Need friends!

Need some friends who are actively trying to get in shape and or get healthy!
Birds of a feather flock together
That being said I need motivation and encouragement and will def provide the same!
I'm down 24 pounds this month and ready to rock these last 41 pounds off!

Little about me!
I'm 22
Im an Attachment parenting crunchy mama
Breast sleeping... baby food making...cloth diapers
I'm happily married to my best friend
I'm a makeup artist and love photography

Growing up I was always the fat kid...
At 18 I decided to change that!
I was 260 pounds and within 11 months I was 120 pounds
Kept it off and was living life!
then I met my husband (gained a few)and got married (gained a few) and had a baby (gained 45) LOL
As you can see life took its toll and here I am again!
But im Ready to get my body back!!!


  • rbjcksn
    rbjcksn Posts: 31 Member
    Good luck with your diet! Just starting out myself, not really knowing what I'm doing, but keeping the calories during the day to a certain number helps!

    When I go to the gym to do cardio or weight train, on the way there I visualise myself doing all the exercises and reps. I then visualise how I will feel after the sessions and what my figure might look like in 6 months time. That's what I use for my motivation, it's working! thus far :)
  • Roxie861
    Roxie861 Posts: 87 Member
    Feel free to add me...I have 50lbs to lose before the summer but 80 in total.

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • monkeypantz
    monkeypantz Posts: 288 Member

    That's amazing that you lost 140lbs in 11! You can so do it again :)

    I've sent you a friend request!
  • DreamersWifey
    DreamersWifey Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks guys....look forward to losing weight with you guys!
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome!!! Feel free to add me....have been on here 100+ days and motivate everyone on my team!!! We are on this journey together!!! Best of luck in reaching your goals!!!
  • aphid
    aphid Posts: 47
    I also need motivation! If I am losing the weight one week, I tend to put it back on the next. I need to lose one more stone so I am trying to keep positive :)
  • DreamersWifey
    DreamersWifey Posts: 181 Member
    Requested you :)
  • lorforde
    lorforde Posts: 68 Member
    Will send you a friend request.

    I am also a Mom of an almost 2 year old! Ia want to do this for me as well as for him! I want to make sure I can be the Mom that can do all with him!!!

    I was 215 in September 2011 and am now 195. I am going for a lifestyle change this time as I have done the crash diets and piled it all back on again. MFP has really helped me since I joined in February. Before that I had only lost 3 lbs going it alone.

    Good luck with your lifestyle change and hopefully we can support each other!
  • DreamersWifey
    DreamersWifey Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks I've added you all <3
  • ktcstewart

    I am a 26 year old mommy to my 6 year oldson and my 2 year old angel who passed away when he was 4 days. So low and behold I have been through a lot of emotions which included eating lol.
    I am currently 204.5 lbs and goal weight of 150 lbs. Would love to have some motivating friends :)
  • mfdez
    mfdez Posts: 7
    Just had a baby 8 months ago and I am determined to burn the baby fay away I gained 53 pounds. Lets do it !
  • kazj17
    kazj17 Posts: 22 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've only been on here 3 weeks but it's working great and teaching me a lot about what I eat!
    Good luck
  • iamkateiam
    iamkateiam Posts: 28 Member
    I love the crunchy momma thing! My hubby and I are thinking about trying to have a kid in the next 6 months- a year. I'd like to lose 45lbs before we start trying! Feel free to add me (c:
  • russbeaver
    russbeaver Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me also. I love this app! I had nearly 100 lbs to lose. I only joined this site about a month ago, but love how it helps me track, make good decisions and be accountable. I'm nearing my goal, but certain plan to stay here to maintain what I've done. If I can motiviate you in any way, or vice versa, I'm happy to join your circle!