Oh yes.. the Paleo diet ...



  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    I realy like most of the concepts of Paleo, it has helped me alot. Cutting out grains has removed all my digestive problems. I removed processed sugars and now dont feel like taking a nap halfway through the day. Plus I've dropped my body fat % to 26 from 36 without changing anything else. It is definately something to try for others at least, plus bacon is tasty so it tends to be easy to stick to I think.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    Without getting into pros and cons or whatever, I have some friends who swear by it and have had great success, and friends who've tried it, hated it, and in turn didn't stick with it. It's just like anything else. If you can see this as a lifestyle change, meaning you are willing to eat this way 90% of the time for the rest of your life, then go for it! But if you just can't see yourself sticking to it, obviously, it won't work. My mom does a "paleo week" the first week of every month. She says she feels refreshed and kind of "cleansed" when she does it, but for her, she can't stick to it permanently, so she incorporates whole grains, a little dairy, and other things here and there the rest of the month. It's what works for her.

    So basically, if it works for you, do it. If it doesn't, don't force yourself.

    Being someone who has dieted more times than I can count (atkins, fat smash, etc), I couldn't agree more with this statement. If you're going to be ok living that lifestyle as your permanent change, I say go for it. There's nothing wrong with clean eating. On a personal level, I found that calorie/macro counting works whether it's from grains, meats, or just about anything else. It works....so if your system works for you, sweet \m/
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    Being someone who has dieted more times than I can count (atkins, fat smash, etc), I couldn't agree more with this statement. If you're going to be ok living that lifestyle as your permanent change, I say go for it. There's nothing wrong with clean eating. On a personal level, I found that calorie/macro counting works whether it's from grains, meats, or just about anything else. It works....so if your system works for you, sweet \m/

    See we can still be friends even if MFP won't let us! HAHA! Thanks! I do see that watching my macros etc does work but not to the extent that I want it to. I want to burn more fat. It has work miracles in my muscle gain just not in my fat loss.
  • The overarching philosophy of eating mostly whole, nutrient dense foods is a good one to follow. However the elimination of grains, dairy and legumes may only provide noticeable benefits to people who have certain intolerance.

  • What? lol I am not really interested in the Paleo diet workout partner! The new diet we are trying is just a version of carb cycling. I dont have the money to buy only organic and all natural meats etc...not yet anyways lol plus i like my dairy and grains! Lets skip the Paleo thing for now! But stick with the Ultimate Diet 2 which btw is gonna be hard as ****! But we can do it!
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    What? lol I am not really interested in the Paleo diet workout partner! The new diet we are trying is just a version of carb cycling. I dont have the money to buy only organic and all natural meats etc...not yet anyways lol plus i like my dairy and grains! Lets skip the Paleo thing for now! But stick with the Ultimate Diet 2 which btw is gonna be hard as ****! But we can do it!

    Holy crap! I thought you said the Paleo diet! I was getting really confused with all this HAHA! I looked it up a bit and this was not making any sense with what you said. Shewwww...

    To everyone else.. I appreciate your responses. If I ever decide to do the Paleo diet.. thanks for the info.. :flowerforyou:
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    Our genetic ancestors likely depended heavily on tubers. Maybe a little raw meat if they were lucky. Once food cooking started, then agriculture wasn't far behind.
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member

    I don't generaly have a calorie deficit. I eat when I am hungry. That can mean 1600 Calories or 3000. I still lose weight. You could say cutting out those food groups eliminated cravings which made it easy to simply listen to my body.

    If you generally don't run a deficit yet lost 10% bf (which I assume was measured by something other then BIA) then I have 1 question?

    Are you a wizard?

    Play nice :ohwell:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Our genetic ancestors likely depended heavily on tubers. Maybe a little raw meat if they were lucky. Once food cooking started, then agriculture wasn't far behind.

    Well, I believe it was homo erectus that discovered fire well over 1,000,000 years ago, so it would be safe to say we've been cooking our food far earlier than when agriculture was introduced.
  • I realy like most of the concepts of Paleo, it has helped me alot. Cutting out grains has removed all my digestive problems. I removed processed sugars and now dont feel like taking a nap halfway through the day. Plus I've dropped my body fat % to 26 from 36 without changing anything else. It is definately something to try for others at least, plus bacon is tasty so it tends to be easy to stick to I think.

    Imagine that cut out entire food groups, which creates a caloric deficit and you lose fat.

    I don't generaly have a calorie deficit. I eat when I am hungry. That can mean 1600 Calories or 3000. I still lose weight. You could say cutting out those food groups eliminated cravings which made it easy to simply listen to my body.

    If you generally don't run a deficit yet lost 10% bf (which I assume was measured by something other then BIA) then I have 1 question?

    Are you a wizard?

    I'm not tryna start anything but I am not really in a calorie deficit either. And I consistently lose. It does matter what you eat. But I think in my specific case, lot of the bloat I had was from the wheat products I was eating because I simply cannot tolerate them and they caused me an inflammatory response in my intestines (by way of leisions) and weight gain and overall bloat. Celiac sucks lol. But yeah I don't really go into a deficit and I don't work out too much and still lost. And the OP LOL! sorry for your confusion Lmao but I hope you have success with whatever diet path you take! :)
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    And the OP LOL! sorry for your confusion Lmao but I hope you have success with whatever diet path you take! :)

    He he! I am just glad she cleared that up for me. I was thinking this was something I was going to dread! Needless to say I was going to give it a try... shewwww...
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    I realy like most of the concepts of Paleo, it has helped me alot. Cutting out grains has removed all my digestive problems. I removed processed sugars and now dont feel like taking a nap halfway through the day. Plus I've dropped my body fat % to 26 from 36 without changing anything else. It is definately something to try for others at least, plus bacon is tasty so it tends to be easy to stick to I think.

    Imagine that cut out entire food groups, which creates a caloric deficit and you lose fat.

    I don't generaly have a calorie deficit. I eat when I am hungry. That can mean 1600 Calories or 3000. I still lose weight. You could say cutting out those food groups eliminated cravings which made it easy to simply listen to my body.

    If you generally don't run a deficit yet lost 10% bf (which I assume was measured by something other then BIA) then I have 1 question?

    Are you a wizard?

    lol, I know it flys in the face of conventional wisdom, but I studied it for 2 years and tried it myself for 1 year, the science holds. Science to someone 100 years ago would look like wizardry too.

    I do like me some science, care to elaborate what science we're talking about?

    You know perfectly well what science I am talking about. and I know you don't believe it. But I am living proof that what that science claims is true at least for me and everyone else I have had try it. We are all human, so who knows, perhaps those same rules can apply to others here too. In a recient study people who tried the Paleo aproach stuck with it vs other diets 40x more often. Unfortunately I don't have a link to the study at the momemt, so take that as you will. If I find it I will post a link for you.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I realy like most of the concepts of Paleo, it has helped me alot. Cutting out grains has removed all my digestive problems. I removed processed sugars and now dont feel like taking a nap halfway through the day. Plus I've dropped my body fat % to 26 from 36 without changing anything else. It is definately something to try for others at least, plus bacon is tasty so it tends to be easy to stick to I think.

    Imagine that cut out entire food groups, which creates a caloric deficit and you lose fat.

    I don't generaly have a calorie deficit. I eat when I am hungry. That can mean 1600 Calories or 3000. I still lose weight. You could say cutting out those food groups eliminated cravings which made it easy to simply listen to my body.

    Actually, if your diary is at all accurate, you seem to be in a deficit most days. You may not be planning your meals and your cravings might be minimal, you are still burning more calories than you are consuming. Nothing wrong with there at all--that's how it's supposed to work. It's just easier to maintain your weight loss if you understand why it's happening to begin with :flowerforyou:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    You know perfectly well what science I am talking about. and I know you don't believe it. But I am living proof that what that science claims is true at least for me and everyone else I have had try it. We are all human, so who knows, perhaps those same rules can apply to others here too. In a recient study people who tried the Paleo aproach stuck with it vs other diets 40x more often. Unfortunately I don't have a link to the study at the momemt, so take that as you will. If I find it I will post a link for you.

    Are you referring to the hypothesized metabolic advantage to low carb/keto diets? The one that is just fantasy/wishful thinking?

    I would like to see said study, I did a quick search and came up with nada


    My "fantasy/wishful thinking" certainly seems to be changing alot of peoples lives for the better, perhaps your "wishful thinking" is that you have not been wrong about your rants against it all this time. Most of the best studies done are by the ones who read studies, make sense and connections between them, and test them on themselves as I have done and proven. I suppose the only way to truly prove to you the science behind what I do is to out live you.

    Diet has a very small influence on longevity.......If you do some research you'll find that peoples around the world who live the longest have other contributors that make up the complete picture, and the one thing in common that is diet related is, that it is as varied as the geography from where these people originate from. Some eat a mostly plant based diet while others consume quite a lot of meat.

    Personally, the paleo type diet is a healthy one if someone can adhere to it's limitations, but so are other diets and adherence is the key to any diet......most people see the paleo diet in a similar way that vegans see their diet........religiously and in that respect the common factor that sustains those types of diets are based mostly on confirmation biased type studies. jmo.
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    There is good reason to believe a calorie deficit will incur weight loss, but I eat first and measure later with MFP every now and then to see where I stand. I feel that if it is as natural as being able to listen to my body, then there must be something wrong with the foods that prevent me from following what my body tells me it needs.

    Most people are too scared of how it flys in th face of conventional wisdom to bother trying it.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    There is good reason to believe a calorie deficit will incur weight loss, but I eat first and measure later with MFP every now and then to see where I stand. I feel that if it is as natural as being able to listen to my body, then there must be something wrong with the foods that prevent me from following what my body tells me it needs.
    There's more than good reason to believe a calorie deficit results in weight loss. It's thermodynamics. It's fact. It's not theory. If you lost weight, then you were at a deficit. Just because you didn't feel hungry, doesn't mean you weren't at a deficit.

    how do you measure the food after you eat it? I'm not sure there's a PG13 answer to that.
  • digitalsteel
    digitalsteel Posts: 374 Member
    There is good reason to believe a calorie deficit will incur weight loss, but I eat first and measure later with MFP every now and then to see where I stand. I feel that if it is as natural as being able to listen to my body, then there must be something wrong with the foods that prevent me from following what my body tells me it needs.
    There's more than good reason to believe a calorie deficit results in weight loss. It's thermodynamics. It's fact. It's not theory. If you lost weight, then you were at a deficit. Just because you didn't feel hungry, doesn't mean you weren't at a deficit.

    how do you measure the food after you eat it? I'm not sure there's a PG13 answer to that.

    I add things via memory, eyeballing what I have eaten. I would also like to point you to this http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/metabolism/thermodynamics-and-weight-loss/
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I add things via memory, eyeballing what I have eaten.

    If I hold a quarter up, it completely blocks it out, so I eyeball the moon to be the size of a quarter.

  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    some people do fantastic on paleo/low carb. other people do better with more carbs, and simply watching calories. Neither diet is harmful and it's worth giving them a try to see which suits you best! good luck :)
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    Hey everybody look! A squirrel! ========>>>>>>