What was the reason you decided to lose weight?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I was accidentally living the wrong person's life. Ooops- had to work my way back to the track I wanted to be on when I was a spunky 16 year old thinking of what her shiny future would be like ;)
  • solarpower03
    solarpower03 Posts: 12,160 Member
    Self motivated! Work load permitting, I always like achieving some goals. So getting 6 pack is one of the goal and losing weight is the the mean to achieve!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    My main motivation was my health, but really...just the general misery of living an obese life.
  • llonka
    llonka Posts: 76 Member
    One of my big reasons was because my five year old always comments about, "look momma there are fat people here just like you!" hurts my feelings everytime and i don't know where he gets it from because nobody in my house ever talks like that. I feel like you are beautiful no matter what you look like on the outside.

    Another reason would be all the heartburn i got from overeating all the time. I've been doing this for two months now, and heartburn free! Thank goodness.

    I just want to be healthier and to be able to keep up with hubby and my boys! I started at 250 pounds, right now i'm 233. I'm 5'3. :flowerforyou:
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Hot pants.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    First and foremost, and I'm just being honest, I saw a picture of myself around Christmas time and thought "ew." And I'm kind of a vain person (it's just how I am, don't hate), so I thought "Ok, I can not let myself get fatter than this, this is not gonna look cute come summer time." It's 100 degrees here (ok more like 110) all summer and tiny clothes are not a good look when I've got all that extra poundage. So that's my initial (albeit shallow) reason for wanting to get in shape. Bikinis and pool parties. Oh, and my 10 year high school reunion...I wanna be hot for that.

    But as I began my journey, my reasoning has kind of evolved into wanting to be the healthiest me I can possibly be. I want to be called an athlete (I run..ok, I run slowly, but I run). I want my child to look up to me as a fitness role model as he gets older, and I want to be able to do active things with my family for the rest of my life. I want to pass on these healthy habits to my child and future children, and I want to be able to play sports and do active things with my boyfriend, since he's a naturally athletic and in shape guy.

    While looking hot in a bikini or a mini skirt are major motivators, being able to run a marathon in 2013 and play sports with my son are even bigger motivators :)
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Hot pants.

    That too. Hot pants. All summer long.
  • DianaC13
    DianaC13 Posts: 10
    My main reason was my clothes were getting tight and it is not a good feeling at the end of the day when you take your pants off and there are red marks on your stomach because your pants are too tight!! I still struggle some with keeping my log on here and fitting my work outs into my busy schedule of work, running kids to school, running to sporting events, house work (which I use it as one of my workouts, moving quickly and working up a sweat) and spending time with family. Plus I have knee problems and I need to get the extra weight off!! :tongue:
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    this s my 2nd attempt at losing wight and this time it is going waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay slower but for me it was that i didnot feel good about myself and felt HUGE. I need to lose 50lbs and until i do that i am growning my hair out another reason why i need to lose weight i do not want to hide behind the hair. My double chins need to leave and of course the traditional picture..
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    1. I had a hard time fitting in any stall but the handicapped stall, but the kicker was when I strained a muscle wiping myself.
    2. My 4 yr. old constantly calls me "Fat Daddy" or "Daddy Pig" (who is the fat father in the kid's show Peppa Pig)
    3. Dr. told me I had Type II Diabetes.

    Heck, how many signs does it take? You know what they say "Three strikes and you're FAT!"
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    A Few Things: My mom is overweight and I do not want to be in that position when I am her age. She is struggling to lose weight but is having a hard time getting motivated and now her knees are bad because she is overweight. Also, I want to feel good about myself. And lastely, for THE BIG DAY!!!!! I am getting married Sept. 15th, 2012 and am using this as a motivator as well because my dress will be fitting... :)
  • RH_Brazell
    RH_Brazell Posts: 339
    to feel more comfortable with myself...to look better...to live better
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    Initially: Health reasons. High blood pressure. And the fact that the HBP medications blurred my vision really bad. So, for me, that meant that I can't take the HBP medication. So, I need to cut back on the salts, lower my weight and excercise regularly.

    Now: To be HBP free and my daughter. Being in this weight loss journey has opened my eyes to the fact that my daughter too is overweight. Even though she has a cute shape and looks good in her clothes, she is too heavy for her height. And what better way to help her than to make it a team effort...:tongue:
  • alicialiken
    alicialiken Posts: 39 Member
    My boyfriend was joking around with his friend at a party (I was about 10 feet away) and said "Damn look at the butt on that chick!" (referring to me) His friend didn't realize it was me and said "Too big for me" ...I overheard this convo and wanted to cry. What was so hurtful is that our friend was just giving his honest opinion. =/
  • anthrfosh11
    1. I got married 8 months ago and I want to start having kids after our 1 year. I want to be healthy so I can carry the baby and be able to run around with my child an not have to tell them that I cant do something because I am tired or too fat to fit down the slide

    2. I want to run with my husband. He runs 4-5 miles at a time.

    3. I want to live.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    1. Being fat sucks in so many ways.

    2. Being out of shape makes you suck wind, which also sucks

    3. Continually having to buy larger clothes was not something I wanted to continue to do.

    4. I want to see myself in the mirror and in photographs and be happy with what I see.

    5. I want to look good naked.
  • samhelen
    samhelen Posts: 98
    There was no great awakening or even a huge "wake up call" I was just ready -- pure and simple -- I was ready... the universe and star aligned or something...
  • michaelthorsonjr
    My 2 year old daughter ... I was tired of feeling tired and lethargic and wanted to keep up with her!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Poly cystic ovarian syndrome is how I gained my weight. I was gaining weight while I exercised and cut calories.....went to the dr. and got diagnosed with this awful hormonal imbalance issue that affects almost every aspect of my adult life. I have. and still am learning to manage it with the correct treatment and medication along with my normal exercise routine and a low glycemic index diet. pcos will not beat me!
  • chrissismone
    chrissismone Posts: 116 Member
    I want to marry one day and I know unfortuntely stat wise those who aren't on point body wise don't always get the pick of the litter.-I want a certain type.

    I want to be healthy for a long time.

    I wanted to be that cute or fine chick not the oh she cute or fine for a big ***** or the like..

    Most importantly I haven't allowed myself certain freedoms because I feel being fat I don't stack as high and thus I won't even put myself out there at times-ie career,men,friendships and such.