wii fitness

I currently do a half hour walk every day and am considering buying some fitness games for the kids' wii - any suggestions would be much appreciated and what do people think of them?


  • LizV32
    LizV32 Posts: 127 Member
    My nieces Love Just Dance, and so do I!!
  • FruityLoops
    FruityLoops Posts: 138 Member
    That's exactly what I was going to recommend, I have Just Dance 3 and it's fab for burning some calories and having fun at the same time :-) I've got lots of other games like Wii Fit, and Boxing ones etc, but now that I have Just Dance I find them very boring in comparison!
  • Lasityttö
    Lasityttö Posts: 79 Member
    I have Wii Fit Plus and Active Personal Trainer. Wii Fit is fun and some of the things are like playing a game, so you forget that you're exercising. Active feels more effective and if I use that, I know I'll be sore the next day. Both give you an estimate of calories burned. I like the games more than exercise videos. Maybe you could check if there are any videos on Youtube about fitness games for Wii, you might get a better picture of them.