

  • sheaz85
    sheaz85 Posts: 56 Member
    This always confuses me.
    Unless you are in a competition with him. In which case I understand. But otherwise what does some number for him have to do with the number you have? I suspect you don't weigh the same as he does.

    Hmm, that may sound harsh, it isn't meant to be. What I am trying to say is that you aren't in a competition with him. Or anyone for that matter. Cheer him on, take joy in it. His losing weight does not take away from your loss. If you lost 2 lbs and he lost 1lb, would he feel the same? I hope not.

    Enjoy that you have earned each oz that you loose. No one can take that away from you.

    We don't weight the same, i do weigh less but it's just even as a % i'm going so much slower than he is :)
  • wvtracyann
    wvtracyann Posts: 106 Member
    I feel your pain my Husbad is small we are both 5'4 but I have main weighed 150 were he has always been like 134 and can eat anything he wants. I hate that have to watch everything that I eat and work my butt of to lose a pound a week while he eats Mcdonald's and does nothing special to stay the same weight!
  • amandacarlsen
    I deffinitly feel your frustration on this topic! My fiance and I are trying to get into shape, we have both made some lifestyle changes (me much more than him) and within the last month he has lost a little over 10 pounds and I have gained 3! It's very discouraging and I myself am having a hard time keeping my motivation up so if you find a good way to keep up the hard work no matter how discouraging it gets let me know how you do it! :smile:
  • sschmidt928
    sschmidt928 Posts: 39 Member
    Hang in there, girl. My hubs is the saaaaaaame way. The man can drop pounds almost by looking at lettuce, and I fight for every pound down. But you know what, that man is hanging by my side cheering on every victory no matter how small. He'll slow down his runs to stay beside me, then head on out alone after I'm done (which is totally OK by me, btw). I hope your guy is the same way.
    You are doing something good for you, so don't let those numbers bother you. You WILL see a difference - just stick with it.
  • katherinewaters84
    Dont be flusterated... It is a guy thang.... thay loose quicker and easier than we do ... just isnt far !!
  • sthrnspirit
    Ladies, men lose weight lots faster. Completely different muscle/fat build. Do not get frustrated. You are doing a fabulous job! Keep up the good work!
  • ckdub428
    ckdub428 Posts: 453 Member
    pretend its the Biggest Loser and don't look at numbers. Look at percentage. you don't weigh the same so he's going to lose "more" some weeks.

    Also I find that my husband loses faster, but I lose more consistently.

    Just keep going!!!
  • Tlively13
    Tlively13 Posts: 57 Member
    Men have a higher metabolism rate than women, so therefore they will loose faster in comparision. Maybe you should compare bmi instead of pound per pound..
  • laurenmeyerherr
    Thank you for that. I have been at this (without cheating!!) for 18 days and I've lost only a single sad little pound. I want to see more for my effort. I'm convinced there is a formula for this and I just haven't found it yet - and each person is different. Everyone can't lose weight using the 1200 calorie benchmark - that's vanilla in a world of 31 flavors.
  • Shamrock_me
    Shamrock_me Posts: 161
    I totally get what you are saying - but have you made sure that *you* are eating enough? Every now and then as I go along, get more active with the weather being warmer here, working on house projects, etc, that my caloric needs aren't the same as they were say mid-winter stuck indoors at a desk all day at work, but I'm still eating 1200 calories and that isn't enough.
    If you're not taking in enough calories, your body conserves them because it is in starvation mode.
    I had a week of no weight loss, not an ounce, tacked on 200 more calories and lost 2lbs in 4 days.
    The more active you are... the more you need to eat to lose weight.
    The better I eat the more weight I lose. There's a difference between 200 calories of chicken, veggies, fruits than a 200 calories of ice cream.
    Take a few days and add in some good calories while monitoring your weight.
    Also, when do you weigh in? Water weight is a real problem for me so I weigh in at morning when its low. Sometimes we retain 2-7 lbs of water weight alone at the end of the day. And weighing in at morning time is like a little pick me up. I call it 'false bouyancy' but if it makes me feel better about my effort so be it. Keep trying and Stay Positive!!!!
    ~~~Good Luck!! :flowerforyou: