MFP or Weight Watchers?

okay so here's my dilemma. i'm LOVING this MFP site. the only difference is with weight watchers fruits and veggies count as nothing where as here they do count as calories and what not. which i know they are calories. but i also feel hungry and i eat veggies and stuff but it doesn't really make me full. so i was wondering what everyone eats. like food wise to keep them full? And the other question is should i stick here or go back to weight watchers. I dont know. maybe i'm making no sense sorry :P


  • my2boiz
    my2boiz Posts: 89
    How much weight are you trying to lose? What do you have your activity level set to? How many calories are you currently trying to consume? How much weight per week do you want to lose? I eat 1200 calories and i'm never hungry. It took about two weeks for my stomach to adjust. Veggies are very low in calories for the most part, but they should still count. I've used other products before such as nutrisystem. It wasn't worth it because i can eat a lot more if I eat the right things. Try hummus, its my favorite. i eat it with WASA crackers. They are low in carbs and calories.
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    You can eat virtually unlimited quantities of just about any green vegetable and the caloric content is minimal. Asparagus, green beans, cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach, etc. My lunch is often a lean meat with a green vegetable.

    MFP is free. Try it for a month and see what success you have.
  • danielle1983cov
    I have tried WW on numerous occasions. I have always lost a stone and half, then kind of lost my way. I have never, ever lost this much weight and still been able to keep on track!

    WW completely took over my life. It made me a boring, points obsessed loser. My lifestyle was so unhealthy too - I would always save as many points as I could (by eating mainly salad and not a lot else), then 'spend' them at the weekend on wine and pizza! I was allowed to save so many points that I could have two bottles of wine and an entire Domino's pizza on a Saturday! I know it's nothing to do with the diet really and it's all in my head, but I feel that MFP promotes much more of a long term healthy eating plan. Also, I know that in order to lose weight I need to stop eating crap and shift my lazy *kitten* a bit more - I refuse to pay someone £7 a week to tell me that again! lol.

    Each to their own really! It's whatever works for you.

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do! :drinker:
  • jennie0918
    jennie0918 Posts: 69 Member
    How much weight are you trying to lose? What do you have your activity level set to? How many calories are you currently trying to consume? How much weight per week do you want to lose? I eat 1200 calories and i'm never hungry. It took about two weeks for my stomach to adjust. Veggies are very low in calories for the most part, but they should still count. I've used other products before such as nutrisystem. It wasn't worth it because i can eat a lot more if I eat the right things. Try hummus, its my favorite. i eat it with WASA crackers. They are low in carbs and calories.

    i'm trying to loose a good about i mean over all i want to be down 100 probably . . but for now i just want to take it step by step. i get 1900 calories.. plus the ones i get from working out so it's over 2000 but i try to just stay under 1900. i want to loose about 2 a week. i am pretty active i exercise 5 days a week or 7 depending how i feel on the weekend and i walk all day from class to class to dorm to dinner .. wherever around campus. i love this website so far though so i really want to try and stick it out. maybe i'll get used to it an my stomach will shrink?
  • jennie0918
    jennie0918 Posts: 69 Member
    I have tried WW on numerous occasions. I have always lost a stone and half, then kind of lost my way. I have never, ever lost this much weight and still been able to keep on track!

    WW completely took over my life. It made me a boring, points obsessed loser. My lifestyle was so unhealthy too - I would always save as many points as I could (by eating mainly salad and not a lot else), then 'spend' them at the weekend on wine and pizza! I was allowed to save so many points that I could have two bottles of wine and an entire Dominoe's pizza on a Saturday! I know it's nothing to do with the diet really and it's all in my head, but I feel that MFP promotes much more of a long term healthy eating plan.

    Each to their own really! It's whatever works for you.

    Good luck with whatever you choose to do! :drinker:

    thank you! .. i've found this much more like a "family" and i love that it counts the calories for me and adds in my exorcise all itself. i'll try this for now hopefully it will work!good luck to you too!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've been on WW a couple times. I still eat pretty much the same now as I did on WW, and I can fit into my daily calories as easily as I could fit into my daily points.
    I believe these are pros of MFP:
    1. It's free.
    2. I would rather keep up with my protein, fiber, carbs, and fats than keep up with points based on those things that someone else has figured out for me. I also like to keep up with my sodium, iron, and calcium, which I can do here. No need to buy expensive calculators (and they seem to change their formulas and plans every couple of years.)
    3. Sometimes what works for awhile doesn't work as well after awhile, and you have to tweak things a bit. I think that will be easier to do when I can look at my calories and macros along with my calories burned through exercise.
    4. It's been a long time since I've been on the forums over there, but I like the forums over here much better. Better community support.
  • danielle1983cov
    Feel free to add me if you want a quick peek at what I have every day - my diary is open and I have 1200 per day. Unless it's an exercise day, then I can sneak a couple of treats!
  • my2boiz
    my2boiz Posts: 89
    How much weight are you trying to lose? What do you have your activity level set to? How many calories are you currently trying to consume? How much weight per week do you want to lose? I eat 1200 calories and i'm never hungry. It took about two weeks for my stomach to adjust. Veggies are very low in calories for the most part, but they should still count. I've used other products before such as nutrisystem. It wasn't worth it because i can eat a lot more if I eat the right things. Try hummus, its my favorite. i eat it with WASA crackers. They are low in carbs and calories.

    i'm trying to loose a good about i mean over all i want to be down 100 probably . . but for now i just want to take it step by step. i get 1900 calories.. plus the ones i get from working out so it's over 2000 but i try to just stay under 1900. i want to loose about 2 a week. i am pretty active i exercise 5 days a week or 7 depending how i feel on the weekend and i walk all day from class to class to dorm to dinner .. wherever around campus. i love this website so far though so i really want to try and stick it out. maybe i'll get used to it an my stomach will shrink?

    From what I understand, it does take a little while for our stomachs to shrink back down. For me it was a couple of weeks. With 100 pounds to lose you should probably start seeing results pretty quickly. 1900 is a good amount to start with i think. Google healthy filling snacks. You may get some great ideas on there. Drink a ton of water, it may help curb the hungry feeling a little bit. If you get shaky or feel faint, DO NOT stop yourself from eating. I'm sure others will have great ideas for you as well. Thats one added benefit to this site. You get so much great FREE support from people who are doing or have done the same thing you are. :)
  • jennie0918
    jennie0918 Posts: 69 Member
    You can eat virtually unlimited quantities of just about any green vegetable and the caloric content is minimal. Asparagus, green beans, cabbage, celery, lettuce, spinach, etc. My lunch is often a lean meat with a green vegetable.

    MFP is free. Try it for a month and see what success you have.

    i'll try :) thank you!!!!
  • jennie0918
    jennie0918 Posts: 69 Member
    How much weight are you trying to lose? What do you have your activity level set to? How many calories are you currently trying to consume? How much weight per week do you want to lose? I eat 1200 calories and i'm never hungry. It took about two weeks for my stomach to adjust. Veggies are very low in calories for the most part, but they should still count. I've used other products before such as nutrisystem. It wasn't worth it because i can eat a lot more if I eat the right things. Try hummus, its my favorite. i eat it with WASA crackers. They are low in carbs and calories.

    i'm trying to loose a good about i mean over all i want to be down 100 probably . . but for now i just want to take it step by step. i get 1900 calories.. plus the ones i get from working out so it's over 2000 but i try to just stay under 1900. i want to loose about 2 a week. i am pretty active i exercise 5 days a week or 7 depending how i feel on the weekend and i walk all day from class to class to dorm to dinner .. wherever around campus. i love this website so far though so i really want to try and stick it out. maybe i'll get used to it an my stomach will shrink?

    From what I understand, it does take a little while for our stomachs to shrink back down. For me it was a couple of weeks. With 100 pounds to lose you should probably start seeing results pretty quickly. 1900 is a good amount to start with i think. Google healthy filling snacks. You may get some great ideas on there. Drink a ton of water, it may help curb the hungry feeling a little bit. If you get shaky or feel faint, DO NOT stop yourself from eating. I'm sure others will have great ideas for you as well. Thats one added benefit to this site. You get so much great FREE support from people who are doing or have done the same thing you are. :)

    yes! i know! i love the support it's so amazing! ... that's a good idea though to google it! ... i do get shaky sometimes but i eat when i do. Thank you for all your help! :)
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I think there are a number of WW people here that use this tool to track, but use the WW diet plan. I think if that works for you, that's great! I don't believe, though, that you can eat any amount of any food, even healthy veggies and fruits, and not count them. But, as for being hungry, it's probably partly what you're eating, assuming you've been changing your diet for a while. The first two weeks were tough on me, but it became much easier after that. You may need to eat fruits/veggies and other healthy grains that have "bulk" to them. Maybe you're not getting enough protein, which takes a bit longer to digest and thus can make you feel fuller longer? Also, I am NOT about no-fat diets. Fats - the good ones, of course - are required by your body and do actually help your
    body register "fullness"... that is, flips the switch in your brain so that you stop "craving" or stop feeling hungry.

    Just a few thoughts. I have really enjoyed MFP, myself. So much diversity - people, opinions, lifestyles - and even when we're cranky, we're usually still fun to be around. :happy:
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    well, like you said, fruits and veggies ARE calories, so, even if they're 0 points you're still taking in calories. But, like someone said above, you can eat a TON of those without putting on a huge amount of calories. I think a cup of spinach is like 7 calories? Just watch what you put ON the veggies...dont load stuff with ranch, etc. I personally haven't tried weight watchers, but I know that from others experience WW isn't as good about making you realize what things are healthy and why, just that they're lower points value. I think it's invaluable to figure out what things are good for you, not just a random number WW gives it that changes. For me, this site is sooo app with awesome scanner, the website & most importantly the web community are all SO amazing. I've lost about 30 lbs since Jan, and want to lose a little over 100 overall as well. What MFP has done for me though, is started to make me believe that not only my weight loss goal is possible, but other things as well. I never thought Id be a 'runner', and while I still wouldnt really apply that term to me, I saw info about Couch to 5k and started the program....I'm still not even halfway through it, but I ran/walked my first 5k two weeks ago! Now I've got my eyes on other 5ks and longer races as well. I love reading all the blog posts about people's accomplishments...I think it just drives me to reach for dreams that i might have thought about DEEP down, but the encouragement I've found on here has been amazing and helped me push to start towards some of them.
  • Mochi915
    Mochi915 Posts: 30 Member
    The first time I lost 15 lbs was with Weight Watchers and to this day, I'll credit them for being the ones that opened my eyes to healthy eating. HOWEVER, life happened and I gained back the weight. I tried to go back on it and it was hard. I was really hardcore with it. I had the calculator and the phone app and everything.

    I LOVE MFP because honestly, who can resist a free app? That and it's a more realistic way of living. One of my co-workers has lost amazing weight through Jenny Craig and I give her props for that but to this day, she still has no resposibility towards portion amount and life without Jenny Craig meals. I feel that WW is simliar in that you need to deviate away from seeingn life as points. Some will argue that its the same with calories but honestly, it's so much easier. You look at at box and you know what's what.

    Good luck with you decision. By the way, if you want my calculator, let me know and I"ll send it to you if you decide to go with Weight Watchers!
  • mmklinemm
    mmklinemm Posts: 58 Member
    I was actually just talking about this with my husband. I did WW about 8 yrs ago and it worked awesome for me. I lost all the weight I needed to and kept it off until I had my babies. Then, I went back to it and lost the weight again and have kept it off. Even though I can keep up with the points in my head fairly accurately, I find that I eat less healthy if I'm not writing it down - hence the last 12lbs that have crept back. I like to see it in black-and-white and that helps me decide if that oatmeal cream pie is really worth the calories/points.

    I think MFP is SOOOO much better though! I love that it's actual calories and takes into account exercise. Every single food I eat is in the database - I still can't believe that. I keep testing it and comparing with the labels in my pantry. :) Plus, the community forum is awesome. And it's free... I don't really think of using this site as dieting, like I did with WW. It's more like keeping a diary and keeping myself accountable while someone else does all the calculations for me.

    Hope this helps...
  • velsbree
    velsbree Posts: 69
    you can do both together, my friend does it and lost 16 lbs so far.
  • cassieko
    cassieko Posts: 40 Member
    I've been on WW a couple times. I still eat pretty much the same now as I did on WW, and I can fit into my daily calories as easily as I could fit into my daily points.
    I believe these are pros of MFP:
    1. It's free.
    2. I would rather keep up with my protein, fiber, carbs, and fats than keep up with points based on those things that someone else has figured out for me. I also like to keep up with my sodium, iron, and calcium, which I can do here. No need to buy expensive calculators (and they seem to change their formulas and plans every couple of years.)
    3. Sometimes what works for awhile doesn't work as well after awhile, and you have to tweak things a bit. I think that will be easier to do when I can look at my calories and macros along with my calories burned through exercise.
    4. It's been a long time since I've been on the forums over there, but I like the forums over here much better. Better community support.

    ^^ all of this

    MFP is free and shows you a lot more about what you're eating. I liked WW, but MFP really helps you track your eating patterns better. You can still choose more fruits/veg (I do) but instead of converting everything into proprietary points, you can just get a grip on your body and make peace with calories.
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    I've tried WW a couple times over the years but I prefer MFP. I still eat some of their frozen dinners. I found the points to be frustrating and would focus on things like oh I can eat 2 plates of whole wheat pasta a day even though it's not good to eat that in a day. MFP just seems to be more well rounded in tracking nutrition. I've realized how important the balance between carbs and protein and fat are. I also didnt like having to calculate points especially with them changing the formula and the variety of plans (although I'm sure it was for a good reason). Like others said, I would just try this for a month. The app and everything is free and if nothing else it will help you be a better food tracker if you switch to WW.
  • AleksD3
    AleksD3 Posts: 194 Member
    I have a slightly different answer. I tried to make MFP work for me. I think I hit 60 days when I finally went back to WW last week.

    WW always worked for me before (but eventually I'd quit and undermine myself...long story).

    Anyway, after reading how great and free calorie counting is I tried to make it work but what happened is I got horribly obsessed. I would read the message boards here constantly. I was tracking down every calorie, every nutrient, every everything but I wasn't losing.

    Well, I'd lose 2 pounds, gain 2 pounds, lose 2 pounds, gain 2 pounds over and over again. My brain went totally out of control with counting and obsessing.

    I felt like I was eating constantly just to stay above 1200 net calories and I was getting desperate.

    Friday I went back to WW and I feel like I can breath again. I'm not obsessing. I'm not eating tons. I'm so much more relaxed and I can't wait to see if the scale shows a change this week.

    Now this is only what worked for ME. Not for everyone.

    It just so happens that counting calories sets off my obsessions. I'm still checking in here with my friends and keep a close eye on sodium and carbs but I'm tracking with WW and I feel good about how I'm doing for the first time in a long time.

    You just have to find what works for you.
  • successiswithinme
    successiswithinme Posts: 91 Member
    I am currently a WW follower, again. I tend to gravitate toward it when my eating gets out of control but I always hit the wall when I realize loosing the weight isn't going to give me the body type I want, I want to loose inches more than pounds so I know II need to exercise to get firm and toned. I only wanted to loose 15 lbs and I am 7 lbs from that goal.

    Just my opinion here but----
    I totally disagree with theWW notion about fruit being considered a free point because they are loaded with sugar and I personally have to work out harder if I eat alot of fruits because I tend to gain weight if I have to many of them. I still count them as points when I track. I love MFP community much better than the WW site because people here are more open to communication and you have a wide variety of topics, theres always someone or something here you can relate to on a daily basis..
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    I have been a ww member at least 6 times in the last 12 yrs. If your new to dieting, WW offers great support, nutrition, and practical diet advise. If your an old hat at diet and nutrition, I would stick with MFP. Both sites are very similar. WW website has recipes, tracking food intake(by points not calories), forums etc. Downside you can only record your wt once a wk. Yes you can eat "free" fruits and veges BUT if you exceed the daily reccomended intake you will not lose weight as fast or even at all. I found with the new points program, they haven't figured out all the points as well. Your book(the good ones you have to buy too) may have a food listed as 3 points, then when you check it with the WW calculator (which you have to buy) it maybe more or less. Stuff like, 1/2 cup ff cottage cheese ends up being the same points as a whole cup, can have you overeating in no time! Downside WW cost approx $40/month where I live, yes you can do it online cheaper but then your not getting the same diet education. MFP is free! WW does not have a complete database of food like MFP. Both sites you can add your own recipes. I think MFP gives you more freedom with how you want to diet. When your a WW member they get down on you if you lose more then 2 lbs a wk and also get down on you if you don't lose for wks at a time. (my personal experience) In the end they are both great and both work so go with what will work for you! Good luck, hope this helps