Best ratio of carbs/fats/protein to build lean muscle?

Hi all. I'm currently at the weight my body would like to be at but I'd like to burn the last bit of fat off my belly area and work on definition. I was just reading an article that says "For moderately active people, who may do one to two days strength training a week and primarily cardiovascular workouts, a less-protein-heavy diet is a better choice. Eating 40 percent protein, 30 percent fat, and 30 percent carbohydrates will work well." Does that seem correct? 40% protein seems like an awful lot of protein. If you currently use this ratio and it's working for you, can I ask what your typical day of food looks like? Do you always make your protein needs for the day?


  • alphatau
    alphatau Posts: 2 Member
    a one to one ratio of carbs/proteins is what was suggested to me... IDK about fats... Hope it helps :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'd set minimums at approximately 1g/lb lean mass in protein, .35g/lb bodyweight in dietary fat, and let carbs end up wherever they do based on how far over you are on the above values.