What was the reason you decided to lose weight?

:smile: Hello everyone! I was just wondering what everyone's breaking point was when they really realized they needed to do this? I have 2 things that really made me wake up.

The first was my boyfriend of 6 years (who has never said anything about my weight and has always been amazing with that) was looking at a picture of my Mom(who is overweight as well) and me and mumbled "That's scary." I was really hurt and I don't think he knows that I heard him but that REALLY woke me up that I didn't want to become that big!

The second is my 4 year old son asked me why I had a big tummy and told me he wanted to have a big tummy too. WOW! I do not want to be a bad influence for him and don't want him to EVER go through the struggles of being overweight his whole life like I have! I want to show him how to be healthy!!

It's been six weeks for me so far and I have lost 19 pounds! I have a long way to go but I feel so much better already!!! :) We can do this everyone!!!!


  • missroxy1985
    missroxy1985 Posts: 6 Member
    Good job :)
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Congrats on losing the weight! I think your reasons are great reasons. It is always great to hear how a mother is doing it not just for herself or her husband but for her children. I agree that we should be who we want our kids to be...set good examples while they are young. :) Kudos to you for that. :)

    My breaking point was buying the scale and finding out I weighed the same amount as my fiance. Granted he was underweight at the time, but not by that much! I was 20lbs heavier then I actually thought I was. I almost died... Not to mention over the last year I started to realize I was slowly turning into the 'fat' friend in all the pictures. I was NEVER happy with any picture that was taken. I couldn't believe it...

    And my wedding is coming up. I want to look good! So purely self-ish in that regard. However, I hope to continue this journey for life so I can lead a happy and healthy life!
  • Pizzagirl50
    Pizzagirl50 Posts: 112 Member
    There are so many reasons I knew I had to do it. The top one that comes to mind is my grandma, grandpa and dad always commenting on how I'm getting "big" everytime I see them as they pull out chocolates and cookies. I know they are right but c'mon, you don't have to say it. In hindsight I'm thankful as it gave me the kick in my *kitten* that I needed.

    One day at the pool with my 6 year old some kids were bugging her that her mom is fat. She was very upset that they were saying that so no better reason to work on not being fat anymore right??
  • grumpytroll
    grumpytroll Posts: 48 Member
    I refuse to start buying the next size clothes when I know I need to quit eating crap and do more exercise. I'm almost 37 and as a stay at home mum I have the opportunity right now to kick my own *kitten* and do something about it.
  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    i was finally sick of not feeling myself, i had lost all my confidence. im also getting married this year and didnt want to look back at my photos and think god i wish i had lost the weight before then. now i feel so much happier and can be myself around others now. that is how it started then as i began loosing weight it became more for health reasons.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Great attitude!

    It finally hit me when my husband told me I was gaining too much weight. I remember sitting on the floor reading something in front of him (he was reading something as well) and he reminded me of the promise we made to each other- that if we got too big, one of us would say something (not in a mean way of course). I was embarrassed and depressed but he was right. I was getting too big, I stopped caring. Then, finally on New Years Eve 2010..I came across MFP, entered my weight- saw the scale and I made a promise to myself that I would NEVER see that number again.

    Here I am 14 months into my journey and I can look back at my before pics... I still find it hard to believe that I got so big.

    Good luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    My breaking point was the winter two years ago. I went to shovel the driveway. there wasn't that much to shovel but when I finished my wife thought that I looked near death drenched in sweat and face drained of blood. I was even breathing heavy like I just finished running a marathon.

    Now a days, I love shoveling snow just to get some extra exercise in and it feels like no effort at all.
  • KatManx
    KatManx Posts: 168 Member
    i was finally sick of not feeling myself, i had lost all my confidence. im also getting married this year and didnt want to look back at my photos and think god i wish i had lost the weight before then. now i feel so much happier and can be myself around others now. that is how it started then as i began loosing weight it became more for health reasons.

    This is how i feel. I got married 2 years ago now, and my pictures are awful as i didn't bother losing any weight beforehand. Now that I have, i look at the pictures and just see a horrible fat me, and don't see the happy person you should!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    1. Clothes were getting too tight & had to start looking at bigger sized clothes i.e. Australian size 14 and it scared me!
    2. I felt lazy and unhealthy (I put on 10 kilograms over approx. 5 years... whilst at university and beginning my teaching career... stress and moving out of home and having limited cooking knowledge and abilities affected my eating habits)!
    3. I generally just wanted to feel happy, healthy and sexy again!!! :smile: Definitely getting there now!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Christmas 2011 pctures and how many chins I had!
  • Love this thread!

    For me, looking good in my old suits, looking good for my girl friend, being checked out in the street again, being able to play footy with my kids (when I have them) when I am 60.

    Which one was the final straw? I think making sure I was healthy and pleased to look at myself in the mirror again.
  • woman1961
    woman1961 Posts: 23
    mostly to be a healthier me but also cause people look at fat people and think the worst about them like how could they let themselves get that way and they must be lazy which isnt always true
  • I think my breaking point was when my cousin and I were introduced to a friend of my grandmother's as: "This is Jennifer (me)...and this is Christy (my cousin)...she's the pretty one. Well, Jennifer has a pretty face but look at the rest of her."

    That was 7 years ago...I lost 90 pounds over a year's time. Two years ago, I went through a divorce and gained back 15 pounds and I'm now on a mission to drop that 15 (again) plus 15 more. During my divorce, I beat myself about a lot of things. Now, I'm ready to get back to being ME!

    Plus, I will be 40 in 2013...and I am determined to be a sexy MILF when I walk on the beach in my bikini!
  • wlgreen379
    wlgreen379 Posts: 104
    I've always been overweight and I have tried and failed at more workout routines and weight loss ideas than I care to mention. The straw that broke the camel's back this time happened in early November of last year. I had gone out with a friend while at a conference and had a few drinks. We walked from where we were down a hill to another bar. Trying to walk back up the hill almost killed me and I had to stop and catch my breath a couple of times. Right after that I got off my butt and started moving. I also was able to quit smoking, too.

    Ideally I'd like to be down to around 210 and I'd like to feel comfortable at a pool or at the beach. I've never know what that is like. The really important thing to me is to be able to do stuff, like bike and play basketball, with friends without having to worry about falling over dead. I also want to be able to walk up that same hill without being winded.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    It was my children really. I wanted "eating well and exercising" to be natural to them, so there was only one way to do this, and that was by setting the right example myself.
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    I have two as well! One was a picture of my back and butt and I looked so WIDE and I didn't seem to have a shape - no defined waist and chubby arms. I didn't think I was that big.

    The second is a goal: I want to wear a gorgeous princess-style white dress on Halloween in Walt Disney Word in October. I'm hoping to get a 27-29 inch waist but hopefully I might make it down to the 24-26 inch small size.

    I have no idea how quickly it takes to lose inches though??
  • Bor2
    Bor2 Posts: 6 Member
    Health issues. High blood pressure, elevated resting heart rate, elevated blood serum sugar and liver enzyme levels, edema and of course a lack of energy, My body was in full on protest mode.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    Oh boy, so many reasons.

    A couple of the most persuasive ones were that I was actually getting winded taking a shower, and even going up one flight of 15 steps in my house felt like I ran a marathon.

    I know I was gradually gaining weight but it had such a control over me that I didn't do anything about it. I slowly watched my jeans size go up and the only thing I did was go out and buy bigger ones. I was on a downward spiral and I actually had no control (or at least I thought I didn't).

    I went to the doctor for my yearly checkup and he said, "gained a few pounds since the last time you were in, huh?" I weighed in at 291 that day. I knew it but I guess I had to have someone look me in the face and pretty much say I was fat and needed to start caring for myself. I needed someone to hold me accountable.

    The next day, I found MFP through an old high school friend via Facebook and I haven't looked back. I'm just shy of halfway to my goal of 92lbs and I haven't felt this good in years. No more getting winded on my stairs (in fact, I jog up them now), getting winded in the shower is a thing of the past, and I am down two jeans sizes (nearly three).

    I don't think I could have gotten this far without MFP because although it's just a website, it keeps me accountable for what I put in my body and makes me rethink certain foods and old habits. I know this sounds overly-dramatic, but I really feel being here saved my life a little.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    congratulations on the turning point.
    I realized my trousers were getting to tight and I didn't want to go any bigger and then when i looked in the mirror I was starting to not like what i saw and I didn't want to get to the point where I hated what I saw.
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    When someone said "You Look good for Just having a baby.." My daughter is almost 4. Did my belly look like i JUST gave birth?

    After 3 kids it still was.. well BIG!

    My little brother was getting married and I did not want to be seen as the FAT sister! ( i am his only Sister)

    I loss a few LBS and it got the ball rolling towards better health.

    Im glad to say I no longer look pregnant!

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