It's my first day!

BevHem Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone, I've struggled with my weight for many years and tried many diets ( they all seem to work if you stick to them) thats my problem, keeping it going. So I am hoping that after finding this site and being able to keep a track every day of my food and exercise and hopefully making friends who are in the same boat as myself, we WILL do it this time and keep the weight off :o) so would love to hear from anyone else who has struggled in the past and wants to do this!!


  • Roseiesf
    Roseiesf Posts: 5
    I can totally relate. Hopefully this counting calories works. Like you ive tried lots of other things but just can never seem to stick with it. Well I wish you the best of luck!!
  • christinerush
    Hi and welcome! I have found it so much harder to lose any weight since turning 50. Even two years ago it was so much easier! Im finding this site great and supportive and even though the scales arent showing much of loss, I can see parts of me thinning down, so its not always about the scales! Having said that though, I would love them to move a bit faster! :smile:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    You sound so similar to me. I'm trying to lose for my 30th reunion this summer. I'm sure it will just sneek up on me and I don't want to be sorry. Add me as friend if you want!
  • kelley663
    kelley663 Posts: 20
    Welcome to the site !!! I was in the same boat as you , I was a die hard Atkins dieter and fell off the wagon and when I fell I fell hard.I gained 90 lbs because I have never known how to eat right. This sight is great , there is lot's of support and information to keep you going . I've started to learn to eat healthy ( still afraid of carbs , lol ) but the counting calories works , i'm down 13 and never thought i could eat what i wanted , just eat period and still loose. Stick with it and remember everyday is a new day :) so if you fudge it up don't sweat it , just start the day new. you can add me as a friend if you like.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Welcome! I've only been on here a couple of weeks and it's really helped just tracking my food. People are also pretty encouraging too!
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Congrats and welcome. The great thing about this site is seeing that you're not alone in the challenge of losing weight and feeling better about yourself. There are a lot of us struggling with the same thing and we all have different motivations and circumstances but we all want to WIN!!

    Tracking food can be a real eye-opener. Take the time and don't get frustrated. Awareness is a big thing and keep looking for 'LITTLE VICTORIES" every day.

    Also, if you have a smartphone, download the MFP app. I love it.
  • Dncing78
    Dncing78 Posts: 11 Member
    Congrats and welcome. I'm fairly new too! And I agree, I am great at starting a diet, it's the sticking to it that is the hard part. ;)
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • sjonstott
    I also just started.....again! I have tried just about every diet under the sun. At one time I had lost quite a bit with another diet, but lo and behold, the weight all came! It is much harder to lose now that I am 60, but I am beginning to have health issues that relate directly to my weight, so I have to do something that I can stick with. I think logging my food so I am more aware of exactly how much I eat will definitely help. Taking it one day at a time! Good luck on your weight loss journey. I would be happy to add friends along my journey, so anyone else that is struggling along feel free to friend me. Moral support along the way makes it much easier.
  • rattler0812
    rattler0812 Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome!! You'll find everyone here very supportive as your work. One thing my wife and I have found is not only in the calorie counting but also the types of foods that we eat. She has PCOS and that interfered greatly with her ability to lose weight. She did a ton of research on it, talking with her doctor until they came up with a plan. She had to eliminate processed foods from her diet. 1 month of that and some other recommendations from a nutritionist friend of ours and she finally started to lose the weight. She was almost down to her weight when we got married 12 years ago. And then found out she was pregnant with our fourth.

    Keep the types of foods in mind as you calorie count. We never realized that some of what goes into the processed foods interfered with her ability to lose weight. But, in so doing, it has improved my ability to lose weight. I am hovering now as I balance muscle gain with fat loss. Kinda sucks. But it's a good feeling to be at a point where I feel great and can see the fruits of my self-butt kicking.

    As pslinger said, download the mobile app. It's so worth it. I have it on my Blackberry and it has saved my butt a few times on food choices as I can enter my calories as if I had eaten them to see what it would do for the day. Plus, since I always have my Blackberry on me everywhere I go, I never have to worry about forgetting what I at when it comes time to logging.

    Good luck as you go forward and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi! As you will find, many of us on here have struggled with the wonderful thing of weight loss. I can admit, I have lost that struggle everytime. I start to make progress, some little traumatic thing happens, life changes and boom fall off the wagon again and again. The problem I have found with diets is that you have to stay on the diet, always!!!! Here I am learning to eat healthier, so that I can stay under my calorie goal and still be able to eat. With this comes all the other struggles of life that don't help the situation. But this sight is great for getting motivation and giving motivation. Finding answers to our questions, advice and guidance. The mobile app is a life saver, out having dinner, do a quick log and go about your way, not having to rememver exactly what you ate.

    Good luck on your journey! If you would like to add me as a friend feel free!
  • PurpleGyrl13
    PurpleGyrl13 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome! Only been on the site for little over a week. Also in the same boat. Have struggled with weight loss. At one point I think I had an addiciton to Weight Watchers because I joined so many times. I'd join, lose weight, think I could do it on my own and then quit and then guess what? Gained the weight back. My last attempt a friend and I joined in Nov 2010. We were determined to be thin by Halloween of 2011 so we could have a selection of all the cute know those "one size fits most". Well that didn't quite happen.

    From Nov to Jun I had lost about 18 lbs following WW, but summer came and all the fresh fruits and such, the weight slowly found it's way back and I had gained back all by 6 lbs. I kept at it through the holidays and struggled with it. Would lose a lb and then gain 2 back and so on and so on.

    Tried doing the whole "workout at home" thing, but that just never happened. I work 10 hrs a day and once I get home, I'm tired or I got involved in something else, and we all know the rest of the story.

    So my friend and I decided to join a gym and give that a try. The trainer who signed us up introduced us to this site and the rest is history. This is only our second week going to the gym and using this site and we are loving it. We are already used to tracking because of WW, so that's not new to us.

    Loving all the friendly comments, ideas, suggestions and support that this site has to offer and hoping that this well be the answer to our success.

    The more the merrier, so any who is interested, feel free to send me a friend request.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    Hi you can do this, :happy:
    Just think of it as part of your normal daily routine, to log into MFP,
    put all your food entries in and your exercise, and stay in contact on the news posts.
    Its baby steps at first, set yourself some personal little targets, and before you know it woohoo you will be achieving your dreams and goals and setting new ones as you go and also encourage others.
    don't only go by the scales, post your Non Scale Victory's too (NSV)

    Good Luck
    add me as a friend if you want :)
  • Laner07
    Laner07 Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome! This site is extremely helpful with the motivation and support. Hopefully you'll be able to reach your goal.
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Welcome : )
  • bikelover1959
    just joined today,i am crrently off work with a bad back and painful leg. mri scan shows bulging discs so i am unable to exercise at the moment. all i seem to want to do is eat everything in the house, so decided to join and get on track even if i cant do much exercise i can stop eating everything in the house, need motivation please
  • WVHeather
    WVHeather Posts: 53
    Welcome! I'm in the same boat as you. You will find a lot of support and good advice here. I'm trying to think of mine as more of a lifestyle change than a diet. Small goals will help. I need to lose 60-70 pounds and my doctor told me not to think of the big number but when I lose some move on to the next goal. Feel free to add me as a friend. It's so much easier with support!