
I have just started doing the POP Pilates videos and i'm wondering how long it takes to see results. Has anyone done these videos and had success? I really enjoy them so far and it's something I can do in the comfort of my own home! I really like Cassey Ho, the instructor, she's very motivating. My 2nd question is- should I still be doing cardio too? I don't know if pilates alone will help me reach my weight loss goal or just lose inches??? Any advice would be helpful! Thanks in advance!


  • jantoneshaw
    jantoneshaw Posts: 2 Member
    I have done Winsor Pilates in the past with great results. I can't say whether or not doing the 20 minute workout contributed to my weight loss in the same manner as good old fashioned cardio, but I do know that Pilates, with its specific breathing techniques is a cardio workout to a degree. The great results were that I very quickly noticed a change in the definition and flexibility of my muscles. Keeping my core strong is something I can do all the time, which leads to a smoother stomach. Hope this helps! :smile:
  • kscott0612
    kscott0612 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you so much for responding! I think this is something I need to do in combination with my regular cardio routine. I've read some reviews where people have lost inches and not lost a pound. I want to reach my weight loss goal but also add muscle definition especially to stomach area! :smile: Did it take you a long time to see results? If you don't mind me asking, what was your workout routine? Did you do cardio and pilates as part of your routine? I don't know if I should be doing both every workout or swap up. Any suggestions?
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    Hey, I'm doing the same thing- I just started doing a Pilates video that I've had forever - Method Precision Pilates. I did it for 9 workouts but then had to take 2 weeks off due to bronchitis. I started up again 3 days ago - and was surprised to see that the strength and flexibility was still there. My goal is 45 minutes of spin (at home, not at a gym) followed by 25-30 minutes of pilates. I find that it really helps me with my soreness from the spinning and keeps my muscles feeling long. You're supposed to feel results after 10 sessions (yes, i can definitely atest to that - I'm stronger and more flexible), see results after 20, and be a whole different person after 30. Not sure if that applies to doing a video at home rather than working with a trainer at a studio, but I figure as long as it's hard for me to do, it's working.

    I also tried a POP pilates 10 minute stretch workout and liked the instructor there as well.

    My heart rate monitor says that I'm only burning about 150 calories if I do the entire hour long workout - so I figure it's kind of the equivalent to a light walk. I have had trouble sticking to pilates in the past because I do need the calorie burn and am addicted to endorphins. I always seem to run out of time to do the pilates workouts. But this time I'm committed to doing 30 sessions before our beach vacation in April.

    So, I don't know if this helps, but that's my 2 cents.
  • kscott0612
    kscott0612 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! Thank you for your response! I'm only 6 sessions into the POP Pilates but I can already tell a difference in my strength and flexibility as well. I'm definitely keeping the cardio in there also because I don't feel like I am burning very many calories with pilates. Also, I'm not losing any weight. :( However, I can tell that it is targetting my abs and my legs so I hope I will be able to start seeing more results soon in those areas. Maybe i'm losing inches?? I don't know! LOL
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    So far, I'm at session #13. My abs still shake, i'm just going to take it on faith that somewhere under that layer of fat, i'm building muscle.