check my dairy



  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Considering you are doing P90X it looks pretty good. I know the nutirtion guide suggests 40/40/20 protein/Carbs/fat ratio after the first 30 days and you seem to hit that occasionally.

    The women that I know that do P90X have had success eating 1800 total calories. If you have a few workouts where you are feeling a lack of energy, maybe up your carbs a bit but keeping calories the same.

    Make sure you're getting a good post workout drink, as suggested in the guide, 4:1 ratio carbs to protein, then some lean protein an hour or so later. I've done 6 rounds of P90X and that's worked for me and my other P90X friends.

    I hope you are doing the Classic version of P90X not the LEAN.

  • hkatrobos
    hkatrobos Posts: 49
    How long have you been doing P90X? I did that a couple of years ago and for the first cycle your carb intake should only be 1 serving a day (about 35 g). You have to keep in mind that veggies and fruits contain carbs which are probably much easier for your body to process than even whole wheat carbs. If you want the results that P90X promotes.. I would follow the strict diet that is included with the discs. Or, tweak it to fit your own needs! Maybe try substituting your brown rice and whole wheat bread for veggies and lean protein.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    A moderate amount of junk food can be fit into an overall healthy diet.

    Marry me? :flowerforyou: (and bring the junk food)
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    you look pretty good, but I'd switch the rice and other empty calorie starches for more nutrient dense veggies like squashes, peppers, spinach....

    Also, did you know that any carbs in excess of 15g carbs per meal turns striaght to body fat? It's better to eat small meals through out the day w/ low carbs to not spike the glycemic index (insulin spike). You look pretty good.

    Get 50 g protein in the breakfast!!! Switch out your empty calories for nutrient dense ones. Add Mg and silica supplementation. You seem to be dieting well. Happy and Healthy training!
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    Track your sodium and fiber, eat more variety when it comes to your fruits and veggies. Are you drinking your water? Change up your workout, try something new. Your body will get into a rut, and decide that what your doing now is normal. You have to keep it confused. I would suggest that you take a multivitimin if you don't already, you seem like you would be missing a few key nutrients.
  • liftandcycle
    Thank you all so much for your responces. I will try to eat more veggies and fruits... i love fruit but try to keep it low.. one serving per day.. b/c of the sugar... the reason why I eat all this rice.. its cuz I absolutelly love it.. my diet is super repetitive.. but I love it.. I love the mixture of rice tomatoe and chicken.. :P other than that, I think I will replace my brown rice with other foods.. :) thanx!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    you look pretty good, but I'd switch the rice and other empty calorie starches for more nutrient dense veggies like squashes, peppers, spinach....

    Also, did you know that any carbs in excess of 15g carbs per meal turns striaght to body fat? It's better to eat small meals through out the day w/ low carbs to not spike the glycemic index (insulin spike). You look pretty good.

    Get 50 g protein in the breakfast!!! Switch out your empty calories for nutrient dense ones. Add Mg and silica supplementation. You seem to be dieting well. Happy and Healthy training!

    if your advice is to avoid insulin spikes, why would you then suggest her eating 50g of protein for breakfast? You do know protein is insulinogenic, right?
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    I would definitely add more variety, and more fruits and veggies. and you need to be getting calcium from somewhere, whether it is a dairy source or non-dairy source (soy products, almond products, etc..)
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I think your diary looks great as far as choices go. Maybe more leafy greens and switch up the chicken with fish every once in a while?
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    Everything actually looks good. You are tracking the right macros, carb/pro/fat. Not really necessary to track too much else. As far as variety, that's up to you. If you are comfortable with the same things and they are meeting calories and macros, then go for it. Healthy fats are little low. You could get in a little more if you wanted. Some other high protein/healthy fat foods to consider would be eggs, turkey, beef, etc.

    Don't stress on the junk food. If you want a little snack and it fits in your day, don't be scared to treat yourself.
    ^^^ spot on
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    ******im not trying to be rude, but if you eat junk food your opinion doesnt matter to me, I need the opinion of people who eat clean and arent just trying to lose weight but actually get healthier*******

    My goal is to lose fat, please check my dairy and tell me where I can improve, am I eating too many carbs, too much protein, etc... thank you. any help will be appreciated..

    Maybe try adding more green leafy vegetables.
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    Looks pretty good but....I was personally shocked by how much sugar I was consuming and it all came from low fat yoghurt and low cal bars. I added the sugar tab to my diary and this is how you track it. You may be surprised at "hidden"sugars in food you are consuming
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    Is there anything specific you're trying to accomplish? Cardo/Strength training? In my opinion your carbs might be a touch high unless you're using them for aggressive work outs. I personally like my 40/40/20 macros, but even with that I feel like my carb intake is a bit high, but I'm worried if I lower it my work out energy will suffer...

    But overall your diary looks fantastic.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I have downloaded your Food diary, and came up with a graph that may be useful to you:


    You food diary only goes back to Feb 20th, but the general trend is you are averaging out of your total calories:
    41% Carbs, 33% Protein, 25% Fat

    The carbs seem to be going up, and the fat percentages down.

    Just looking at the numbers, without knowing if you do a lot of exercise or not, I would suggest:
    Reduce percent protein a bit (25 to 30%). You don't really need that much protein.
    Increase carbs to around 45% (that will allow you to eat more fruits, as some suggested here)
    Keep fat at 25 to 30%

    Hope this helps !
  • BlackRangerX
    BlackRangerX Posts: 133 Member
    Everything actually looks good. You are tracking the right macros, carb/pro/fat. Not really necessary to track too much else. As far as variety, that's up to you. If you are comfortable with the same things and they are meeting calories and macros, then go for it. Healthy fats are little low. You could get in a little more if you wanted. Some other high protein/healthy fat foods to consider would be eggs, turkey, beef, etc.

    Don't stress on the junk food. If you want a little snack and it fits in your day, don't be scared to treat yourself.
