Bikini Requirements

Just out of curiosity, in your opinion when does it become acceptable for a lady to bare her stomach and wear a bikini? I'm going on a cruise to Australia in November and I want to wear one but I don't want to look like a fool. I know a lot of people are going to say to wear it if you want and are comfortable in it, but I *do* want to look good in it, not just wear it for the sake of wearing it. I've lost 45 pounds so far but I have 35 more to go to reach my supposed "ideal" based on my BMI. So what do I need to accomplish in order for it to look good or at least okay?


  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Do you think you look good in it? If you do, then wear it. I think that's the most important.
  • cbenzerga
    cbenzerga Posts: 65 Member
    Do you think you look good in it? If you do, then wear it. I think that's the most important.

    What she said! For me it's all about the tummy and behind...but thats just me, you can always take both and little cover up..and then just base it off other ppl on your trip,, you know what they say "when in Rome" and all that, if other ppl your size are doing it too, you'll feel more comfortable, and if there not, still do what YOU like..but if you are worried about other ppl just go off what there doing on the trip, you get my drift.
  • heleflump
    heleflump Posts: 57
    When there is no chance of meeting anyone I know!!

    Seriously, anyone can where a bikini if they want to - blimey - if it were a rule that only those with washboard stomachs and gazelle like legs (not four obviously!) could wear them - hardly anyone would be entitled.

    If you are happy and proud and it enhances your holiday go for it! You've worked really hard to lose an incredible amount of weight - throw caution to the wind and bare that tum!

    Have a lovely holiday by the way! :happy:
  • marasw
    marasw Posts: 75 Member
    I'm not sure I'm a good judge of that because I don't think I look good in anything...
  • heleflump
    heleflump Posts: 57
    Judging by your profile pic you have absolutely nothing to worry about! You will look fab. What is important is that you have a fantastic holiday - it sounds like it is going to be amazing - we work hard for our holidays and it is important we get as much out of them as possible and as I said before, if wearing a bikini makes it great - go for it, but if wearing a bikini is going to mean that you are constantly worrying and fretting then that will detract from your holiday which would be a shame.

    At the end of the day it doesn't matter a jot what anyone else thinks or says - I'd say you could wear one - no problem - but it's got to be something you feel happy with.

    (Go for it - what do you have to lose?? :flowerforyou: )
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Judging by your profile pic you have absolutely nothing to worry about! You will look fab. What is important is that you have a fantastic holiday - it sounds like it is going to be amazing - we work hard for our holidays and it is important we get as much out of them as possible and as I said before, if wearing a bikini makes it great - go for it, but if wearing a bikini is going to mean that you are constantly worrying and fretting then that will detract from your holiday which would be a shame.

    At the end of the day it doesn't matter a jot what anyone else thinks or says - I'd say you could wear one - no problem - but it's got to be something you feel happy with.

    (Go for it - what do you have to lose?? :flowerforyou: )

    What she said.
  • Miriai
    Miriai Posts: 34 Member
    I always wonder the same thing. I have my bf telling me I look awesome in it and my best friend telling me I haven't lost enough for it (plus she hates bikinis) So I always wonder where is the acceptable norm?
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I'm not sure I'm a good judge of that because I don't think I look good in anything...

    In this case, no amount of weightloss will help. Confidence is internal.