Hello from Aus!

Well, I've technically been a member for about a week now and have been too shy to say hello; everyone seems so friendly, though, I thought I'd make an appearance.

I'm joining because of my lifelong struggle with my self esteem and my desire to be completely comfortable in my own skin. I have just gone through an awful break up last week and am still reeling with the impact of that, coupled with the fact that I have just moved to Australia (for the boy) and am now finding myself lost and lonely in a new country without my support system.

So, here I am to focus on myself for a little while and try to keep busy in the rough weeks ahead as I adjust to a new life and new home. I welcome any advice from those of you who have been going at this for longer than I!

Good luck everyone!



  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Well, I've technically been a member for about a week now and have been too shy to say hello; everyone seems so friendly, though, I thought I'd make an appearance.

    I'm joining because of my lifelong struggle with my self esteem and my desire to be completely comfortable in my own skin. I have just gone through an awful break up last week and am still reeling with the impact of that, coupled with the fact that I have just moved to Australia (for the boy) and am now finding myself lost and lonely in a new country without my support system.

    So, here I am to focus on myself for a little while and try to keep busy in the rough weeks ahead as I adjust to a new life and new home. I welcome any advice from those of you who have been going at this for longer than I!

    Good luck everyone!

  • apaden4
    apaden4 Posts: 137 Member
    Welcome erinkoop! I'm so sorry about your break-up - must be really scary to be in a whole new country and not know anyone. My thoughts are with you!

    Good luck in your weight loss and healthy lifestyle goals, you can do it! Stay strong!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Welcome aboard erinkoop! Australia is it? What's it like over there? I'm from a small rural town in Vermont and only know what I've seen on tv about Australia which is precious little. You can come here and we will try to be a support system for you. I know it's not the same as having someone with you, I felt that way when I left all my family in Massachusetts and came to Vermont and they aren't even that far away. As for advice, just take it one day at a time and if you need motivation and help don't be afraid to post something, you'll always get an answer back , I have ,and I've been doing it for about 2 months now. Take care, kjl
  • luvmy1908
    Welcome it's so nice to meet you!
  • kimford28
    kimford28 Posts: 320
    What part of Aus??/ welcome! you will love this site:) Lots of wonderful people!
  • redalee
    redalee Posts: 256 Member
    G'day Erin. So glad that you've finally introduced yourself :) lol Hope things start looking up for you and you make a lot of new friends in Aussie land.
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks so much for your welcoming comments!

    kjl, Australia is lovely- lovely weather, lovely people who are very silly, and generally a wonderful place to be! kim, I'm in Adelaide, which is the capital of South Australia- right now we are in a drought situation and are almost into summer, so there are lots of water restrictions on!

    Thanks so much for your encouragement and advice- I look forward to this journey together with all of you!
  • curvygirlsrock
    hey erin, nice to see someone else from aus here! oooh, adelaide, yes I imagine it would be quite nasty there in terms of the water. I'm from Newcastle, just up the coast from sydney...I think we're one of the only cities up the coast that doesn't have any sort of water restrictions (the joy of full dams huh).

    kjllose: what's aus like? well...contrary to popular belief, we don't all say "g'day" or ride emus up the main street *grins* ...tv has a lot to answer for! I don't know about adelaide, so can't answer for erinkoop, but on the east coast where I come from we're pretty laid back kinda people. The weather's great this time of year (so no excuse not to get our butts outside exercising!) and in newy (my town) the beach is pretty much everyone's life...allow me to wax lyrical for a moment about the beach...our beaches in aus are some of the best in the world (well, we are an island after all, so a hell of a lotta coastline!...actually, trivia fact. the beaches on hawaii are covered with sand from the beaches from my town and more up the coast). anyway, we like to think we're pretty friendly...come for a visit and see for yourself :)
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    if only. thats an expensive trip from where I live. It is one of my dream destinations though. I'm a little Jealous. Being from the East coast of the US (Just north of Boston, Massachusetts) the water here is always cold except for about 2 days in september when it's bareable (it warms up from about 40 to maybe 48 degrees Farenheit for a few weeks) :-p
  • Loretta_Jo
    Loretta_Jo Posts: 609 Member
    Hello and Welcome!
    It is good to have you with us.
  • cardgrl
    cardgrl Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome, Erin!
    I can soooo relate on the self-esteem and being comfortable in your own skin. It is something I haven't been for a long, long time...I truly believe when I lose the weight myself and I can look in the mirror and see all the hard work I have accomplished, I will have a better sense of self and a better body image!
    Welcome and keep up the hard work!