Anyone Give Up Diet Coke?

JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
I really like it, but it's not something I "need" and I'd like to kick the habit. I'm weaning off and finding myself very lethargic and irritable. I'm sure it's just the caffeine withdrawal.

Anyway, would like to know if anyone else has done this and how they eventually felt - hopefully, for the better.


  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    I have mostly stopped drinking Diet Coke. I allow myself at most one per day and none on the weekends. I still drink a lot of coffee, however, so I'm not suffering any withdrawal.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I really like it, but it's not something I "need" and I'd like to kick the habit. I'm weaning off and finding myself very lethargic and irritable. I'm sure it's just the caffeine withdrawal.

    Anyway, would like to know if anyone else has done this and how they eventually felt - hopefully, for the better.

    You can obviously do as you please as I'm sure you've got your reasons, but if you really like drinking it, and you brush your teeth regularly, and it has no calories, then why not just keep drinking it and at most, reduce quantity?
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Several years back, after our twins were born and I was getting 2-3 hours of interrupted sleep per night. I started drinking fairly large quantities of Diet Coke to help stay awake at work. I also started getting massive headaches. I changed to regular Coke and the headaches immediately went away. Haven't had a Diet Coke since. 22 months ago I then decided I was drinking too much Coke, and gave that up too. Feel much healthier.
  • iamsamsma
    iamsamsma Posts: 12
    Our family used to drink about 4 cases if diet soda per week (we are just 3 people).Last summer we gave up all diet soda's as a start to a healthy lifestyle. After the first month we realized that we were now craving water. Nothing quenched our thirst except for water. We have had more energy, less diet slips and a general healthier feeling.
    Try to pass the caffiene withdrawl stage and you will start to feel so much better very soon!
  • anima_gemella
    anima_gemella Posts: 243 Member
    me... cos of aspartame...( am not going into this, lol )
  • phillieschic
    I did! Diet Coke makes us crave other foods...and not stop eating. Ditch it. After a few days, you won't miss it. I promise...and I used to drink 3-4 20-ounce bottles a day! Good luck!
  • kris4chloe
    kris4chloe Posts: 245 Member
    gave up diet pepsi in the middle of january. i had a very bad habit. yes there are no calories, but it does make your body crave sweets (and in my case carbs)

    and not to mention the yucky stuff that aspertame does to you.

    you will be so much healthier if you give it up. there is no nutritional value in it at all

    and i second the water comment, i love my water now.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I used to drink diet soda every day, gave it up at the beginning of this year. I feel great! Occasionally when I really want something sweet (rarely) I will opt for a small portion of natural soda. You can do it!
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I used to drink 6+ cans of Diet Coke per day. I decided to stop a little less than 18 months ago. I reduced my intake to 1 on the weekends as my "treat", but after solely drinking water the rest of the time, my body stopped craving the soda. So I completely stopped and now only drink water (I don't like tea, coffee, juice, etc.). At first it was hard because I had become so dependent on it, but I now have no desire to ever drink it.
  • achojnacki
    achojnacki Posts: 66 Member
    I gave it up mostly, I drink maybe 1-2 times per week now instead of 20 oz per day.

    Try unsweetened iced teas, and seltzer to fill the void.
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    I had to for surgery, and the withdrawl will pass, just take some excedrin migraine for a few days that will help.
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    Our family used to drink about 4 cases if diet soda per week (we are just 3 people).Last summer we gave up all diet soda's as a start to a healthy lifestyle. After the first month we realized that we were now craving water. Nothing quenched our thirst except for water. We have had more energy, less diet slips and a general healthier feeling.
    Try to pass the caffiene withdrawl stage and you will start to feel so much better very soon!

    So much that!! /\/\/\
    I used to drink so much diet coke it was outlandish. Now I'm a water fiend and I treat myself to a diet coke on occasion (maybe once per month). I was skeptical about all the claims that artificial sweeteners could mess with you - but now I'm a believer. I generally try to avoid fake crap now, and it's all because of my experience overcoming my diet coke addiction.

    Now I drink soda water with a splash of bitters or lemon/lime wedge - which is really satisfying now that I'm used to it.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    You can obviously do as you please as I'm sure you've got your reasons, but if you really like drinking it, and you brush your teeth regularly, and it has no calories, then why not just keep drinking it and at most, reduce quantity?

    I agree...mine isn't diet coke, it's diet A&W root beer or diet cream soda. I drink one each night with dinner but I'm not concerned. I drink 8+ glasses/day of water, hit the gym 6-7 days a week. The diets have zero calories and taste really good with dinner. I choose dinner because it's my last meal of the day and I use up most of my calories then which means I'm full and don't have to worry about craving sweets later as a result of the diet soda. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  • emilyevans24
    I'm trying to give it up as well and its tough! I have found that when I don't drink diet coke I don't crave sweets as much as I used to and I drink a ton of water and I'm not all that hungry during the day. I had a diet coke the other day and I realized that when I drink it, I'm always looking for a snack or something to eat with it, when I dont drink it I don't snack as much. The first two weeks were really hard, but its going to be worth it in the end.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I gave up soda on March 2nd. I was primarily a Diet Coke and Mountain Dew junkie with occasional bottled rootbeers thrown in. It has been HARD! But it was my first step toward change. I decided that I wanted to be healthier (for a number of reasons) and that my body deserved better than that crap. LOL. So, I quit - cold turkey. I've had days were I've wanted it really bad, but I've held out. I figure maybe once I official kick the habit I'll be able to have the occasional indulgence, but maybe by then I won't even want it. I drink water now, and the (very) occasional juice, lemonade or hot chocolate for a treat. I had a low-grade lingering headache for about the first 2 weeks, but that has passed and I actually do feel a lot better.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I quit 3 months ago, and I have never in my life felt better.

    I drink water with the occasional Gatorade...
  • tania1782
    I drank it religiously! That is ALL I would drink. I finally stopped drinking it regularly and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I now treat myself once a month or so and I'm fine with that. I don't even think about it most of the time. I would like to think it's mind control, if you really want to will. Good luck!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I had a Diet Coke yesterday! I'll probably have one again today.

    My fiancee gave up caffeine ... the initial withdraws were horrible for him! But now he's fine, says he has more energy and no afternoon crash. However, I think an increased interest in eating well has assisted in the latter....

    Personally, I won't give up anything I enjoy. I've had to cut back on some things, but never completely eliminate them.
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    i've given up all soda.

    I think I have had 1 coke in the last 3 months.

    feels great.

    I drink tons of water.

    Saves me money when I go out too.

    (you can drink the tap water in my town so i dont have to buy bottled water)
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I haven't had any since Ash Wed. I miss it but feel a bit less bloated without it. I probably won't go back to it.