Sweating slow down with weight loss?



  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    i dont sweat alot but my sister sweats really bad we do 2 fitness classes a week and a 2/3 days in the gym and i usally work harder than her but she ends up soaked we usally just laugh it off but dont think weight makes a diffrence becuse she,s about 15 pounds lighter than me lol
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I sweat like a pig. I went for an easy 2-mile walk on my lunch break today (I run about 25 miles a week, to put it in perspective), and I came back soaked through my shirt everywhere with sweat (I had changed into workout clothes, at least). I guess I've just accepted it about myself... I buy clinical strength anti-perspirant, re-apply a couple times a day, and am constantly blotting my face in the summertime. Nobody but me seems to notice, so it doesn't bother me anymore. So, I wish I had some advice for you, but even when I was really thin and fit I was always sweating.
  • healthylifeforme
    healthylifeforme Posts: 156 Member
    I sweat more than any other person I know. To say that I sweat profusely would be an understatement. However, this is only true when I'm working out. Otherwise, I'm pretty normal in the sweat department. It always cracks me up that some people get done with a workout and still look good and can go run errands or whatever. For me, the only place I go is home to the shower :) I am also very cold almost all of the time with the exception of when I workout. Not sure if it has anything to do with the amount that I sweat or not, but it definitely is something I've noticed.
  • phillips9366
    phillips9366 Posts: 19 Member
    Since last thanksgiving I've been doing P90x and have lost about 30 lbs. I wasn't exactly fat, (carried it well), but sure wasn't light either. I don't necessarily sweat alot by the standard of people who are real soakers, but man did I sweat during my workouts. As in dry shirt to totally soaked, wet shirt at the end.

    Now, 30lbs lighter and a heck of a lot fitter, I still sweat but not nearly as much. During my workouts, my shirt gets wet in the center of my chest and under my pits. I was actually wondering about your same question and figure the hypothesis is on track. I'm jsut as hydrated and working out just as hard, but am just not as sweaty.

    interestingly, I now find that I sweat more at night than I used to, or at least I notice it now. I wake up hot, feeling like I have too many covers on. Maybe it's my metabolism going faster or something, I don't know.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • hedwighigh
    hedwighigh Posts: 299
    I used to be hot natured and was always sweating or hot.
    I lost about 70 pounds and now I'm always cold. I don't sweat a whole lot anymore either.
    I sweat a good bit when working out though but I think that probably depends on how hard the work out is for me.
    If I'm not being pushed, I probably either won't sweat or won't sweat much. If I'm being pushed then sweat will drip off of me.
    However, it was winter not long ago so maybe that could be why? I feel like I was freezing more than usual though.