because I do not have to think or talk to anyone. By the time I'm done, I'm totally awake.

    A friend of mine who works out every morning at that hour said to make sure you get in bed by 9-10pm. Keeping that in my head has really helped. After a while, I got used to getting up earlier because I was getting in bed earlier and getting enough sleep. I think getting enough sleep is key.

    Also, I prepare every possible thing the night before. Water is in the frig, clothes on the floor by my bed, coffee made, lunch and snacks packed for work, etc.
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    I make sure to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep then when I wake up I take a preworkout supplement. Helps get me started and in the zone!
  • mlamlam1
    mlamlam1 Posts: 2
    There is not secret to getting up and working out in the morning I start my day off at 3:45AM leave the house by 4 and at the gym by 4:30. The thing is that once you decide to make the live style change it is easy. The first week is the hardest but once you start you will not want to stop. I will say that for me the early morning workout is the best because it get the blood moving and gives me energy all day. Once I get home I put another 30-45 minutes in on the treadmill. All I can say is just go for it and it will get easier for you.
  • mlamlam1
    mlamlam1 Posts: 2
    This is the key to bed early and making sure is ready the night before.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I try to remember that if I dont do it in the morning before my 4 kids get up, I probably wont do it when I get off at 5 and drive home. Then I will feel guilty. LOL I dont have the energy to get up and try to wake myself up, I get up early enough...but by the time I get my workout gear on, and get downstairs and turn on the lights, I am usually awake enough to get going..

    Good luck!
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    There is not secret to getting up and working out in the morning I start my day off at 3:45AM leave the house by 4 and at the gym by 4:30. The thing is that once you decide to make the live style change it is easy. The first week is the hardest but once you start you will not want to stop. I will say that for me the early morning workout is the best because it get the blood moving and gives me energy all day. Once I get home I put another 30-45 minutes in on the treadmill. All I can say is just go for it and it will get easier for you.

    EXACTLY! I'm struggling with the same thing, as I typically don't get home until 7 or 8 every night!! It's all about building a routine!! I am forcing myself to get up earlier - and yes it is tough to wake up, but man after that first set of jumping jacks, your blood is flowing, and you are alert!!! LOL!!! Just try to get up a little earlier every day, or every week....it WILL get easier, and you WILL see results with the Shred!!!!
  • Rachelle27
    While I don't have kids to manage, I do have the husband, full-time job, and part-time MBA juggling act going, so I have to get the excercise in first thing in the morning or it just doesn't seem to happen. Here are some tips that help me get going in the morning . . .

    1. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep the night before
    2. Have your workout clothes, equipment, etc all laid-out the night before
    3. I make my protein shake before I start my workout and drink 3-4 oz (out of 10-12 oz) before the workout.

    Good luck, I find its a great way to start your day!
  • KMA220
    KMA220 Posts: 24 Member
    It definitely isn't easy but for me I know if I don't do it in the morning, it just may not get done. I commute to work, work full time, and am a mommy and a wife. Usually by the end of the day after dinner, baths, laundry and cleaning up the last thing I want to do is work out! It's actually given me a lot more energy during the day and I love knowing that it's done!
  • KMA220
    KMA220 Posts: 24 Member
    If you do your workout at home....do it in your pj's! :)
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    Here is how I handle the morning workout. I hit the gym on my way to work or use my commute to ride my bike.

    1. Get ready for the next day the night before so less to do in the morning. Kids lunches, backpacks are ready to go, clothes laid out, etc..
    2. go to bed early, sometimes i'm asleep before the kids
    3. Wake at 4am and hop in a shower just to wake me up
    4. grab some food, feed the dogs, and get my gear on.
    5. Out the door by 5. My kids are old enough to get themselves off to school.