p90x and gym

ive been going to the gym...... a couple days a week. now i have p90x. would it be doing to much if i go to the gym in the morning before i go to work, and then do p90 in the evening? if i do, should i try to work out the same body parts at the gym that i will be doing at night with p90


  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    What you are talking about in P90X Terms is called doubles. If you look at the P90X guide you will see that in the doubles routine you basically do extra cardio 3 days a week. Working the same muscle in the morning and then in the evening just prolongs the healing process and you won't grow as fast. If you can somehow work 2 different muscles then it would be OK for a little while. You don't want to overtrain cuz then you risk injure and wasted time.
    I for one don't recommend it. I allow 48 hrs at least. I not saying it won't work for you I'm just saying it's againt some of the basic principles of lifting.

    There was a time when I benched 5 days a week for like 3 months. I didn't get much bigger but I was benching 340lbs.
  • hxcburrito
    thats alot of weight to bench. i just started last night. so it was chest and back night. i woke up this morning for the gym, but bailed out. i was going to do arms. but i remember at the end of the ab ripper x, tony horton said something about over working, so i was hesitant. a co-worker said i would have been fine anyways, because they are 2 different muscle groups. what if i went to the gym every other day, and just did cardio, and maybe once a week, lift weights once a week to see where im at? think that would be to much?
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Let's start here. What's your goals?
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Add me as a friend an send me a message...I'll help you all I can.
  • Chrissy979
    Chrissy979 Posts: 51 Member
    Im fairly new on the forums and I have seen a lot of refernce to P90X, so I finally gooled it to see what everyone was taling about. I've been debating on whether or not to order the dvd's. It said that you need resistance bands, and a chin-up bar I believe. I do not have much in the way of room, the bands would be no issue, but I have no where to put the bar, is still woth buying set, and will I be able to do something else in place of the workouts that reqire the bar? Thank you
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I know several people who aren't too keen on the strength training aspects of P90x, so they do a different strength training routine, but incorporate the Cardio X or Plyometrics into non-lifting days.

    Chrissy, You can buy a pull-up bar that fits on your door frame for about $20. That and a set of bands is all you really need...maybe a Yoga mat if you have hard woods, because you'll be slipping all over the place if you don't have one.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Most band sets have an adapter for doing pullups with band. In the P90X videos Tony shows you how to do pullups with bands.
  • nlehmann
    nlehmann Posts: 164 Member
    thats alot of weight to bench. i just started last night. so it was chest and back night. i woke up this morning for the gym, but bailed out. i was going to do arms. but i remember at the end of the ab ripper x, tony horton said something about over working, so i was hesitant. a co-worker said i would have been fine anyways, because they are 2 different muscle groups. what if i went to the gym every other day, and just did cardio, and maybe once a week, lift weights once a week to see where im at? think that would be to much?

    I've done 90X workouts along with gym workouts and had luck. The gym workouts should only be cardio though, in my opinion and experience. I have found it lessens the soreness from just starting and gives a good cardio burst to the day. Good Luck!
  • hxcburrito
    Im fairly new on the forums and I have seen a lot of refernce to P90X, so I finally gooled it to see what everyone was taling about. I've been debating on whether or not to order the dvd's. It said that you need resistance bands, and a chin-up bar I believe. I do not have much in the way of room, the bands would be no issue, but I have no where to put the bar, is still woth buying set, and will I be able to do something else in place of the workouts that reqire the bar? Thank you

    i also dont have much room. i bought the whole kit off of a coworker, so i got the 30,40,50lb bands and chin up bar. unfortunately, the chin up bar doesnt fit any door i have due to the location of the door to a wall. to fix this problem, you buy a resistance band with a door attachment. this can be used instead of the chin up, and they show you how in the video.
  • Chrissy979
    Chrissy979 Posts: 51 Member
    Great~~Thank you!
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    I just recently completed P90X and am now doing P90X/Insanity Hybrid, plus running/walking for extra cardio on strength days. I believe that P90X is a very good program. I like it mostly because it is well thought-out and balanced. Stick with it, watch your diet, and you'll have great success.

    As for doubling up on your routines, I would suggest this... unless you're already a fit and established exerciser start slow. Don't fry yourself or get hurt too soon out of the box. The program requires 60-90 minutes, six days a week. Plenty for a beginner. Once you've gotten comfortable with the exercises and you've developed a routine for yourself then look to add additional exercise to it.

    If you're already fit and comfortable with the heavy load, then look into the doubles program. Again, the advantage is that it's been well thought out and balanced. You can find the schedule here: http://www.p90xworkoutschedule.org/

    Good luck!
  • BlackmetalCoffee79
    BlackmetalCoffee79 Posts: 108 Member
    Ok, maybe this is a really dumb question, but if you don't have the space for the pull-up bar and no space for bands to attach correctly to a door, is a lat pull down bar extension on a weight bench pretty much gonna be or do the same thing? I have one of these on my weight bench but have never heard anyone ever mentioning them being used for p90x.
  • hpynh2o
    hpynh2o Posts: 194 Member
    Ok, maybe this is a really dumb question, but if you don't have the space for the pull-up bar and no space for bands to attach correctly to a door, is a lat pull down bar extension on a weight bench pretty much gonna be or do the same thing? I have one of these on my weight bench but have never heard anyone ever mentioning them being used for p90x.

    The lat pull down bar works great! It's especially helpful if you're just starting out and are working on improving strength. I also use a lighter weight sometimes when I've maxed out body weight pull ups but want to get in more reps. Good luck!