What was the reason you decided to lose weight?



  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    I've been wanting to lose weight for a very, very long time..but I just couldn't ever seem to get in the right mindset to do anything about it, even after being hospitalized for a staph infection. Nothing seemed enough to get through to me.

    Then, in August of last year, I met someone who changed my life. He opened up my eyes and made me see that I wasn't living the life I wanted to, and I was letting so many opportunities pass me by, because of my weight.
    I realized that it was all up to me to make changes- I had the power to do so, so what was I waiting for?
    I want to be able to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way, I want to date, socialize, be happy. I know that losing weight won't solve all my problems, but it's a very good start!

    I truly believe this person was brought into my life to help me and I am determined and dedicated to reach my goal weight :)
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    The amazingly handsome little man on my ticker.

    He has cerebral palsy and there's a decent chance he'll need someone to care for most of his needs his entire life and I intend to be that someone for as long as I possibly can.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I had lost 110 lbs and was happy with my progress... so happy that I fell off track because I was too busy celebrating that weight loss. So I gained, gained, and gained... and now I'm back on track because I saw the number on the scale getting higher and higher.

    Also, my 4 year old also says he wants a big belly.... wtf.
  • My doctor gave me a choice....

    Lose weight or take diabetic medication for the rest (of your probably short) life....

    I invested money for a really nice road bike, and now have completed things I never would have thought possible for a 38 year old, overweight man. Last summer I completed a 100 mile race and look forward to doing it more this year!

    Although I will admit over the winter, I let all the hard work I accomplished go.... I'm so sad - but know what I have to do!

    Stay strong!
  • SophieB74656
    SophieB74656 Posts: 81 Member
    Mainly for me it is my family. Whenever i talk to anyone all they talk to me about is my weight. Any time I call, it's "how are you, have you lost any weight? you really need to loose weight"

    my grandma told me once when she was talking to an old friend of hers who asked about me, she said while laughing "yeah she asked about you, I told her she wouldn't believe how much weight you've gained"...

    of course now that they all know I'm trying to loose weight all they talk to me about is my progress..how many pounds did you loose this week

    and I want to have a baby
  • chandra38
    chandra38 Posts: 110 Member
    I suffered a terrible bout of depression last summer. I joined the gym in July, but didn't really see any movement on the scale until November. Apparently I had other underlying health issues that caused the depression, and weight to stay on. I'll be 40 next year, and I don't want to be fat and 40, I want to be fit and 40! I want to start hitting my bucket list goals of running a half marathon, wearing a cute black dress, and I want to play with my kids like they ask me to without feeling like I'm dying.

    I think the biggest thing I love about losing weight is the process of working out, it truly has helped me get through depression!
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    Three things

    My 9 year old is the most honest, nicest and my biggest cheerleader. I asked her one day "sweetheart does mommy look fat'? "Bless her heart she said "mom I don't want to answer that because i don't want to hurt your feelings". That's when I decided to lose the weight.

    The second reason is I am a very competitive person and my hubby and I used to see who could do the most pushups in 2 mins. When I was in the Army I use to be able to do at least 80 in 2 mins, now I am out of breath at 10 in 2 mins!

    I want my sexy back
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    One morning I was going to put my riding boots on and when I got done putting one of them on... I was panting like I ran a 5K, and the crazy thing is, they have zippers! That was it, I couldn't take anymore. I started surfing for fitness sites and bam! I ended up here.
    It is great now, I have lost a little over 25 lbs all together and have begun taking Karate and walking with my best buddy Molokia (he likes it too and has lost some of his fat).
    Thanks to y'all for keeping me going and giving me inspiration!

    Socks / BC
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 468 Member
    hmmmm....I love this thread for me:

    1) for myself, I just feel good about myself and what I had let myself become
    2) My kids, I wanted to show them the importance of eating better and working out
    3) My boyfriend, though he has told me over and over he fell in love with me the way that I am, he deserves me to be healthy and hot.
    4) If I get married again, I want to be able to be comfortable trying on dresses and not feel fat!
  • jobryan4
    jobryan4 Posts: 138 Member
    The reason I decided to lose the weight is my children. I want them to have healthy, active lifestyles and I don't want to be on the sidelines watching. I've forced myself to participate in some activities in the past (swim parties, scuba diving) because I refused to let my size determine what I did but I will love to be able to fully enjoy these activities once I'm at my goal.

    The reason I STARTED the journey is because I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes last May. I knew that pre-diabetes and eventually diabetes was in the future if I didn't change. It's so much easier to stay focused on health when you are growing a fetus and that got me past most of the adjustment phase. After birth my glucose levels were fine but then I started to see some unhealthy habits creep back in (and the scale go up in response) and I decided I was ready to make the permanent lifestyle change! So happy I did!
  • majik0516
    majik0516 Posts: 52 Member
    1. I got sick of feeling tired all the time.
    2. I hate the way I look in my clothes, tired of crying in the fitting room when the size I thought I was don't fit and I need to get a bigger size.
    3. I feel like a failure when my 4yr old daughter tells me "mommy, I love you even though your fat"
    4. I want to be able to do things with her without getting out of breath or wondering how hard will it be for me to get up off the floor when we are done playing.

    I am thankful for MFP and its members for being so supportive and I know I will be able to do it this time. Thank you all!! :drinker:
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member
    After a nasty car accident (too many years ago to continue accepting the blame for my current state) I ended up with a bazillion broken bones and a head injury. I can't became part of my mantra and in no time I went from a competitive dancer & rugby player to sloth. I was no where near the person my husband had married.

    In 2010, I got a medical diagnosis that, while related to my original head injury in the car accident, wasn't impacted by my weight. What I realized at that time was that I was still traumatized by the accident and allowing it to control my life. So I decided to take back as much control as I could. Which meant losing 65 lbs between Jan/Feb 2010 and April 2011. I went from obese to overweight and started maintaining at this new weight at that time. After managing to keep it off for 6 months, I started back on the weightloss wagon this winter (Jan/Feb 2012).

    NOTE: I do see the irony in getting injured on the pitch and picking myself up to play again and again whilst allowing a car accident a few years later become my excuse for not trying...
  • msjta
    msjta Posts: 51
    I vow not to be 50 and fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the bottom line
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    I've had several breaking points really haha.

    2006 I broke up with my bf of 3 years and I wanted to lose weight to attract the opposite sex more. Lost 30lbs. (I had about 145lbs to lose at that stage)

    2008 I met my now husband and he made me want to be a better person so I lost about 15-20lbs. (Now have about 125lbs to lose)

    2011 I lost about 30-40lbs in contemplation of my wedding. Gained it all back plus 5lbs when my grandma died and my father in law died all within a month of each other and during my wedding month.

    2012 End of February - I am now on a path to lose weight because we want to start trying for kids in a year and a half from now. I keep thinking about it and how much I want to have kids and how much he does too. We talk about our future kids all the time as if they actually exist. I don't want to be so overweight during my pregnancy and I also don't want to teach my children bad habits. I've lost another 6lbs and now I have 107lbs to lose to get to my goal for next May 2013 and 131lbs to my overall goal weight.
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    Hot pants.

    Hell ya I want to wear that some day!
  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153
    For me it was getting diagnosed with colitis... then I actually paid attention to what I ate and how much it hurt my body to eat those kinds of things.

    Second it was not being able to wear a two piece in front of all my friends, I was always the one that was wearing a one piece (so automatically that's the "fat" girl because she can't wear a two piece) and I wouldn't ever want to go out in the summer and go to the pool or go on my friends boat because I was too embarrassed to be seen. So in a couple of months I am going to vegas and I would love to bring pictures back of me rocking a two piece!
  • Candi8099
    Candi8099 Posts: 178 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS ON 19 POUNDS! That is really great!!!
    (Great topic as well!!)

    I have two main reasons (other than being healthy for my children & I):

    1. I divorced a couple years ago & I have met someone younger who is SMOKIN' hot.....he looks PHENOMENAL in his affliction board shorts that I bought him & I would LOVE to stand by his side in a sinful bathing suit. (If there is anyone out there that has had a cesarean & has been successful with tightening up their tummy please feel free to add me because I know that will be tough to do & could use some inspiration, ideas, etc).

    2. We have been together for 3 years now & we would like to have children some day. Only problem....I had a tubal ligation when my daughter was born so I made the decision to first quit smoking; that was Nov 2011. Now that I have gotten that under my belt I decided that I really should bring my BMI down to a healthy normal number to have better chances at a successful tubal reversal surgery. (which is scheduled for June 2012).
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    The reason I decided a year and a half ago was that I knew my summer clothes weren't going to fit. Then I got a different job, moved and put it off and put it off. My sister posted some pictures of our family Christmas on Facebook and tagged me in the ones I was in - I was embarrassed! I untagged right away. I didn't realize that when I'm sitting, I have gotten to the point where I look like there is an inner tube of fat around my waist. Yuck. :(

    So I took some time and thought about it... looking at my 15 year old daughter wearingh a size 3 and thinking, wow, in high school I was the exact same height and weight as she is right now... what happened?? I realized I needed to do something ASAP!

    I ordered Turbo Fire and started logging in here. It is good to have the motivation and inspiration on here - I feel like I"m not doing this alone!!

    My goal is that by my birthday in August, I will have a very noticeable change in my body :)
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
    How are you doing with your treatment of pseudotumor cerebri? I was just diagnosed last week. The headaches were horrible (brought tears to my eyes), sore neck, and visual impairment. My neurologist also told me to lose weight.