Quick & Easy Breakfast Ideas??

My partner and I have 4 kids under the age of 9. Needless to say our mornings are a bit hectic and they go by quickly. I spend the mornings getting everyone ready after I've gotten myself ready and then we're off to work and school. All of our boys eat breakfast at school or daycare. I NEED to start eating something for breakfast and wondered if anyone had any quick and easy ideas for a Dad on the go.




  • divamimi09
    divamimi09 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi - - making hard boiled eggs and grabbing one on the go works for me. I grab one in the morning and eat it at my desk. Other things I've tried include: a "protein" shake using carnation instant breakfast no sugar added, with skim milk, a splash of lite hershey's syrup, and a half scoop of whey protein (GNC brand - no flavor - powder)....this yields a cup or two of healthy and filling breakfast drink.....it has good calories and a lot of protein. You can always modify but I find that this helps me during hectic mornings or days when I dont have time to make anything else The other things I've tried include the fiber bars or vita muffins (keep them in the freezer and eat on the go or when you get to work!!)

    Good Luck!!!!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    My hubby says breakfast bars (he likes clif bars) but I think a bowl of cereal is easy to make and quick to eat, protein shake (make it the night before if you have to) try smart ones breakfast sandwiches (microwave ready in 3 min) fruit (try banana with peanut butter) bagel or english muffin with any kind of butters (nut or seed) and jelly or cream cheese, toaster waffles.

    all those breakfast can be made in 3 min or less.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    Well you can always pick up some oatmeal in the container with a lil brown sugar or honey in in. Takes like 1 min to prepare and cook and you can drink it down if you need to. Good for you and filling.
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    Have you looked on hungrygirl.com search egg-mug low cals and very quick.
  • marcnee
    marcnee Posts: 7
    I make a meal replacement shake seems to hold me for most of the morning and 240 calories
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Plan, Plan, Plan! Take some time on Sunday and make up some mini-egg quiches


    I make these almost every week, put 2 in a container and pop into the microwave for 2 minutes - makes about 12, but you could double to make for you and your partner - great way to get protein and veggies first thing in the am!
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I make egg mugs:

    Spray a mug with pam or cooking spray. Add in 3/4 cup egg beaters or liquid eggs (you can use liquid egg whites too). Break up a laughing cow cheese wedge into bits and put it in (alternatively, add 1/8 cup low fat shredded cheese). Tear up 1 ounce lean deli meat (I like turkey) and put it in.

    Cook for 1 minute. Stir. Repeat (typically takes me 3 to 4 mins total). When you cook it, it will puff up out of the mug.

    Eat while hot. Costs me about 150 calories.

    We also pre-make steel cut oats with soy milk in mason jars and store them in the fridge. Just microwave, and add fruit (I like banana with chocolate soy milk or strawberries with vanilla soy milk). I also like whole grain waffles (easy toaster kind) with low-fat peanut butter and apples or canadian bacon.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    Have you looked on hungy girls website? They have some eggs in a mug recipes, low cals and very quick.

    Haha! That's where my egg mug comes from :)
  • medennison123
    medennison123 Posts: 191 Member
    greek yogurt, glass of skim milk, apple/banana and a scoop of protein. You can eat it on the go.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Those mini omelettes look fantastic! Thanks for that link!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I try to make the time to have some breakfast at work. I try to feed my kids at home, then we're out the door by 7. It's tiring. I don't have time to eat there, so I usually bring my oatmeal and then cook it up at work. 2 minutes later, I have my yummy breakfast. That's only if you have the time at work, though.

    Scramble some eggs up quickly? You can nuke an egg in the microwave and then make your own brekkie sandwich with a whole wheat english muffin, some cheese and whatever else you like in there.

    Sometimes in a rush I grab a VitaTop muffin top thingie, tons of protein and fibre, only 100 calories then try to get a fruit in as well.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    *Bump for ideas*

    I usually do a special k protein bar because it's just convenient or a banana with peanut butter toast or oatmeal or eggs and toast...but needless to say those are getting OLD.
  • crossa75
    crossa75 Posts: 9
    Instant oatmeal with banana in it. Fills ya up, tastes good and is easy
  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I like to mix 1/4 c kashi go lean crisp (toasted berry crumble) or any granola would work....with a container of greek yogurt. yum and very filling!
  • slavaheroyam
    I do the microwaved eggs too. That with a Joseph's pita and slices of turkey, bell peppers, and shredded cheese, but you can add whatever. Those pitas are awesome for something quick on the go. Some other options are plain instant oatmeal and mix in a mashed banana or chopped apples and peanut butter or Greek yogurt mixed with diced peaches and a handful of nuts/seeds of your choice?
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I like sandwiches. Peanut butter and jelly on a variety of different breads (sometimes an open faced one on low fat whole grain waffles), or just meat and cheese and a piece of fruit. Sometimes I just do protein drink with something on the side. I bet you could make that the night before and shake it up in the morning.... maybe.
  • Saezimmerman
    Saezimmerman Posts: 93 Member
    I love the egg mug idea. I think I'll add some seasonal veggies to it when I give it a try.
    Thanks for sharing!